ISC2 - CISSP-ISSMP Information Systems Security Management Professional



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Klassrum / Uppkopplad / Hybrid

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Nästa datum:

30/9/2024 (Måndag)


Official ISC2 Training Provider

The accelerated Information Systems Security Management Professional (ISSMP) is a CISSP who specializes in establishing, presenting and governing information security programs and demonstrates management and leadership skills. CISSP-ISSMPs direct the alignment of security programs with the organization’s mission, goals and strategies in order to meet enterprise financial and operational requirements in support of its desired risk position.

The broad spectrum of topics included in the CISSP-ISSMP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK®) ensure its relevancy across all disciplines in the field of information security management.

Upon completion of this course you will also learn:

  • Leadership and Business Management
  • Systems Lifecycle Management
  • Risk Management
  • Threat Intelligence and Incident Management
  • Contingency Management
  • Law, Ethics and Security Compliance Management

At the end of this course, you’ll achieve your CISSP-ISSMP Information Systems Security Management Professional certification.

Through Firebrand’s Lecture | Lab | Review methodology you’ll certify at twice the speed of traditional training and get access to courseware, learn from certified instructors, and train in a distraction-free environment.

40% faster

Distraction-free environment


The CISSP-ISSMP is ideal for those working in roles such as:

  • Chief information officer
  • Chief information security officer
  • Chief technology officer
  • Senior security executive

Sju anledningar till varför du bör välja din kurs med Firebrand Training

  1. Två utbildningsalternativ. Välj mellan boende på plats med klassrumsundervisning eller onlinekurser
  2. Du blir certifierad snabbt. Hos oss blir du utbildad rekordsnabbt
  3. Vår kurs är heltäckande. En engångsavgift täcker alla kursmaterial, examina**, boende* och måltider*. Inga dolda extra kostnader.
  4. Godkänn första gången eller träna om gratis. Detta är vår garanti. Vi är övertygade om att du kommer klara kursen på första försöket. Men om inte, kom tillbaka inom ett år och betala endast för boende, examina och tillkommande kostnader
  5. Du kommer lära dig mer. En dag med en traditionell utbildningsleverantör brukar generellt pågå från kl. 9 till 17, med en lång paus för lunch. Med Firebrand Training får du minst 12 timmar/dag av kvalitativ inlärningstid med din instruktör
  6. Du kommer lära dig snabbare. Sannolikheten är att du har en annan inlärningsstil än de omkring dig. Vi kombinerar visuella, auditiva och taktila stilar för att leverera materialet på ett sätt som säkerställer att du lär dig snabbare och enklare
  7. Du kommer studera med de bästa. Vi har varit med på Training Industrys lista "Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year" varje år sedan 2010. Förutom många fler utmärkelser har vi utbildat och certifierat över 100 000 yrkesverksamma
  • * Endast för boende på plats. Gäller inte för onlinekurser
  • ** Vissa undantag gäller. Vänligen se Exam Track eller prata med våra experter


CISSP-ISSMP Information Systems Security Management Professional

Domain 1: Leadership and Business Management

1.1 Establish security’s role in organizational culture, vision and mission

  • Define information security program vision and mission
  • Align security with organizational goals, objectives and values
  • Define security’s relationship to the overall business processes
  • Define the relationship between organizational culture and security

1.2 Align security program with organizational governance

  • Identify and navigate organizational governance structure
  • Validate roles of key stakeholders
  • Validate sources and boundaries of authorization
  • Advocate and obtain organizational support for security initiatives

1.3 Define and implement information security strategies

  • Identify security requirements from business initiatives
  • Evaluate capacity and capability to implement security strategies
  • Manage implementation of security strategies
  • Review and maintain security strategies
  • Prescribe security architecture and engineering theories, concepts and methods

1.4 Define and maintain security policy framework Determine applicable external standards

  • Determine applicable external standards
  • Determine data classification and protection requirements
  • Establish internal policies
  • Advocate and obtain organizational support for policies
  • Develop procedures, standards, guidelines and baselines
  • Ensure periodic review of security policy framework
  • Evaluate service management agreements (e.g., risk, financial)
  • Govern managed services (e.g., infrastructure, cloud services)
  • Manage impact of organizational change (e.g., mergers and acquisitions, outsourcing)
  • Ensure that appropriate regulatory compliance statements and requirements are included in contractual agreements
  • Monitor and enforce compliance with contractual agreements

1.5 Manage security requirements in contracts and agreements

1.6 Manage security awareness and training programs

  • Promote security programs to key stakeholders
  • Identify needs and implement training programs by target segment
  • Monitor and report on effectiveness of security awareness and training programs

1.7 Define, measure and report security metrics

  • Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  • Associate Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to the risk posture of the organization
  • Use metrics to drive security program development and operations

1.8 Prepare, obtain and administer security budget

  • Prepare and secure annual budget
  • Adjust budget based on evolving risks and threat landscape
  • Manage and report financial responsibilities

1.9 Manage security programs

Define roles and responsibilities

  • Determine and manage team accountability
  • Build cross-functional relationships
  • Resolve conflicts between security and other stakeholders
  • Identify communication bottlenecks and barriers
  • Integrate security controls into human resources processes

1.10 Apply product development and project management principles

  • Incorporate security into project lifecycle
  • Identify and apply appropriate project management methodology
  • Analyze project time, scope and cost relationship

Domain 2: Systems Lifecycle Management

2.1 Manage integration of security into Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

  • Integrate information security gates (decision points) and requirements into lifecycle
  • Implement security controls into system lifecycle
  • Oversee security configuration management (CM) processes

2.2 Integrate new business initiatives and emerging technologies into the security architecture

  • Integrate security into new business initiatives and emerging technologies
  • Address impact of new business initiatives on security posture

2.3 Define and oversee comprehensive vulnerability management programs (e.g., vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, threat analysis)

  • Identify, classify and prioritize assets, systems and services based on criticality to business
  • Prioritize threats and vulnerabilities
  • Manage security testing
  • Manage mitigation and/or remediation of vulnerabilities based on risk

2.4 Manage security aspects of change control

  • Integrate security requirements with change control process
  • Identify and coordinate with the stakeholders
  • Manage documentation and tracking
  • Ensure policy compliance (e.g., continuous monitoring)

Domain 3: Risk Management

3.1 Develop and manage a risk management program

  • Identify risk management program objectives
  • Communicate and agree on risk management objectives with risk owners and other stakeholders
  • Determine scope of organizational risk program
  • Identify organizational security risk tolerance/appetite
  • Obtain and verify organizational asset inventory
  • Analyze organizational risks
  • Determine countermeasures, compensating and mitigating controls
  • Perform cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of risk treatment options

3.2 Conduct risk assessments

  • Identify risk factors

    3.3 Manage security risks within the supply chain (e.g., supplier, vendor, third-party risk)

    • Identify supply chain security risk requirements
    • Integrate supply chain security risks into organizational risk management
    • Validate security risk control within the supply chain
    • Monitor and review the supply chain security risks

    Domain 4: Threat Intelligence and Incident Management

    4.1 Establish and maintain threat intelligence program

    • Aggregate threat data from multiple threat intelligence sources
    • Conduct baseline analysis of network traffic, data and user behavior
    • Detect and analyze anomalous behavior patterns for potential concerns
    • Conduct threat modeling
    • Identify and categorize an attack
    • Correlate related security event and threat data
    • Create actionable alerting to appropriate resources

    4.2 Establish and maintain incident handling and investigation program

    • Develop program documentation
    • Establish incident response case management process
    • Establish incident response team
    • Apply incident management methodologies
    • Establish and maintain incident handling process
    • Establish and maintain investigation process
    • Quantify and report financial and operational impact of incidents and investigations to stakeholders
    • Conduct root cause analysis (RCA)

    Domain 5: Contingency Management

    5.1 Facilitate development of contingency plans

    • Identify and analyze factors related to the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)
    • Identify and analyze factors related to the business continuity plan (BCP) (e.g., time, resources, verification)
    • Identify and analyze factors related to the disaster recovery plan (DRP) (e.g., time, resources, verification)
    • Coordinate contingency management plans with key stakeholders
    • Define internal and external crisis communications plans
    • Define and communicate contingency roles and responsibilities
    • Identify and analyze contingency impact on business processes and priorities
    • Manage third-party contingency dependencies
    • Prepare security management succession plan

    5.2 Develop recovery strategies

    • Identify and analyze alternatives
    • Recommend and coordinate recovery strategies
    • Assign recovery roles and responsibilities

    5.3 Maintain contingency plan, Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), business continuity plan (BCP) and disaster recovery plan (DRP)

    • Plan testing, evaluation and modification
    • Determine survivability and resiliency capabilities
    • Manage plan update process

    5.4 Manage disaster response and recovery process

    • Declare disaster
    • Implement plan
    • Restore normal operations
    • Gather lessons learned
    • Update plan based on lessons learned

    Domain 6: Law, Ethics and Security Compliance Management

    6.1 Identify the impact of laws and regulations that relate to information security

    6.2 Adhere to the ISC2 Code of Ethics as related to management issues

    6.3 Validate compliance in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and industry best practices

    6.4 Coordinate with auditors and regulators in support of the internal and external audit processes

    6.5 Document and manage compliance exceptions

    • Identify and document compensating controls and workarounds
    • Report and obtain authorized approval of risk waiver

    Domain 6: Law, Ethics and Security Compliance Management

    • Identify applicable privacy laws
    • Identify legal jurisdictions the organization and users operate within (e.g., trans-border data flow)
    • Identify export laws
    • Identify intellectual property (IP) laws
    • Identify applicable industry regulations
    • Identify and advise on non-compliance risks
    • Inform and advise senior management
    • Evaluate and select compliance framework(s)
    • Implement the compliance framework(s)
    • Define and monitor compliance metrics
    • Plan
    • Schedule
    • Coordinate audit activities
    • Evaluate and validate findings
    • Formulate response
    • Validate implemented mitigation and remediation actions
  • Exam Track

    At the end of this accelerated course, you’ll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training centre, covered by your Certification Guarantee:

    CISSP-ISSMP Information Systems Security Management Professional

    CISSP-ISSMP is in compliance with the stringent requirements of ANSI/ISO/IEC Standard 17024.

    Length of exam: 3 hours

    Number of items: 125 Multiple choice

    Passing grade: 700 out of 1000 points

    Domains Weight:

    1. 1. Leadership and Business Management 20%
    2. 2. Systems Lifecycle Management 18%
    3. 3. Risk Management 19%
    4. 4. Threat Intelligence and Incident Management 17%
    5. 5. Contingency Management 15%
    6. 6. Law, Ethics and Security Compliance Management 11%

    What's Included


    Before attending this accelerated course, you must be a CISSP in good standing and have two years cumulative paid work experience in one or more of the six domains of the CISSP-ISSMP CBK.

    Är du redo för din Firebrand kurs?

    Vi intervjuar alla potentiella deltagare om deras bakgrund, utbildning, certifiering och personliga inställning. Om du kommer igenom denna process så har du riktigt goda möjligheter att klara din certifiering.

    Firebrand Training erbjuder en ambitiös utbildningsmiljö som förutsätter att du verkligen dedikerar dig till kursen. Ovanstående förkunskaper är endast vägledande, många deltagare med mindre erfarenhet men med en annan bakgrund eller kunskap har framgångsrikt genomfört sin utbildning hos Firebrand Training.

    Om du funderar på huruvida du uppfyller rekommenderade förkunskaper vänligen ring oss på (0)8 44 68 27 85 och prata med en av våra utbildningsrådgivare som kan hjälpa dig.


    Här är Firebrand Training recension avsnittet. Sedan 2001 har vi utbildat exakt 134.561 studenter och proffs och bett dem alla att recensera vår Accelerated Learning. För närvarande har, 95,54% sagt att Firebrand överträffade deras förväntningar.

    Läs recensioner från avslutade accelereradekurser nedan eller besök Firebrand Stories för skriftliga och videointervjuer med våra tidigare alumni.

    "The Firebrand Training experience was fantastic from start to finish. Excellent facilities, knowledgeable and engaging instructors, and great customer service throughout. I would thoroughly recommend."
    Wesley Parsons. (8/4/2024 (Måndag) till 13/4/2024 (Lördag))

    "The course was excellent and well presented. Having an instructor for such a detailed and broad course was a tremendous help when preparing to sit the exam. Having passed the exam, I can happily say I don’t think I could have accomplished all I learnt within a week without Firebrand’s course."
    Robert Fothergill. (8/4/2024 (Måndag) till 13/4/2024 (Lördag))

    "With my personal experience I absolutely recommended learners to sign up with Firebrand. I felt confident for the exam after attending the course. Comparing my experience solving practise test and exam before and after attending the course, it went up from south to north."
    Ashish Nair. (8/4/2024 (Måndag) till 13/4/2024 (Lördag))

    "I had a great time attending the CISSP course because it gave me what I needed. A high level understanding of the material and valuable advice about how to prepare and tackle the exam. The course itself is challenging on its own but when you are with a group of like minded people it makes it fun to learn. For anyone considering taking the CISSP or using firebrand for your training, it’s a no-brainer."
    Rushan Ratha. (8/4/2024 (Måndag) till 13/4/2024 (Lördag))

    "A very intense course & a huge amount to cover in the relatively short 5-day window, but the course tutor pushes through the substantial content at a steady place & ensures the essential subject elements, plus question answering techniques, were pulled out for us to focus on for the exam."
    I.B., IK Tech Limited. (8/4/2024 (Måndag) till 13/4/2024 (Lördag))







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