Looking for Global training? Go to https://firebrand.training/en or stay on the current site (Sverige)
You'll cover the following topics based on the PMI-RMP Risk Management framework:
This accelerated course will prepare you to sit your PMI-RMP exam; the exam is not included. To sit your PMI-RMP exam you will need to contact PMI or your local Prometric Testing Centre.
You will be required to meet the following prerequisites:
Vi intervjuar alla potentiella deltagare om deras bakgrund, utbildning, certifiering och personliga inställning. Om du kommer igenom denna process så har du riktigt goda möjligheter att klara din certifiering.
Firebrand Training erbjuder en ambitiös utbildningsmiljö som förutsätter att du verkligen dedikerar dig till kursen. Ovanstående förkunskaper är endast vägledande, många deltagare med mindre erfarenhet men med en annan bakgrund eller kunskap har framgångsrikt genomfört sin utbildning hos Firebrand Training.
Om du funderar på huruvida du uppfyller rekommenderade förkunskaper vänligen ring oss på (0)8 44 68 27 85 och prata med en av våra utbildningsrådgivare som kan hjälpa dig.
Här är Firebrand Training recension avsnittet. Sedan 2001 har vi utbildat exakt 134.561 studenter och proffs och bett dem alla att recensera vår Accelerated Learning. För närvarande har, 94,94% sagt att Firebrand överträffade deras förväntningar.
Läs recensioner från avslutade accelereradekurser nedan eller besök Firebrand Stories för skriftliga och videointervjuer med våra tidigare alumni.
"The trainer had an easy, friendly manner of teaching using relevant anecdotes and alternative methods to illustrating the learning points."
Paul Kelly, Sony Europe. (24/2/2021 (Onsdag) till 26/2/2021 (Fredag))
"The trainer had an easy, friendly manner of teaching using relevant anecdotes and alternative methods to illustrating the learning points."
Paul Kelly, Sony Europe. (24/2/2021 (Onsdag) till 26/2/2021 (Fredag))
"The training was excellent. The instructor did a great job at keeping us all interested throughout the 5 days. The balance of presentation/practice questions/group activities was spot on. The practice questions Jack had generated were harder than those in the exam but I think this was really good as the more challenging questions encouraged us on to study hard and prompted us to refer to the course materials which helped reinforce what we were learning. I really appreciated that on the last day the instructor ran through some easier questions just before the exam, this gave everyone some confidence and put us in a positive frame of mind ready for the exam. The instructor is a credit to Firebrand and I could not have asked for a better trainer. In addition to providing an exceptional level of training, his warm personality and great sense of humour helped make the week a really positive and enjoyable experience. His strong interpersonal skills really helped in keeping everyone calm and engaged in an intense environment. Overall brilliant experience!"
Alexandra Binge, Lonza. (22/4/2024 (Måndag) till 26/4/2024 (Fredag))
"The training was excellent. The instructor did a great job at keeping us all interested throughout the 5 days. The balance of presentation/practice questions/group activities was spot on. The practice questions Jack had generated were harder than those in the exam but I think this was really good as the more challenging questions encouraged us on to study hard and prompted us to refer to the course materials which helped reinforce what we were learning. I really appreciated that on the last day the instructor ran through some easier questions just before the exam, this gave everyone some confidence and put us in a positive frame of mind ready for the exam. The instructor is a credit to Firebrand and I could not have asked for a better trainer. In addition to providing an exceptional level of training, his warm personality and great sense of humour helped make the week a really positive and enjoyable experience. His strong interpersonal skills really helped in keeping everyone calm and engaged in an intense environment. Overall brilliant experience!"
Alexandra Binge, Lonza. (22/4/2024 (Måndag) till 26/4/2024 (Fredag))
"Our Firebrand trainer made our week residential at Cranfield delightful. The course was delivered very professionally and I learnt so much in such a short space of time. PMP Quiz night was a good laugh too. The venue was 1st Class with amazing food throughout the week I really mean it. Thank you to our trainer & Firebrand."
Reaz Ahmed, Cyber Security. (22/4/2024 (Måndag) till 26/4/2024 (Fredag))
Startar |
Slutar |
Tillgänglighet |
Plats |
Registrera |
26/8/2024 (Måndag) |
28/8/2024 (Onsdag) |
Avslutad - Lämna feedback |
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10/2/2025 (Måndag) |
12/2/2025 (Onsdag) |
Begränsat antal platser |
Rikstäckande |
24/3/2025 (Måndag) |
26/3/2025 (Onsdag) |
Platser tillgängliga |
Rikstäckande |
5/5/2025 (Måndag) |
7/5/2025 (Onsdag) |
Platser tillgängliga |
Rikstäckande |
16/6/2025 (Måndag) |
18/6/2025 (Onsdag) |
Platser tillgängliga |
Rikstäckande |