1. Determine your career goals

What are you genuinely interested in? How would you like to blend your interests with a paying job?

Choose a field and research it; look at entry-level roles, requirements, and salaries. Remember, if you have limited experience or a shifting careers, you're unlikely to earn a high salary straight away.

2. Find a Skills Bootcamp

Check out the programmes we offer. Which one(s) suit your interests?

3. Check the course content

Compare the curriculum of your chosen Skills Bootcamp(s) to requirements for entry-level roles you'd like to have. Which programme(s) can best help you prepare for those vacancies?

Pay particular attention to specific software — e.g., Microsoft, Google, or Amazon (AWS).

4. Check the schedule

Our Skills Bootcamps are 100% remote, with flexible self-study requirements. Online Technical Training takes one day a week, so make sure you can commit the necessary time and effort.

5. Watch the webinar

At Firebrand, we're constantly refining our programmes to ensure they reflect the rapidly-changing tech industry. To know exactly what we offer when you're ready to apply, and the best way to go about it, watch our webinar.

6. Get in touch

Ready to express interest? Contact us via this form.