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MOC 80312 - Development III in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
- Create a test case.
- Add methods to a test case.
- Run a test case.
- Build a test project and suite.
- Isolate test cases appropriately.
- Explain the MorphX development environment and the Application Object Tree
- Program optimal database access using a "while select" statement.
- Program optimal database access using queries.
- Describe the caching mechanisms in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
- Prevent and resolve database locking.
- Use temporary tables in classes, forms, and reports.
- List the reasons for using InitFrom methods.
- Use ParmId and ParmTables.
- Discuss date effectiveness and describe how to build date effective forms.
- Add a computed column to a view.
- Employ the various techniques available for integrating external data with Microsoft Dynamics AX.
- Use collection classes to store data in X++.
- List which application objects control different Graphical User Interface (GUI) components.
- Modify and use the Application Substituted Kernel Classes.
- Extend the RunBase framework to create new batch processes.
- Transfer information using the Args object.
- Identify the main sections that make up a form.
- Add data sources to a form to define what data is displayed by the form.
- Add controls to a form to display data.
- Modify form methods to the control how the form behaves when it opens and closes.
- Make decisions about where to place the code.
- Make runtime modification of the fetch of data.
- Explore the Application Object Tree (AOT) from Visual Studio.
- Create a project in Visual Studio.
- Write .NET managed code that uses X++ objects.
- Deploy managed code.
- Debug code using Visual Studio.
- Configure how the workflow engine is executed on a server.
- Specify which application module a workflow is applicable to using a workflow category.
- Link tables to workflows using a query.
- Create a new workflow type.
- Apply a workflow to a form.
- Define what happens when the workflow is approved or denied.
- Create Event Handlers and apply them to a workflow.
- Configure a workflow.
MOC 80313 - Development IV in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Module 1: Number Sequences
Learn how to perform customizations using the number sequence framework.
- Introduction
- Set Up and Administration
- Extensibility Scenarios
- Using Number Sequences in Forms
Lab: 1.1 Implement a New Number Sequence/
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the features of number sequences in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
- Describe the steps for setting up and administering a number sequence.
- Develop new number sequences by extending the NumberSeqApplicationModule class.
- Use the Form Handler to create number sequences in a form.
Module 2: Framework Features
In this module, you’ll learn to describe frameworks, subsystems and features in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
- Introduction
- Event Handlers for Customization
- Integration with Microsoft Dynamics AX
- Interop to X++
- Interop from X++
- Deploy .NET Assemblies for Interop
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the concept of events and how they can be used in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
- Describe the various methods for integrating with Microsoft Dynamics AX.
- Describe the various types of services available in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
- Use a proxy class for .NET interop to X++.
- Access managed assemblies from X++.
- Explain how .NET Framework assemblies are deployed.
Module 3: Application Foundation Features
There are many application foundation features in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This module introduces you to several of these features.
- Introduction
- Global Address Book
- Extensible Data Security Policy Framework
- Financial Dimension Framework
- Organization Model Framework
- Case Management Framework
- Policy Framework
Lab: 3.1 Extensible Data Security Policies
Lab: 3.2 Extend Case Management
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe how to set up and use the Global Address Book.
- Review the data model and classes for the Global Address Book framework.
- Create a new entity for the Global Address Book.
- Modify the Extensible Data Security policy for the new Global Address Book entity.
- Retrieve an address from the Global Address Book on a transaction.
- Describe how extensible data security policies can be used to help secure your data.
- Create and use extensible data security policies.
- Describe how financial dimensions are used.
- Describe the various types of organizations available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
- Describe how the organization model is used throughout the system.
- Create a custom operating unit, and organization type.
- Describe how cases are used in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
- Create a new case association type.
- Add case management to a form.
- Explain how policy rules are used.
- Review the data model for the policies framework.
- Create a new policy type and policy rule.
Module 4: Use and Design of the Ledger Module
Describe a series of tasks that show the functionality used in the General Ledger, Budgeting, and Fixed Assets modules.
- Introduction
- General Ledger Overview
- Chart of Accounts
- Journals and Transactions
- Budgeting Overview
- Fixed Asset Overview
Lab: 4.1 Create a System-Defined Dimension
Lab: 4.2 Import Ledger Transactions
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe currencies, exchange rates, fiscal calendars, and periods.
- Describe the components that comprise the chart of accounts.
- Review the steps for adding financial dimension controls to a form.
- Create a new system-defined dimension.
- Describe how journals and transactions are used to update the general ledger.
- Describe how the Budgeting module is used.
- Review the data model and key classes used for budgeting and budget checking.
- Describe how the Fixed Assets module is used.
- Review the data model for Fixed Assets.
Module 5: Use and Design of the Product Information Management Module
This module highlights the new patterns used to represent item-product master data.
- Introduction
- Products
- Inventory Dimensions
- Managing Inventory Policies
Lab: 5.1 Product Information Management Workshop
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe how products are set up, released, and finalized.
- Describe how inventory dimensions and groups are used to manage product information.
- Review the data model for inventory dimensions.
Module 6: Use and Design of the Inventory and Warehouse Management Module
Learn the functionality offered by the Inventory and Warehouse Management module by describing a series of tasks that are performed by using the module.
- Introduction
- Reservations and Marking
- Inquiries and Transactions
- Inventory Journals
- Quarantine and Quality Management
- Other Functionality
Lab: 6.1 Import Beginning Balances
Lab: 6.2 Inventory Blocking
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe how reservations and marking are used in the system.
- Review the inventory transactions and on hand inquiries.
- Describe the data model for inventory transactions and on hand inventory.
- Review the structure of the InventOnHand Class.
- Explain how inventory journals are used.
- Discuss the inventory journals data model and the structure of the InventJournalCheckPost classes.
- Describe how quarantine management and quality management are used in the system.
- Explain inventory blocking.
- Describe other functionality that is available in the Inventory and Warehouse Management module.
Module 7: Use and Design of the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
Review the functionality that is available for customers and vendors and the primary transactions that occur for each module.
- Introduction
- Customers
- Vendors
- Free Text Invoices
- Vendor Invoices
- Payments
- Collection and Interest
- Bills of Exchange
- Promissory Notes
Lab: 7.1 Export Vendor Payments
Lab: 7.2 Transfer Balances
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the activities and transactions that can be created for customers.
- Review the customer data model.
- Describe the activities and transactions that can be created for customers.
- Describe how free text invoices are used.
- Review the data model and framework that is used for processing free text invoices.
- Review the various ways that vendor invoices can be generated.
- Describe the set up that is required for payments and review the data model for payment set up.
- Describe how customer and vendor payments are made.
- Review the customer payment data model and discuss the framework that is used for making and generating payments.
- Describe how collections and interest notes are used.
- Review the data model and framework for interest notes.
- Describe the functionality that is available for bill of exchanges.
- Describe the functionality that is available for promissory notes.
Module 8: Use and Design of the Sales and Purchase Module
Get an introduction to the features in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 that support the sales and purchase processes, and review the data models and coding patterns for many of the features.
- Introduction
- Sales and Purchase Orders
- Agreements
- Charges
- FormLetter Framework
- Other Features
Lab: 8.1 Add a Field to the Sales Invoice
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Review the general features that are supported with sales and purchase orders.
- Describe how sales and purchase orders integrate with other modules
- Discuss the primary tables used in the purchase order flow.
- Describe how the PurchType, PurchLineType, and PurchTotals classes work.
- Describe how trade agreements are used and set up.
- Review the data model for trade agreements.
- Discuss how the trade agreement classes are used and can be extended.
- Describe how sales and purchase agreements are used and set up.
- Review the data model for sales and purchase agreements.
- Discuss how the sales and purchase agreement classes are used and can be extended.
- Describe how pricing policies are used.
- Describe how charges are used and set up.
- Review the data model for charges.
- Describe how the FormLetter framework is used.
- List the various documents that are processed through the FormLetter framework.
- Describe the data model for updating documents.
- Describe how the FormLetter classes relate to each other and generally work.
- Describe how to make modifications to the FormLetter framework.
- Describe the differences between the sales order and the sales quotation features, data model, and classes.
- Describe the differences between the purchase order and the request for quotation features, data model, and classes.
- Describe the differences between the purchase order and the purchase requisitions features, data model, and classes.
- Explain how to use and set up categories and category hierarchies.
- Review the data model for categories and category hierarchies.
Module 9: Use and Design of the Project Management and Accounting Module
This module introduces you to the Project management and Accounting module of Microsoft Dynamics AX.
- Introduction
- Projects
- Work Breakdown Structure
- Journals and Transactions
- Budgets and Forecasting
- Project Contracts
- Invoicing
- Estimates and Revenue Recognition
- Project Management and Accounting Add-In
Lab: 9.1 Warranty Item
Lab: 9.2 Put and Invoice Proposal on Hold
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe how projects are created, and the various types of projects that are available.
- Review the data model for projects.
- Discuss the significant classes that are used with projects.
- Describe how the work breakdown structure is used with projects and how the data model relates to the project data model.
- Discuss the transaction types that are used for journals in the Project management and Accounting module and how categories, pricing, and line properties control the posting of these transactions.
- Review the data model and the ProjTrans class hierarchy that is used for posting transactions against a project.
- Describe how budgeting and forecasting works with projects.
- Review the data model for budgets and forecasts.
- Describe how project contracts are used.
- Review the data model for project contracts.
- Describe how project invoice proposals and invoices are generated in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
- Review the data model and classes used for generating invoice proposals and invoices.
- Review how estimate projects and cost templates are used in the system.
- Describe the Project Management and Accounting Add-In.
Module 10: Use and Design of the Production Control Module
Discuss the major components of the Production Control module in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
- Introduction
- Bill of Materials
- Routes
- Production Orders
- Scheduling
- Planned Production Orders
- LEAN Manufacturing
- Process Industries
Lab: 10.1 Bill of Material
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Review the basics of bill of materials and the data model
- Introduce routes and operations.
- Describe the major features of production orders.
- Review scheduling methods, resources and jobs.
- Describe master planning and the planned production order journal model.
- Introduce lean manufacturing, Kanban, and production flow models.
- Review Process Industries in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Module 11: Workflow
This module introduces you to advanced development topics that explain how to implement line-item workflows, create workflow work item queues, create new workflow providers, implement currency support in the Condition Editor, and implement conditions on fields that represent hierarchies in the Condition Editor.
- Introduction
- Line-Item Workflows
- Workflow Providers
- Work Item Queues
- Currency in the Condition Editor
- Hierarchy Type Fields in the Condition Editor
Lab: 11.1 Workflow Workshop
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Implement a new line-item workflow.
- Review the workflow providers in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
- Create a custom workflow provider.
- Enable queues for a workflow document.
- Discuss how currency type fields function within the Condition Editor.
- Review the steps required to implement a new hierarchy type field to be used in the Condition Editor.
Module 12: Reporting
This module introduces you to the features of SSRS and shows how to create simple reports by using a query and an auto-design. In addition, a complex report using by the new report data provider framework in a precision design is reviewed.
- Introduction
- Reporting Features Overview
- Report Data Overview
- Creating Basic Reports from a Query
- Create a Precision Design Report from a Report Data Provider
- Manage Report Execution by Using X++
- Business Logic in Report Data Methods
- Print Management
Lab: 12.1 Report Workshop
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Explain the report capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
- Describe the key concepts involved when specifying data for your reports.
- Create a new query and then bind the query to a new SQL Server Reporting Services report together with an auto design.
- Add sorting, grouping, filters, and parameters to a report.
- Save, deploy, and view a report in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
- Discuss the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.
- Define the report dataset.
- Create a temporary table to store the report dataset.
- Manage report parameters in a data contract class in X++.
- Create a report data provider (RDP) class.
- Work with report precision design.
- Explain how to print a report, set the print settings, prevent the display of print setup, set the query range, and set a report parameter value in X++.
- Review how reports bound to a report data method can contain business logic to access data.
- Describe the components of print management and the steps that are used to implement each component of print management.
Hva Inngår?
Firebrand Training tilbyr akselererte kursprogram som inkluderer alt, er enkelt for kunden og er utviklet med fokus på de spesifikke behov som våre deltagere har. Vi sikrer at alle detaljer vil bli tatt hånd om slik at du helt kan fokusere på dine kunnskapsmål.
Våre kurs- og sertifiseringsprogram inkluderer alt med:
- Praktisk orientert utdanning som bruker vår unike metodikk (Presentasjon |Øving |Diskusjon).
- Omfattende kursmateriale og laboratoriemanualer – vi utvikler tradisjonelt kursmateriale for å imøtekomme de spesifikke kravene som intensiv læring stiller. Følgende kursmateriale fra Microsoft inkluderer:
- Development III in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (MOC 80312)
- Development IV in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (MOC 80313)
- Et komplett kurs ledet av instruktører der du får tilgang til komfortable klasserom, labutstyr og oppholdsrom.
- Kost og losji, samt tilgang til kaffe, te, frukt og snacks under hele kurset.
- Transport til og fra nærmeste flyplass/ togstasjon før og etter gjennomført kurs.
Kjennskap til Dynamics AX 2009, samt kjennskap til Dynamics AX 2012 utviklingsmiljøet.
Hva Er Inkluderet
Ditt akselererte kurs inkluderer:
- Overnattinger *
- Måltider, ubegrensede snacks, drikkevarer, te og kaffe *
- On-site eksamener **
- Eksamensvouchere **
- Øvelsestester **
- Sertifiseringsgaranti ***
- Kursmateriale
- Opptil 12 timers instruktørledet undervisning hver dag
- 24-timers laboratorieadgang
- Digitalt kursmateriale **
* Gjelder kun for internatkurs. Overnattinger er inkludert fra natten før kursstart. Dette gjelder ikke for nettkurs.
** Noen unntak gjelder. Se eksamenssporet eller snakk med våre eksperter.
*** Bestå første gang eller ta kurset på nytt gratis så mange ganger som nødvendig, ubegrenset i 1 år. Betal kun for overnattinger, eksamener og eventuelle kostnader.
Sju grunner til å ta kurset ditt med Firebrand Training
- To treningsalternativer. Velg mellom internatkurs eller nettkurs.
- Du blir sertifisert raskt. Hos oss blir du trent på rekordtid.
- Vårt kurs er alt inkludert. Én fast pris dekker alt kursmateriell, eksamener**, overnattinger* og måltider*. Ingen skjulte kostnader.
- Bestå første gang eller tren igjen gratis. Dette er vår garanti. Vi er sikre på at du består kurset ditt første gang. Hvis ikke, kan du komme tilbake innen ett år og kun betale for overnattinger, eksamener og tilfeldige kostnader.
- Du vil lære mer. En dag hos en tradisjonell treningsleverandør varer vanligvis fra kl. 9 til 17, med en lang lunsjpause. Med Firebrand Training får du minst 12 timer per dag med kvalitetslæring med din instruktør.
- Du vil lære raskere. Sjansene er at du har en annen læringsstil enn de rundt deg. Vi kombinerer visuelle, auditive og taktile stiler for å levere materialet på en måte som sikrer at du lærer raskere og lettere.
- Du vil studere med de beste. Vi har blitt kåret til en av Training Industry's "Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year" hvert år siden 2010. I tillegg til å vinne mange flere priser, har vi trent og sertifisert over 135.000 profesjonelle.
* Gjelder kun for internatkurs. Gjelder ikke for nettkurs.
** Noen unntak gjelder. Se eksamenssporet eller snakk med våre eksperter.
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