Vanaf 7 dagen
01-04-2025 (dinsdag)
Op uw versnelde MCSA: Cloudplatformcertificering cursus, ontwikkelt u een expertise in Microsoft cloud-gerelateerde technologieën. U bouwt vaardigheden op in de Azure-ontwikkeling en -infrastructuur, die u zult gebruiken om de voordelen van cloud naar uw bedrijf te brengen en tegelijkertijd de IT-kosten te verlagen.
Uw Microsoft Certified Trainer zal u onderdompelen in Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC). Via onze unieke Lezing | Lab | Review -techniek, je krijgt praktijkgerichte praktische ervaring en diepgaande evaluatiesessies om je leerproces te versterken en te versnellen.
Tijdens je cursus versnellen, behandel je een aantal onderwerpen, waaronder:
- Virtuele netwerken implementeren
- Azure Security and Recovery Services beheren
- Azure App Service Apps ontwerpen en implementeren
- Azure Resource Manager virtuele machines maken en beheren
- Ontwerp en implementeer een opslag- en gegevensstrategie
- Azure Compute, Web en mobiele services ontwerpen en implementeren
Bovendien kunt u op deze versnelde MCSA: Cloud Platform-cursus examens 70-532 en 70-533 volgen in het Firebrand Training Center. Gedekt door uw certificeringsgarantie.
Het behalen van de MCSA: Cloud Platform voldoet aan uw vereiste om eenMCSE: Cloud Platform en Infrastructuur-certificering uit te voeren.
>Het halen van examens 70-532 en 70-533 resulteerde eerder in het behalen van meerdere Microsoft Specialist-certificeringen. Microsoft heeft de Specialist-referentie op 31 maart 2017 ingetrokken. De examens blijven beschikbaar en tellen waar van toepassing mee voor de relevante bestaande MCSA-, MCSE- of MCSD-certificering.
Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCTs): Je zult worden getraind door Microsoft Certified Trainers. Dit houdt in dat je door de cursus heen je voordeel zal kunnen doen van hun schat aan kennis en ervaring.
Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC): Firebrand is een Microsoft Learning Partner, wat inhoudt dat we kunnen garanderen dat je toegang zal hebben tot het nieuwste curriculum en de meest up-to-date content.
Curus 20533D: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions
Module 1: Introductie van Azure
Deze module introduceert in het algemeen cloudoplossingen en richt zich vervolgens op de diensten die Azure aanbiedt. De module beschrijft vervolgens de portals die u kunt gebruiken om Azure-abonnementen en -services te beheren voordat u de Azure PowerShell-modules en Azure Command Line Interface (CLI) introduceert als scripttechnologieën voor het beheer van Azure. Ten slotte biedt de module uitleg en richtlijnen voor het gebruik van de klassieke en Azure Resource Manager-implementatiemodellen.
- Cloud technology overview
- Overview of Azure
- Managing Azure with the Azure portal
- Managing Azure with Windows PowerShell
- Managing Azure with Azure CLI
- Overview of Azure deployment models
- Managing and monitoring Azure resources
Lab : Managing Microsoft Azure
- Using the Azure portals
- Using the Azure Resource Manager features in the Azure portal
- Using Azure PowerShell
- Using Azure CLI
Na het voltooien van deze module kun je het volgende:
- Identify suitable apps for the cloud.
- Identify the services and capabilities that Azure provides.
- Use Azure portals to manage Azure services and subscriptions.
- Use Azure PowerShell and Azure CLI to manage Azure services and subscriptions.
- Use Azure Resource Manager to manage Azure resources.
- Use Azure management services to manage and monitor Azure resources.
Module 2: Implementing and managing Azure networking
Deze module legt uit hoe u virtuele netwerken in Azure plant en virtuele netwerken implementeert en beheert. Er wordt ook uitgelegd hoe u cross-premises connectiviteit en connectiviteit tussen virtuele netwerken in Azure configureert. Daarnaast wordt uitgelegd hoe u een virtueel Azure-netwerk configureert en krijgt u een overzicht van klassieke Azure-netwerken.
- Overview of Azure networking
- Implementing and managing virtual networks
- Configuring an Azure virtual network
- Configuring virtual network connectivity
- Overview of Azure classic networking
Lab : Using a deployment template and Azure PowerShell to implement Azure virtual networks
- Creating an Azure virtual network by using a deployment template
- Creating a virtual network by using Azure PowerShell
- Creating a virtual network by using Azure CLI
Lab : Configuring VNet peering
- Using the Azure portal to configure VNet peering
- Configuring VNet peering - based service chaining
- Validating virtual network connectivity
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
- Plan virtual networks in Azure.
- Implement and manage virtual networks.
- Configure cross-premises connectivity and connectivity between virtual networks in Azure.
- Configure an Azure virtual network.
- Describe Azure classic networking.
Module 3: Implementing virtual machines
This module introduces the fundamentals of Azure VMs, and discusses the different ways in which you can deploy and manage them.
- Overview of Azure VMs
- Planning deployment of Azure VMs
- Deploying Azure VMs
- Overview of classic Azure VMs
Lab : Deploying Azure VMs
- Creating Azure VMs by using the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, and Azure CLI
- Validating Azure VM deployment
Lab : Deploying Azure VMs by using Azure Resource Manager templates
- Using Visual Studio and an Azure Resource Manager template to deploy Azure VMs
- Using Azure PowerShell and an Azure Resource Manager template to deploy Azure VMs
- Using Azure CLI and an Azure Resource Manager template to deploy Azure VMs
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
- Describe the main characteristics of Azure VMs.
- Plan for Azure VM deployments.
- Deploy Azure VMs.
- Describe the main characteristics of classic Azure VMs.
Module 4: Managing Azure VMs
This module explains how to configure and manage Azure VMs, including configuring virtual machine disks and monitoring Azure VMs.
- Configuring Azure VMs
- Managing disks of Azure VMs
- Managing and monitoring Azure VMs
- Managing classic Azure VMs
Lab : Managing Azure VMs
- Implementing Desired State Configuration (DSC)
- Implementing Storage Spaces - based volumes
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
- Configure Azure VMs.
- Manage Azure VM disks.
- Manage and monitor Azure VMs.
- Manage classic Azure VMs.
Module 5: Implementing Azure App Service
This module explains the different types of apps that you can create by using the Azure App Service, and how you can select an App Service plan and deployment method for apps in Azure. It also explains how to use Microsoft Visual Studio, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) clients, Azure PowerShell, and Azure CLI to deploy Azure web and mobile apps. Additionally, the module explains how to configure web apps and use the Azure WebJobs feature to run custom tasks. It also explains how to monitor the performance of web apps and create and configure mobile apps. Lastly, this module explains how to use Azure Traffic Manager to distribute requests between two or more app services.
- Introduction to App Service
- Planning app deployment in App Service
- Implementing and maintaining web apps
- Configuring web apps
- Monitoring web apps and WebJobs
- Implementing mobile apps
- Implementing Traffic Manager
Lab : Implementing web apps
- Creating web apps
- Deploying web apps
- Managing web apps
- Implementing Traffic Manager
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
- Explain the different types of apps that you can create by using App Service.
- Create a service plan and select a deployment method for App Service apps in Azure.
- Use Visual Studio, FTP clients, Azure PowerShell, and Azure CLI to deploy web and mobile apps to Azure.
- Configure web apps and use the Azure WebJobs feature to run custom tasks.
- Monitor the performance of web apps.
- Create and configure mobile apps.
- Use Azure Traffic Manager to distribute requests between two or more app services.
Module 6: Planning and implementing storage, backup, and recovery services
This module explains how to plan and implement storage, backup, and recovery services. It explains how to choose appropriate Azure Storage options to address business needs and how to implement and manage Azure Storage. It also explains how to improve web-application performance by implementing Azure Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). Lastly, this module explains how to protect cloud-resident and on-premises workloads by using Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery.
- Planning storage
- Implementing and managing Azure Storage
- Implementing Azure CDNs
- Implementing Azure Backup
- Planning and implementing Azure Site Recovery
Lab : Planning and implementing Azure Storage
- Creating and configuring Azure Storage
- Using Azure File storage
- Protecting data with Azure Backup
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
- Choose appropriate Azure Storage options to address business needs.
- Implement and manage Azure Storage.
- Improve web application performance by implementing Azure CDNs.
- Protect cloud-resident and on-premises workloads by using Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery.
Module 7: Implementing containers in Azure
This module explains how to implement containers in Azure. It starts by introducing the concept of containers and presents different options for implementing containers on Windows and Linux Azure VMs. Next, it explains container orchestration in the context of Azure Container Service (ACS) and describes how to use ACS to deploy Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and DC/OS clusters.
- Implementing Windows and Linux containers in Azure
- Implementing Azure Container Service
Lab : Implementing containers on Azure VMs
- Implementing Windows and Linux containers in Azure
- Deploying containers to Azure VMs
- Deploying multicontainer applications with Docker Compose to Azure VMs
- Implementing Azure Container Registry
Lab : Implementing Azure Container Service
- Creating an ACS cluster
- Managing an ASC cluster
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
- Implement Windows and Linux containers in Azure.
- Implement Azure Container Service.
Module 8: Implementing Azure Cloud Services
This module explains how to plan and deploy Azure Cloud Services. It also explains how to manage and maintain Azure Cloud Services.
- Planning and deploying Azure Cloud Services
- Managing and maintaining Azure Cloud Services
Lab : Implementing Azure Cloud Services
- Deploying a cloud service
- Configuring deployment slots and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
- Monitoring cloud services
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
- Plan and deploy Azure Cloud Services.
- Explain how to manage and maintain Azure Cloud Services.
Module 9: Implementing Azure Active Directory
This module explains how to implement Azure AD. It explains how to create and manage Azure AD tenants. It also explains how to configure single sign-on (SSO) for cloud applications and resources, and implement Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for cloud resources. Lastly, it explains the functionality of Azure AD Premium, and how to implement Azure Multi-Factor Authentication.
- Creating and managing Azure AD tenants
- Configuring application and resource access with Azure AD
- Overview of Azure AD Premium
Lab : Implementing Azure AD
- Administering Azure AD
- Configuring SSO
- Configuring Multi-Factor Authentication
- Configuring SSO from a Windows 10 -based computer
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
- Create and manage Azure AD tenants.
- Configure SSO for cloud applications and resources, and implement RBAC for cloud resources.
- Explain the functionality of Azure AD Premium and implement Azure Multi-Factor Authentication.
Module 10: Managing an Active Directory infrastructure in a hybrid environment
This module explains how to manage Active Directory in a hybrid environment. It explains how to extend an on-premises Active Directory domain to Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS) environments and synchronise user, group, and computer accounts between on-premises AD DS and Azure AD. This module also explains how to set up SSO by using federation and pass-through authentication between on-premises Active Directory and Azure AD.
- Extending an on-premises Active Directory domain to Azure IaaS
- Implementing directory synchronisation by using Azure AD Connect
- Implementing SSO in hybrid scenarios
Lab : Implementing and managing Azure AD synchronisation
- Configuring directory synchronisation
- Synchronising directories
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
- Extend an on-premises Active Directory domain to Azure IaaS environments.
- Synchronise user, group, and computer accounts between on-premises AD DS and Azure AD.
- Set up SSO by using federation and pass-through authentication between on-premises Active Directory and Azure AD.
Module 11: Implementing Azure-based management and automation
This module explains how to implement Azure-based management and automation. It explains how to implement Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) solutions and Azure Automation. The module also describes how to create different types of Azure Automation runbooks and implement Azure Automation - based management by using runbooks.
- Implementing OMS
- Implementing Azure Automation
- Implementing Automation runbooks
- Implementing Azure Automation - based management
Lab : Implementing Automation
- Configuring Automation accounts
- Creating runbooks
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
- Implement OMS solutions.
- Implement Azure Automation.
- Implement different types of Azure Automation runbooks.
- Implement Azure Automation - based management.
Course 20532C: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft Azure Platform
Microsoft Azure provides a collection of services that you can use as building blocks for your cloud applications.
- Azure Services
- Azure Portals
Lab : Exploring the Azure Portal
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe some of the common Azure services.
- Describe the differences between the Microsoft Azure Portal and the Classic Portal.
Module 2: Building Application Infrastructure in Azure
Although many Microsoft Azure services use virtual machines, sometimes your application might have a unique need where it requires a virtual machine that is completely unmanaged. Azure provides networking, backup, and virtualisation services as part of its Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering.
- Constructing Azure Virtual Machines
- Azure Virtual Machine Workloads
- Migrating Azure Virtual Machine Instances
- Highly Available Azure Virtual Machines
- Virtual Machine Configuration Management
- Customizing Azure Virtual Machine Networking
Lab : Creating an Azure Virtual Machine for Development and Testing
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the Virtual Machines service in Azure.
- Deploy a Linux or Microsoft workload to a virtual machine.
- Import virtual hard disks to Azure.
- Monitor virtual machine endpoints.
Module 3: Hosting Web Applications on the Azure Platform
This module provides an overview of the Azure Web Apps service.
- Azure Web Apps
- Hosting Web Applications in Azure
- Configuring an Azure Web App
- Publishing an Azure Web App
Lab : Creating an ASP.NET Web App by Using Azure Web Apps
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Create a Web App instance.
- Publish a simple ASP.NET web application to Web Apps.
- Monitor a Web App instance.
Module 4: Storing SQL Data in Azure
Dynamic web applications must store the data that is being managed and manipulated by end users. ASP.NET technologies such as ADO.NET and Entity Framework provide a way for accessing data in SQL Server. In the cloud, the Microsoft Azure platform provides a database as a service offering that allows developers to use SQL in the same way as they would in an on-premises location.
- Storing SQL Data in Azure
- Managing SQL Databases in Azure
- Azure SQL Database Tools
- Securing and Recovering an Azure SQL Database Instance
Lab : Storing Event Data in Azure SQL Databases
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the difference between Azure SQL Database editions.
- Explain some of the advantages and disadvantages of hosting databases in Azure SQL Database.
- Explain some of the advantages and disadvantages of hosting databases in a SQL Server installation on a virtual machine in Azure.
- Describe the tools that you can use to manage Azure SQL Database.
- Implement a high-availability solution with Azure SQL Database.
Module 5: Designing Cloud Applications for Resiliency
As a developer, you should keep in mind certain considerations while designing applications for the cloud. Although there are many platform improvements available in the ASP.NET ecosystem, you need to rethink the way you design your applications and the patterns that are used, with respect to the scalability and reliability metrics present for the cloud applications.
- Application Design Practices for Highly Available Applications
- Application Analytics
- Building High Performance Applications by Using ASP.NET
- Common Cloud Application Patterns
- Caching Application Data
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the Valet Key, Retry and Transient Fault Handling Patterns
- Use Load Balancing in a geographically redundant application
- Create modular applications with partitioned workloads
- Build High Performance ASP.NET Web Applications
Module 6: Storing Tabular Data in Azure
Dynamic web applications will invariably need to store the data that is being managed and manipulated by users. ASP.NET has always relied on technologies like ADO.NET and Entity Framework to access data from Microsoft SQL Server. For the cloud, the Microsoft Azure platform provides a SQL as a Service that allows developers to use SQL data and queries in the same manner as they would use in an on-premises implementation.
- Azure Storage Overview
- Azure Storage Tables Overview
- Table Entity Transactions
Lab : Storing Event Registration Data in Azure Storage Tables
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the difference between Azure SQL Database editions.
- Explain some of the advantages and disadvantages of hosting databases in SQL Database.
- Explain some of the advantages and disadvantages of hosting databases in a SQL Server installation on an Azure virtual machine.
- Describe the tools that you can use to manage SQL databases in Azure.
- Describe the Visual Studio 2015 features that you can use to manage SQL databases in Azure.
- Describe the options for migrating data from an on-premises environment to the cloud.
- Describe the strategies for using Entity Framework with SQL databases in Azure.
Module 7: Storing and Consuming Files from Azure Storage
When you want to scale to different cloud instances, storing files to a local disk becomes a difficult process to maintain and eventually an unreliable method of storage. Azure provides a Blob storage mechanism that not only offers high performance but also supports integration to Microsoft Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) for low latency downloads.
- Storage Blobs
- Controlling Access to Storage Blobs and Containers
- Configuring Azure Storage Accounts
- Azure Files
Lab : Storing Generated Documents in Azure Storage Blobs
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the Blob service in Microsoft Azure Storage.
- Identify the software development kit (SDK) libraries, namespaces, and classes that are available for blobs.
Module 8: Designing a Communication Strategy by Using Queues and Service Bus
With web applications presenting content and worker roles processing the logic, there needs to be a mechanism that facilitates the communication between these different entities. Microsoft Azure provides two queuing mechanisms that you can use for this purpose.
- Azure Storage Queues
- Azure Service Bus
- Azure Service Bus Queues
- Azure Service Bus Relay
- Azure Service Bus Notification Hubs
Lab : Using Queues and Service Bus to Manage Communication Between Web Applications in Azure
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe Storage Queues service.
- Describe Service Bus.
- Describe Service Bus Queues service.
- Describe Service Bus Relay.
- Describe Notification Hubs service.
Module 9: Automating Integration with Azure Resources
Although you can manage most of the Azure services by using both of the Azure portals or Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, you can use scripting to completely automate the management of the same resources. This module will look at automating the lifecycle of the services by using client libraries, Windows PowerShell, REST, and the Resource Manager.
- Azure SDK Client Libraries
- Scripting Azure Service Management by Using Windows PowerShell
- Azure REST Interface
- Azure Resource Manager
Lab : Automating the Creation of Azure Assets using PowerShell and xPlat CLI
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the Azure software development kits (SDKs) and client libraries.
- Use Windows PowerShell to automate Azure service management.
- Describe the Service Management API and the steps to authenticate to the API.
- Use the Resource Manager to create resource groups and templates.
Module 10: Securing Azure Web Applications
Just like on-premises applications, applications in the cloud need streamlined security mechanisms that are flexible. Azure Active Directory is an identity provider that can provide identity and access functionality for your custom applications or SaaS applications.
- Azure Active Directory
- Azure AD Directories
- Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication
Lab : Integrating Azure Active Directory with the Events Administration Portal
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the Azure AD service.
- Explain the features that are available for the directories in Azure AD.
- Describe the Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication service.
Je zult de volgende examens ter plaatse maken. Dit wordt gedekt door je Certificeringsgarantie
Ontwikkelen Microsoft Azure Solutions – examen 70-532
De vaardigheden waarop je getest zult worden zijn onder andere het:
- Ontwerpen en implementeren van Web Apps (15-20%)
- Creëren en beheren van virtuele machines (20-25%)
- Ontwerpen en implementeren van cloud services (20-25%)
- Ontwerpen en implementeren van een storage strategy (20-25%)
- Beheren van applicatie- en netwerkdiensten (15-20%)
Implementeren van Microsoft Azure Infrastructuur Solutions - examen 70-533
De vaardigheden waarop je getest zal worden zijn:
- Het implementeren van Web Apps (15-20%)
- Het implementeren van virtuele machines (15-20%)
- Het implementeren van cloud services (15-20%)
- Het implementeren van opslag (15-20%)
- Het implementeren van een Azure Active Directory (15-20%)
- Het implementeren van virtual networks (15-20%)
De cursus omvat
In je training zal het volgende Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC) zijn inbegrepen:
- MOC 20532C: Ontwikkelen van Microsoft Azure Oplossingen
- MOC 20533D: Implementeren van Microsoft Azure Infrastructuur Oplossingen
Voordat u deelneemt aan deze cursus, moet u minimaal 6 maanden praktische ervaring hebben met het werken met Azure-infrastructuur. Dit omvat een goed begrip van:
- On-premises virtualisatietechnologieën waaronder virtuele machines, virtuele netwerken en virtuele harde schijven
- Netwerkconfiguratie inclusief TCP / IP, DNS, virtuele privénetwerken, firewalls en coderingstechnologieën
- Websites, waaronder het maken, configureren, bewaken en implementeren van een website op Internet Information Services (IIS)
- Active Directory-concepten, waaronder domeinen, forests, domeincontrollers, replicatie, Kerberos en LDAP
- Databaseconcepten inclusief tabellen, query's, Structured Query Language (SQL) en databaseschema's
- Veerkracht en noodherstel inclusief back-up- en herstelbewerkingen
Het voltooien van de & nbsp; MCSA: Windows Server 2012 & nbsp; voldoet ook aan de vereisten.
U moet ook Azure-ontwikkelervaring hebben met de mogelijkheid om:
- Vergelijk de beschikbare services op het Azure-platform
- Webtoepassingen configureren en implementeren
- Azure-websites maken met behulp van de galerij
- Azure-websites implementeren en monitoren
- Azure virtuele machines maken en configureren
- Beschrijf de relatie tussen Cloud Services en virtuele machines
- Implementeer bestaande Cloud Service-pakketten
- Een opslagaccount maken en beheren
- Blobs en containers beheren in een opslagaccount
- Maken, configureren en verbinden met een SQL Databases-instantie
- Identificeer de implicaties van het importeren van een SQL Standalone-database
- Beheer gebruikers, groepen en abonnementen in een Azure Active Directory-instantie
- Creëer een virtueel netwerk
- Implementeer een punt naar sitenetwerk
De cursus omvat
Je versnelde cursus is inclusief:
- Accommodatie *
- Maaltijden, snacks, drankjes, thee en koffie *
- Examens op locatie **
- Examenvouchers **
- Oefenexamens **
- Certificeringsgarantie ***
- Cursusmateriaal
- Tot 12 uur klassikale training per dag
- 24 uur per dag toegang tot het lab
- Digitaal cursusmateriaal **
* Alleen voor residentiële training. Accommodatie is inbegrepen vanaf de avond voor aanvang van de cursus. Dit geldt niet voor online cursussen.
** Er gelden enkele uitzonderingen. Raadpleeg het examentraject of spreek met onze experts.
*** Slaag de eerste keer of train opnieuw gratis zo vaak als nodig is, onbeperkt voor 1 jaar. Betaal alleen voor accommodatie, examens en bijkomende kosten.
Datum aanvraag
Sorry, er zijn momenteel geen data beschikbaar voor deze cursus. Dien een aanvraag in en een van onze teamleden zal contact met u opnemen over mogelijke toekomstige data of alternatieve opties.
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