Microsoft - Dynamics AX 2012 Manufacturing, Production & Logistics



Bara 6 dagar



Klassrum / Uppkopplad / Hybrid

Nästa datum

Nästa datum:

30/9/2024 (Måndag)

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The course includes 4 x Microsoft Official Curriculum. You will learn the following:

MOC 80314 - Discrete Manufacturing Basics in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

  • Describe the Production control module's main conceptual building blocks
  • Describe the interconnectivity between the Production control module and other modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
  • Define production orders and name the status changes as it passes through the production life cycle
  • Define the main elements that are setup and used when a legal entity legal entity works with a variety of production sites distributed over different geographic locations
  • Describe three companies in which production sites, conditions, and processes vary by multisite functionality
  • Provide a brief description of general improvements to the Production control module, including filtering and the Gantt Chart
  • Describe the main types of Bill of materials (BOM) and define BOM levels, components and lines
  • Define the creation of BOM versions and describe BOM version control methods
  • Describe the overall process of creating BOMs in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
  • Describe how to create BOMs not yet associated with an item
  • Describe how to create BOMs so that the BOM and the item can be set up or changed at the same time
  • Explain how to work with configurable BOMs, including the setup of configuration routes and configuration rules
  • Provide an overall explanation of the BOM calculation process
  • Describe how to create and use BOM scrap types and explain how a scrap calculation for a BOM is run
  • Describe the use of BOM measurements as a type of configuration and explain how this pertains to consumption and measurements that relate to BOM items
  • List and explain the ways of the standard BOM reports use
  • Define working time templates and describe how they are set up
  • Create working time calendars
  • Using Resource capabilities form.
  • Create resources and distinguish between resource types
  • Set up resource groups
  • Define how to set up and configure production operations and relations
  • Describe the use and setup of cost categories in production routes
  • Describe the use and setup of cost groups in production routes
  • Describe how to create route groups and attach them to operations in the route
  • Describe how to create and maintain routes and operations on the routes
  • Describe how scrap is managed in production routes
  • Configure the route network parameter and identify route networks in complex routing
  • Discuss the impact of production parameters at the legal entity and the site level
  • Describe the different ways production orders can be created
  • Describe how to create a production order manually
  • Explain the main activities that occur in the life cycle of a production order
  • Explain how the production order status is used in working with production orders
  • Describe the estimation process
  • Configure advanced settings including production groups and production pools
  • Distinguish between the various scheduling options
  • Explain the main characteristics of operations scheduling
  • Explain the main characteristics of job scheduling and describe how to use the Gantt chart
  • Discuss how to perform resource scheduling and describe the basic resource allocation principles.
  • Describe how master planning interacts with the Production module
  • Describe how to lock production orders
  • Describe how to dispatch scheduled jobs to a specific resource
  • Review how subcontracting is used for outsourcing
  • Adjust BOMs in connection with subcontractor work
  • Set up operations and routes to be performed by a vendor
  • Describe how to set up automatic updates
  • Describe the settings you must define to release a production order to the shop floor
  • Explain the main considerations and the settings used to start production orders
  • Explain the use of production journals in recording consumption
  • Describe the report as finished stage of the production life cycle
  • Describe the main element of the end production stage in the production
  • Name the types of standard inquiries that can be conducted in the Production control module on items in production
  • Describe the process of working with standards reports
  • Describe how base data reports can be used to analyze the productions process
  • List the three kinds of transaction reports and describe how they are used
  • Describe how Journal and Costing reports are used to view information on productions
  • Name the types of Balance reports and briefly describe how they can be used in deciphering production conditions
  • Describe how to use the analysis reports to view or print information on productions
  • Describe how route reports can be used to analyze the routes and operations in the different productions
  • Name the kinds of reports that can be generated on the resources in production and define how each is used
  • Describe how production papers are used in production
  • Explain how the update log reports can be used to identify information on the orders in each stage in the production process

MOC 80315 - Discrete Manufacturing Advanced in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

  • Review multisite functionality for the Production control module
  • List the Production control module's core conceptual elements
  • Review the Bill of material (BOM)
  • Review calendars and resources
  • Review operations and routes
  • Describe production life cycle, parameters, and production orders
  • Review definitions of operations and job scheduling
  • Review how master planning interacts with the Production control module
  • Describe product, storage and tracking dimensions
  • Explain how to set up and work with dimensions groups
  • Describe using serial or batch numbers to track and control manufactured items
  • Use inventory reservations in production
  • Describe inventory marking
  • Describe the inventory trace function
  • Describe how inventory dimensions are affected by multisite functionality
  • Describe working with the Bill of Materials (BOM) line type Vendor when using subcontractors
  • Describe how to generate purchase orders to a supplier when on-hand inventory is insufficient
  • Describe how to create a vendor production order
  • Create resources and groups for the vendor
  • Define production groups to establish a relationship between production orders and ledger accounts.
  • Describe how to use production pools to monitor production orders in specific categories.
  • Describe properties-set up on the working time template-which guide production orders to run under special times and conditions.
  • Attach a property to a resource.
  • Review the benefits of properties.
  • Describe how resource capabilities are set up and used to schedule production on alternative resources.
  • Create route groups and attach them to operations on a route.
  • Use the various scheduling methods.
  • Discuss the difference between operations and job scheduling.
  • Split a production order.
  • Set the Bill of Material (BOM) scrap percentages.
  • Set the scrap percentage on a Resource.
  • Set the scrap percentage for each operation in production routes.
  • Describe the costing of scrap.
  • Review steps in the production order life cycle
  • Describe production order ledger setting options
  • Define default ledger settings in production parameters
  • Describe production journals and how consumption is reported to the general ledger
  • Assign ledger settings for production groups
  • Analyze actual versus estimated costs for production orders and current production activities
  • Describe End and cost account production orders
  • Describe the interconnectivity of the production module with other modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
  • Describe the main elements of the production implementation checklist
  • Set up production parameters
  • Modify data types used by the productions series
  • Set up item groups and items
  • Set up BOMs
  • Describe the creation of working time templates, calendars, Resource groups, and Resources
  • Set up operations and routes

MOC 80310 - Lean Manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

  • Describe the core concepts of Lean manufacturing.
  • Create a new production flow version and describe activity relations and constraints, picking activities and costing implications.
  • Define Kanbans and describe their types including: withdrawal, fixed quantity, event, scheduled and subcontracting Kanbans.
  • Explain how fixed quantity Kanbans are used including how to set up rules, review planning processes, and use the Kanban schedule board.
  • Describe how event Kanbans are used including how to configure rules, set up sales line events, Kanban line events, BOM line events and stock replenishment events.
  • Describe the processes associated with the planned order type Kanban.
  • Define and setup activity based subcontracting.
  • Describe production flow costing including: back flushing, conversion costs, cost reporting to the general ledger, and how production costing is set up for a Kanban job based on subcontracting activity.
  • Define how to set up and configure Kanban quantity calculation policies and how to create quantity calculations to generate and update Kanban rules.

MOC 80309 - Process Manufacturing Production and Logistics in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

  • Explain the process manufacturing features and create the setups at the released products level.
  • Explain a formula item and how it differs from a Bill of Material (BOM) item.
  • Create a product at the enterprise level.
  • Configure setups at the released product level.
  • Create and apply a product template.
  • Describe production types that are defined for any item, at the released product level.
  • Know the difference between a formula item and a planning item.
  • Define the formula lines and versions.
  • Explain the use of a formula and a route in multisite production scenario.
  • Explain the features and structural elements of the formula.
  • Define a formula level with an example of a formula at multiple levels.
  • Define a formula at multiple sites.
  • Define formula line types.
  • Describe the formula features in formula lines.
  • Describe different access methods to create and maintain a formula.
  • Define different version control methods available in formula management.
  • Describe how to copy a formula from other formula versions.
  • Modify a formula version by changing the yield percentage or formula size.
  • Define the steps to edit a formula using the formula designer.
  • Create a formula version using scalable and percentage controlled options in the formula lines.
  • Describe how to use a plan group to substitute items in formula lines.
  • Setup step consumption and its use in batch order processing and in a formula calculation.
  • Describe batch order costing.
  • Explain the prerequisites for formula calculation.
  • Explain the steps to create and activate item prices.
  • Calculate a cost price and sales price using a formula calculation.
  • Describe the enhancements in a formula calculation relating to the process manufacturing.
  • Estimate a cost price and sales price in a batch order and sales order.
  • Explain the stages of the batch order life cycle.
  • Explain how a batch order can be processed using the Manufacturing Execution System (MES).
  • Define the setup and report an unplanned co-product and by-product in a batch order.
  • Explain a rework batch order and the steps to process a rework batch order.
  • Define the process manufacturing functionalities adhering to master planning.
  • Explain multisite planning and its prerequisites.
  • Perform Master Planning across the sites within a legal entity.
  • Describe intercompany planning and create the required setups.
  • Define downstream source plans in master plans.
  • Describe key transactions that trigger multi company planning.
  • Describe methods to create intercompany sales orders.
  • Define co-products and their prerequisites for planning.
  • Plan co-products using a planning item.
  • Plan co-products with a formula item.
  • Explain the purpose and benefits of containerized packaging.
  • Create bulk item conversion.
  • Create formula for the packed product with reference of bulk item.
  • Firm and consolidate the planned orders associated to a bulk item and packed product in the Planned order form.
  • Process the bulk and packed order and review the inventory.
  • Add and remove the bulk or packed order in the Consolidated batch orders form.
  • Define the setup for creating a Catch Weight (CW) item.
  • Create an inventory transaction with a partial visibility catch weight item.
  • Create an inventory transaction with a full visibility catch weight item.
  • Explain the use of catch weight in different transactions.
  • Define a batch disposition code and its related setups.
  • Define setup to integrate a batch disposition code with quality management.
  • Configure a batch disposition code associated to partial or full blocking of inventory.
  • Reset a disposition code for inventory batches manually.
  • Define shelf life and its related setups.
  • Configure the shelf life at the released product level.
  • Reserve inventory batches using the shelf life setup.
  • Explain the same batch reservation and its need for master planning.
  • Explain batch attributes and setups.
  • Create a batch attribute for an item.
  • Assign product specific and customer specific batch attributes.
  • Reserve batches by batch attributes.
  • Update inventory batch attribute manually.
  • Update inventory batch attribute automatically using quality order.
  • Explain the batch attribute groups.
  • Explain AVL and define its related setups.
  • Define item-vendor relationship and its period of validity.
  • Inquire and validate an approved vendor list in different forms.
  • Explain the necessity for a vendor batch update and its required setup.
  • Perform a purchase registration with a vendor batch update.
  • Define commodity pricing and its purpose.
  • Define the setups required for commodity pricing.
  • Setup the pricing calculation for commodity items.
  • Create price and margin data for a formula item.
  • View the commodity price calculation and update it in the trade agreement.
  • Define product compliance and configure its necessary setups in Inventory and warehouse management.
  • Associate product compliance setups for a specific item at the released products level.
  • Update the product safety data sheet for a specific item at the released product level.
  • Validate the product safety compliance data sheet during purchase and sales order processing.
  • Explain rebates and their setup.
  • Create item rebate groups and customer rebate groups.
  • Create a rebate agreements to a customer.
  • Process rebates to a customer.
  • Define the setup relating to advanced warehouse management for catch weight products.
  • Perform pallet transport for an inbound warehouse management process in catch weight unit.
  • Describe the setups for reservation in process manufacturing.
  • Perform sales shipment using advanced warehouse management function with FEFO date-controlled and same batch reservation

Här är 8 skäl varför du ska genomföra din Dynamics AX 2012 hos Firebrand Training:

  1. Du blir utbildad på bara 6 dagar. Hos oss får du din utbildning på rekordtid.
  2. Allt är inkluderat. Ett engångsbelopp täcker alla kursmaterial, boende och mat och erbjuder det mest kostnadseffektiva sättet att erhålla din Dynamics AX 2012 kurs på. Och detta utan några oannonserade ytterligare kostnader.
  3. Du klarar Dynamics AX 2012 kursen första gången eller kan gå om kostnadsfritt. Det är vår garanti. Vi är säkra på att du kommer klara din kurs första gången. Men skulle du mot förmodan inte göra det kan du inom ett år komma tillbaks, delta i hela kursen igen, och bara betala för eventuella övernattningar och din examen. Allt annat är gratis.
  4. Du lär dig mer.Traditionella utbildningsdagar pågår kl. 09.00-16.00 med långa lunch- och fikapauser. Hos Firebrand Training får du minst 12 timmars effektiv och fokuserad kvalitetsutbildning varje dag tillsammans med din instruktör, utan vare sig privata eller arbetsrelaterade störande moment.
  5. Du lär dig Dynamics AX 2012 snabbare. Vi kombinerar de tre inlärningsmetoderna (Presentation|Övning|Diskussion) så att vi därigenom genomför kursen på ett sätt som säkerställer att du lär dig snabbare och lättare.
  6. Du är i säkra händer.Vi har utbildat och certifierat 134.561 personer, vi är auktoriserad partner med alla de stora namnen i branschen och har dessutom vunnit åtskilliga utmärkelser med bland annat ”Årets Learning Partner 2010, 2011, 2012 och 2013” från Microsoft Danmark och Gazelle priset 2013 - 1. plats för region Själland i Danmark med en tillväxt om 1.430% sedan 2009.
  7. Du lär dig inte bara teorin. Vi har vidareutvecklat Dynamics AX 2012 kursen med fler praktiska övningar som ger dig det extra du behöver för att kunna lösa praktiska problemställningar och klara din certifiering.
  8. Du lär dig från de bästa. Våra instruktörer på Dynamics AX 2012 är de bästa i branschen och erbjuder en helt unik blandning av kunskap, praktisk erfarenhet och passion för att lära ut.

Är du redo för kursen? Ta ett KOSTNADSFRITT test för att mäta och utvärdera din kunskap.



Vi är säkra på att du kommer klara din certifiering första gången. Men skulle du mot förmodan inte göra det kan du inom ett år komma tillbaks, delta i hela kursen igen, och bara betala för eventuella övernattningar och din examen. Allt annat är gratis.

Under kursen förbereder vi dig för och genomför följande examen:

  • MB6-884: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Lean Manufacturing
  • MB6-886: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Process Manufacturing Production and Logistics

Vad Ingår?

Firebrand Training erbjuder accelererade kursprogram som inkluderar allt, är enkelt för kunden och utvecklat med fokus på de specifika behov som våra deltagare har. Vi säkerställer att alla detaljer tas om hand så att du helt kan fokusera på dina kunskapsmål.

Våra kursprogram inkluderar allt med:

  • Praktiskt orienterad utbildning som använder vår unika metodik (Presentation|Övning|Diskussion).
  • Omfattande kursmaterial och labbmanualer – vi utvecklar traditionella kursmaterial för att motsvara de specifika krav som accelererad inlärning ställer. Följande kursmaterial från Microsoft ingår:
    • Discrete Manufacturing Basics in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (MOC 80314)
    • Discrete Manufacturing Advanced in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (MOC 80315)
    • Lean Manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (MOC 80310)
    • Process Manufacturing Production and Logistics in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (MOC 80309)
  • Ett helt instruktörslett program där du får tillgång till komfortabla klassrum, labbutrustning och loungemiljöer 24 timmar om dygnet.
  • Boende, mat samt tillgång till kaffe, te, frukt och tilltugg under hela kursen.
  • Transport till och från närmaste flygplats/tågstation före och efter genomförd kurs.


Vi rekommenderar, at du har kunskap i att arbeta med Microsoft Dynamics AX och att du känner till Microsoft Windows

Är du redo för din Firebrand kurs?

Vi intervjuar alla potentiella deltagare om deras bakgrund, utbildning, certifiering och personliga inställning. Om du kommer igenom denna process så har du riktigt goda möjligheter att klara din certifiering.

Firebrand Training erbjuder en ambitiös utbildningsmiljö som förutsätter att du verkligen dedikerar dig till kursen. Ovanstående förkunskaper är endast vägledande, många deltagare med mindre erfarenhet men med en annan bakgrund eller kunskap har framgångsrikt genomfört sin utbildning hos Firebrand Training.

Om du funderar på huruvida du uppfyller rekommenderade förkunskaper vänligen ring oss på (0)8 44 68 27 85 och prata med en av våra utbildningsrådgivare som kan hjälpa dig.


Här är Firebrand Training recension avsnittet. Sedan 2001 har vi utbildat exakt 134.561 studenter och proffs och bett dem alla att recensera vår Accelerated Learning. För närvarande har, 95,63% sagt att Firebrand överträffade deras förväntningar.

Läs recensioner från avslutade accelereradekurser nedan eller besök Firebrand Stories för skriftliga och videointervjuer med våra tidigare alumni.

"Comprehensive, complete and thorough training by people who know what they are doing."
Wendell Grosvenor, HSO. (9/3/2015 (Måndag) till 14/3/2015 (Lördag))

"Tired but very happy. It was rough but helped me achieve my goal for coming. 2 certificates!"
Ilkka Koivisto, eCraft. (11/8/2014 (Måndag) till 16/8/2014 (Lördag))

"If you are looking to significantly advance your knowledge and skills base in a very short space of time without interruption then this is the company to do it with."
Allistair McKenna , Rosti UK Ltd. (12/11/2012 (Måndag) till 16/11/2012 (Fredag))

"Really good and intensive Course - learnt a lot in a short amount of time"
Jamie Robinson, Intelisense IT. (7/3/2016 (Måndag) till 12/3/2016 (Lördag))

"The course was in a lot a detail. I learnt a lot in a short apace of time."
Jake Huebner, Intelisense IT. (7/3/2016 (Måndag) till 12/3/2016 (Lördag))







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