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MOD Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC / ELCAS) funding

The MOD's Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC / ELCAS) scheme promotes lifelong learning amongst members of the Armed Forces. You can use ELC / ELCAS funding to pay for your Firebrand course. As per Joint Service Publications (JSP) 822, ELC / ELCAS funding doesn't cover course materials, accommodation and meals - which the student is responsible for paying for.

Funding Support for Redundancy

If you are recently made redundant you may be eligible for Government funding, through the Department of Work and Pensions. Contact your local JobCentre Plus and discuss your training requirements with a member of the Rapid Response Team.

Train to Gain

Train to Gain has been discontinued, but in some parts of the UK there are similar opportunities:

Business Link

The free local business support service, Business Link, has a Grants and Support Directory available for those looking to help fund many aspects of running your business, including training.

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