
LinkedIn poll — 1 in 3 companies unprepared for 2023

This autumn, we ran a short LinkedIn poll to investigate how companies plan staff training for next year. The results were very interesting!

"Are you working on your training plan for 2023?"

  • 71% of companies said they were doing it, either as a 'work in progress' (62%) or, for 9%, 'all signed off'
  • 13% said 'No, but starting soon'
  • while 15% said, quite frankly, 'No, (panic stations!)'

This shows that nearly 1 in 3 companies are stepping into the new year without proper planning for staff training. Given how busy Quarter 4 is, it would be safe to assume that some never did get round to it, leading to inefficient training and misspent or wasted budgets.

Don't let your business be one of them. At Firebrand, we offer a variety of training options, from the comprehensive Passport to Government-funded schemes such as Apprenticeships and Skills Bootcamps with key players in the tech space. Perhaps one of them is right for you?

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