From 7 days
21-05-2025 (onsdag)
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Dynamics CRM 2016 Online deployment
The course begins with an overview of Office 365 and the services provided by Office 365 including Dynamics CRM Online. The different methods for accessing Dynamics CRM Online are explained along with hardware and software requirements for the browser, Outlook and native app clients. The License and Subscription model for Dynamics CRM Online is explained.
Planning the deployment of Dynamics CRM Online is then covered. This involves understanding of the Office 365 Administration portal and how Office 365 is used to manage Dynamics CRM Online users, licenses and storage. Security is explained along with how to implement Single Sign On by federating local active directory domain with Office 365.
The different options for importing data are explained including the new bulk import tool.
The course then focuses on managing Dynamics CRM Online instances; both sandbox and production. This involves how to manage storage between instances and how to apply updates. The various options in copying and resetting instances are explained and how you would use multiple instances in ongoing developing and testing. The course then goes on to consider multi-country deployments and the implications of single vs multiple tenants.
Office 365 has a number of services which can enhance the experience of Dynamics CRM Online users. These other services such as Yammer, SharePoint Online, OneNote, Skype for Business and OneDrive are explored. Other more deeply integrated services; Social Engagement, Microsoft Dynamics Marketing and Office 365 groups are examined. How to enable these services and enable their integration is a key topic in this course.
How to install and manage the various clients for Dynamics CRM Online including Outlook and the native apps for phones and tables is the next major topic of this course. This involves how to enable functionality such as entities and dashboards for the mobile clients as well as the functionality for working offline.Handling email, appointments, contacts and tasks is a major requirement for CRM users. The course will explain the different methods for synchronising these between CRM Online and the various clients.
The course shows how to manage the Outlook and mobile clients for Dynamics CRM Online and the different methods to configure synchronisation of email, contacts and appointments.The course will then cover how to monitor and manage your CRM Online system using the built in tools. The course will also show you how to diagnose issues with client connectivity and how to use the diagnostic tools provided by Microsoft and how to interact with Microsoft support and provide the information Microsoft will require for any support issues.
Customising Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online is the final topic and focuses on basic field, form, view and dashboard customisation techniques.
Dynamics CRM 2016 Sales
This course describes the features of Dynamics CRM 2016 Sales functionality.The course covers provides information about various business scenarios and how sales functionality can be employed within different organisations.
The course describes lead and opportunity management, the product catalog, sales transaction processing, goal management, and sales analysis.The course then looks at mobile working and the various tools and Apps provided by Microsoft and how these work in Sales organisations.
The course finally investigates at how Office 365 and associated services such as Yammer, SharePoint, Office Groups, One Note and Skype for Business can be configured for use with Dynamics CRM Online.
You'll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training Centre, covered by your Certification Guarantee:
- MB2-710 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Online Deployment
- MB2-713 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Sales
Vad ingår?
Firebrand Training offers top-quality technical education and certification training in an all-inclusive course package specifically designed for the needs and ease of our students. We attend to every detail so our students can focus solely on their studies and certification goals.
Our Certification Programmes include:
- Intensive Hands-on Training Utilising our (Lecture | Lab | Review)TM Delivery
- Comprehensive Study Materials, Program Courseware and Self-Testing Software including MeasureUp
- Fully instructor-led program with 24 hour lab access
- Examination vouchers
- On site testing
- Accommodation, all meals, unlimited beverages, snacks and tea / coffee
- Transportation to/from designated local railway stations
- Examination Passing Policy
Our instructors teach to accommodate every student's learning needs through individualised instruction, hands-on labs, lab partner and group exercises, independent study, self-testing, and question/answer drills.
Firebrand Training has dedicated, well-equipped educational facilities where you will attend instruction and labs and have access to comfortable study and lounging rooms. Our students consistently say our facilities are second-to-none.
Firebrand recommend you have:
- A working knowledge of Dynamics CRM 2011 or later versions
- Understanding of Sales Processes within businesses
Experience in:
- Office 365 Administration
- Microsoft Office Outlook
- Customising Dynamics CRM or have previously attended the Customisation course
Vad Ingår
Ditt accelererade kurs inkluderar:
- Övernattningar *
- Måltider, obegränsade snacks, drycker, te och kaffe *
- On-site tentor **
- Examenskuponger **
- Övningsprov **
- Certifieringsgaranti ***
- Kursmaterial
- Upp till 12 timmars instruktörledd undervisning varje dag
- 24-timmars laboratorieåtkomst
- Digitalt kursmaterial **
* Gäller endast för internatkurser. Övernattningar ingår från natten före kursstart. Detta gäller inte för onlinekurser.
** Vissa undantag gäller. Se examenspåret eller tala med våra experter.
*** Klara första gången eller gå kursen igen gratis så många gånger som behövs, obegränsat i 1 år. Betala endast för övernattningar, tentor och eventuella kostnader.
Sju skäl till varför du bör gå din kurs med Firebrand Training
- Två utbildningsalternativ. Välj mellan internatkurser eller onlinekurser.
- Du blir certifierad snabbt. Med oss blir du utbildad på rekordtid.
- Vår kurs är allt inkluderat. En engångsavgift täcker allt kursmaterial, tentor**, övernattningar* och måltider*. Inga dolda kostnader.
- Klara första gången eller utbilda dig igen gratis. Detta är vår garanti. Vi är säkra på att du klarar din kurs första gången. Om inte, kom tillbaka inom ett år och betala endast för övernattningar, tentor och tillkommande kostnader.
- Du kommer att lära dig mer. En dag med en traditionell utbildningsleverantör varar normalt från kl. 9 till 17, med en lång lunchpaus. Med Firebrand Training får du minst 12 timmars kvalitetstid per dag med din instruktör.
- Du kommer att lära dig snabbare. Troligtvis har du en annan inlärningsstil än de runt dig. Vi kombinerar visuella, auditiva och taktila stilar för att leverera materialet på ett sätt som säkerställer att du lär dig snabbare och lättare.
- Du kommer att studera med de bästa. Vi har blivit namngivna i Training Industrys "Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year" varje år sedan 2010. Förutom att ha vunnit många fler utmärkelser har vi utbildat och certifierat över 135 000 yrkesverksamma.
* Gäller endast för internatkurser. Gäller inte för onlinekurser.
** Vissa undantag gäller. Se examenspåret eller tala med våra experte
Förfrågan om datum
Tyvärr, det finns för närvarande inga datum tillgängliga för den här kursen. Skicka gärna in en förfrågan så kommer någon i vårt team att kontakta dig angående eventuella framtida datum eller alternativa alternativ.
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