What is Microsoft?

A global leader in software, gaming, cloud-based, and online services, Microsoft truly needs no introduction.

At Firebrand, we are proud to be a Microsoft Gold Partner for Learning, providing our learners access to Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCTs) and the latest Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOCs).

What are the benefits of Microsoft certification?

Microsoft certifications can help you:

  • Master highly specific skills and technologies
  • Stand out from your peers
  • Increase your earning potential
  • Access exclusive online communities, technical support, and training opportunities

Microsoft certifications are your direct route to keeping up-to-date in tech and proving your knowledge through official Microsoft exams.

At Firebrand, we take sole delivery of the Skills Bootcamps in Microsoft provision and will provide the operational infrastructure to recruit learners, deliver training, and provide additional support.

Candidates can access a guaranteed interview with employers who regularly hire for these skills.

Interested in Microsoft Skills Bootcamps?

The Skills Bootcamps we currently offer are: