From 7 days
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15.01.2025 (keskiviikko)


With the Microsoft Dynamics AX Trade & Logistics certification, you will become an expert in key operational aspects of the latest version of Microsoft's leading management solution application. After completing the Microsoft Dynamics AX Trade & Logistics course at Firebrand Training, you'll have more than just your cerification. You will have the skills, knowledge and hands-on experience to make both your people and processes more productive.

The goal of our 7 day accelerated Microsoft Dynamics AX Trade & Logistics certification course is to provide IT professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to managed the Trade & Logistics modules of Dynamics AX 4.0. This is an accelerated, fully immersed course, designed upon the job-related tasks of company environments.


So what makes the Microsoft Dynamics AX Trade & Logistic Business Solution so compelling? The following short list highlights some of its features. Several of these features should make a compelling case to upgrade your environment.

What are the benefits of certification?

For HR managers, certification is particularly important because it allows them to more easily identify the skills that an individual possesses. When a company has employees that possess certain skills, it can garner a competitive advantage when seeking to attract customers. Certification can also contribute to increased productivity.


Trade & Logistics I

Overview AX General overview, Introduction, Working with Purchase and Sales Orders, Inventory, Sales and Purchase Order Postings, Serial and Batch Numbers, Over/Under Delivery and Miscellaneous Charges, Inventory Costing and Adjusting, Quarantine Management, Reporting and Statistics

Trade & Logistics II

Item Registration, Item Reservations and Marking, Item Returns, Inter-Company Sales and Purchasing, Customer Trade Agreements and Supplementary Items, Vendor Trade Agreements, Inventory Journals, Commission


Introduction, Create a Bill of Materials, BOM Configuration, BOM Versions, BOM Calculations, Sales Orders and BOM's, Scrap and Measurement, Reporting a BOM as Finished, Reports and other Functionality

Case preparation - Workshops

BASE COMPANIES, INVENTORY, Design/Setup Issues and Notes, INTERCOMPANY, Design/Setup Issues and Notes, PURCHASE TO PAY, Design/Setup Issues and Notes, ORDER TO CASH (PART 1), Design/Setup Issues and Notes, ORDER TO CASH (PART 2), Design/Setup Issues and Notes, TESTING, Testing Plan, Sample Test Scripts, Testing Execution, Class Discussion Questions, Sample Templates - Test Plan , Sample Templates - Test Script , Sample Intercompany Transactions, GO LIVE BEST PRACTICES, Class Discussion Questions, Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned, INVENTORY CLOSING, COSTING, AND TROUBLESHOOTING, Inventory Close, Inventory Cost Troubleshooting, REVIEW AND CONCLUSION, Case Study Feedback Form, Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned

Exam AX-40-509

Exam Track

Skills Being Measured

The AX-40-509 certification exam measures your skills in the areas of Trade & Logistics.


Before registering for this training, you have already confirmed that you possess basic knowledge of accounting, and have an understanding of how to navigate in Dynamics AX.

You can either:

Complete the e-learning course AX Introduction, which can be found at Partnersource.


Take our 1 Day Introduction which prepares any student wishing to undertake Dynamics AX Training and Certification with Firebrand Training.

Students who are successful in accelerated Dynamics AX Trade & Logistic certification training may possess:

  • Basic knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system
  • Good Working knowledge of Microsoft Office
  • Working knowledge Business Management
  • General Accounting knowledge
  • Have completed the Dynamics AX Trade & Logistic Introduction course 8329 or on-line training equivalent (duration 6 hours on-line)

Nopeutettu kurssisi sisältää

Nopeutettu kurssisi sisältää:
  • Yöpymiset *
  • Ateriat, rajattomat välipalat, juomat, tee ja kahvi *
  • Paikan päällä suoritettavat kokeet **
  • Kokeiden maksukupongit **
  • Harjoitustestit **
  • Sertifiointitakuu ***
  • Kurssimateriaalit
  • Jopa 12 tuntia opettajan johdolla tapahtuvaa opetusta päivässä
  • 24 tunnin laboratorion käyttö
  • Digitaalinen kurssimateriaali **

* Koskee vain asuntokursseja. Yöpymiset sisältyvät alkaen kurssia edeltävästä yöstä. Tämä ei koske verkkokursseja. 
** Joitakin poikkeuksia sovelletaan. Katso tarkemmat tiedot kokeen tiedoista tai keskustele asiantuntijoidemme kanssa.
*** Läpäise ensimmäisellä kerralla tai osallistu kurssille uudelleen ilmaiseksi niin monta kertaa kuin tarpeen, rajoittamattomasti 1 vuoden ajan. Maksat vain yöpymisistä, kokeista ja mahdollisista kuluista.

Päivämäärä Tiedustelu

Valitettavasti tälle kurssille ei ole tällä hetkellä vapaita päivämääriä. Lähetä kysely ja yksi tiimistämme ottaa sinuun yhteyttä mahdollisista tulevista päivämääristä tai vaihtoehtoisista vaihtoehdoista.

Antamiesi yhteystietojen avulla voimme vastata kyselyysi ja ottaa sinuun yhteyttä tuotteistamme ja palveluistamme. Voit peruuttaa näiden viestien tilauksen milloin tahansa. Lisätietoja tilauksen peruuttamisesta sekä tietosuojakäytännöistämme ja sitoutumisestamme yksityisyytesi suojaamiseen on tietosuojailmoituksessamme.