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26.05.2025 (maanantai)


"The facilities provided by Firebrand Training was fantastic. The work load was hardgoing but well worth the effort and hardwork. The instructor was absolutely top-class and answered not only class questions but also real life questions. Would absolutely have no hesitation in recommending Firebrand to friends and work colleques." Jason Ali (Firebrand Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer certified)

"The course met all its goals. I learnt everything I need to become an effective member of our development team." Robert Harding (Firebrand Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer certified)

Course Objectives

  • To work with real-time data directly from Dynamics NAV 2009, including sales orders, invoices, customer information, and reports using Employee Portal or byconsuming Web Services
  • Intro and general .NET, C# and ASP.NET
  • To work with .NET development for Dynamics NAV developers
  • To work with Dynamics NAV 2009 and SharePoint

Intended audience

  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developers
  • Consultants who wish to get an insight into the possibilities that Dynamics NAV 2009 access via SharePoint gives


So what makes the Microsoft mplementing Dynamics NAV with SharePoint so compelling? The following short list highlights some of its features. Several of these features should make a compelling case to upgrade your environment.

What are the benefits of certification?

For HR managers, certification is particularly important because it allows them to more easily identify the skills that an individual possesses. When a company has employees that possess certain skills, it can garner a competitive advantage when seeking to attract customers. Certification can also contribute to increased productivity.


  • Overwhelmingly, individuals with Microsoft certifications have an advanced level of knowledge, expertise and skill, and command more professional credibility
  • Individual students may receive college credits to utilize tuition reimbursement programs for their IT training or to complete college coursework

Human Resources

  • Employer-funded training and certification programs are a key to retaining skilled staff. Career development and advancement opportunities are shown to significantly reduce rates of employee turnover
  • Certification Training Programs provide benchmarks for hiring and promotion decisions by accurately assessing technical skills
  • For-certification training programs minimize educational investments through immediate validation of skills


  1. General .NET, C# and ASP.NET Course
    • .NET – Introduction to the .NET Framework
    • C# - Introduction to C# 3.0
    • Type system - The .NET type system
    • C# classes - Object orientation in C#
    • Garbage Collection - Garbage Collection explained
    • Exceptions - Exception Handling
    • Assemblies - Deployment, Versioning and Configuration
    • LINQ - Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) constructs for database access
  2. .NET development for Dynamics NAV developers
    • Introduction - The ASP.NET framework and getting started
    • ASP.NET controls - Implementing a User Interface with ASP.NET Server Controls
    • Data Access - Displaying and Manipulating Data in ASP.NET 3.5
    • JavaScript / AJAX - Creating Responsive Pages by Using Client-Side Technologies
    • Deployment - Debugging and Deployment
    • Mobile Devices - Mobile access to ASP.NET
  3. Dynamics NAV 2009 and SharePoint
    • Employee Portal
    • Introduction to Employee Portal for Dynamics NAV
    • System Requirements
    • Installing Dynamics NAV Employee Portal
    • Setting Up Employee Portal
    • Creating Parts Inside Nav 2009
    • Using “Nav 2009 Parts” Inside SharePoint
    • Reports in Employee Portal
    • Employee Portal Data Encryption
    • Web Services
    • Consuming Nav Web Services
    • InfoPath
    • Creating a Web part using Visual Studio C# + ASP.Net


  • Working experience of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
  • Basic knowledge of SharePoint

Nopeutettu kurssisi sisältää

Nopeutettu kurssisi sisältää:
  • Yöpymiset *
  • Ateriat, rajattomat välipalat, juomat, tee ja kahvi *
  • Paikan päällä suoritettavat kokeet **
  • Kokeiden maksukupongit **
  • Harjoitustestit **
  • Sertifiointitakuu ***
  • Kurssimateriaalit
  • Jopa 12 tuntia opettajan johdolla tapahtuvaa opetusta päivässä
  • 24 tunnin laboratorion käyttö
  • Digitaalinen kurssimateriaali **

* Koskee vain asuntokursseja. Yöpymiset sisältyvät alkaen kurssia edeltävästä yöstä. Tämä ei koske verkkokursseja. 
** Joitakin poikkeuksia sovelletaan. Katso tarkemmat tiedot kokeen tiedoista tai keskustele asiantuntijoidemme kanssa.
*** Läpäise ensimmäisellä kerralla tai osallistu kurssille uudelleen ilmaiseksi niin monta kertaa kuin tarpeen, rajoittamattomasti 1 vuoden ajan. Maksat vain yöpymisistä, kokeista ja mahdollisista kuluista.

Päivämäärä Tiedustelu

Valitettavasti tälle kurssille ei ole tällä hetkellä vapaita päivämääriä. Lähetä kysely ja yksi tiimistämme ottaa sinuun yhteyttä mahdollisista tulevista päivämääristä tai vaihtoehtoisista vaihtoehdoista.

Antamiesi yhteystietojen avulla voimme vastata kyselyysi ja ottaa sinuun yhteyttä tuotteistamme ja palveluistamme. Voit peruuttaa näiden viestien tilauksen milloin tahansa. Lisätietoja tilauksen peruuttamisesta sekä tietosuojakäytännöistämme ja sitoutumisestamme yksityisyytesi suojaamiseen on tietosuojailmoituksessamme.