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Microsoft 365 -sertifikaatit
Microsoftin tekoälytaitojen haaste
Microsoftin soveltavat taidot
Microsoftin yrityssovellusten sertifioinnit
Microsoft Dynamics 365 -sertifioinnit
Microsoft Power BI -sertifioinnit
Microsoft Power Platform -sertifioinnit
Microsoftin tietoturvasertifikaatit
Microsoft Windows Server -sertifikaatit
SQL Server -kurssit
Käytöstä poistetut Microsoft-sertifikaatit


MCSE: Private Cloud

6 days

MCSE: Business Intelligence (SQL Server)

6 days

MTA Software Development Fundamentals

4 days

MCSE: Data Platform (SQL Server)

6 days

Configuring Windows 8.1

3 days

Dynamics AX 2009 Enterprise Portal, BI Rapportering och Integrationsutveckling (AIF)

5 days

Dynamics AX 2009 Financials

5 days

Dynamics AX 2009 Installation & Configuration

2 days

Dynamics AX 2009 Production with Master Planning

5 days

Dynamics AX 2009 Trade & Logistics

5 days

Dynamics AX 2012 Development - Advanced

4 days

Dynamics AX 2012 Development - Introduction

4 days

Dynamics AX 2012 Installation & Configuration

3 days

Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Financials

5 days

Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Trade & Logistics

5 days

Dynamics AX 4.0 Financials

8 days

Dynamics AX 4.0 Trade & Logistics

7 days

Dynamics AX 2009 Advanced Developer

4 days

Dynamics AX 2009 Foundation Developer

4 days

Dynamics CRM 2011

8 days

Dynamics CRM 2011 Online

6 days

Dynamics CRM 4.0 Developer sertifiointi

5 days

Dynamics CRM Developer 2011

5 days

Dynamics NAV 2009 Installation & Configuration

2 days

Dynamics NAV 2009 Integration using C#, .NET and SharePoint

5 days

Dynamics NAV 2009 Manufacturing

5 days

Dynamics NAV 2013 Developer

6 days

Dynamics NAV 2013 Financials

6 days

Dynamics NAV 2013 Installation and Configuration

2 days

Dynamics NAV 2013 Introduction

2 days

Dynamics NAV 2009 Developer

7 days

Forefront Client and Server Configuration

3 days

Lync Server 2010 Planning and Infrastructure Preparation

5 days

MCITP Business Intelligence Developer 2008

2 days

MCPD .NET 2.0 Enterprise Applications Developer

13 days

MCPD .NET 2.0 Web Developer

9 days

MCPD .NET 3.5 Enterprise Applications Developer

14 days