Lloyds AI Hackathon NAW 2024

Lloyds Banking Group and Firebrand host AI Hackathon at NAW2024!

Lloyds Banking Group, in collaboration with Firebrand Training, hosted an AI Hackathon during National Apprenticeship Week, NAW2024. 

The event brought together experts, enthusiasts, creative minds and apprentices to address this critical question:  

“What AI initiatives can enhance the banking experience for neurodivergent individuals?” 

The event kicked off with discovery sessions led by the Head of Data and AI Curriculum at Firebrand, Sean Rafter—we discussed AI, Machine Learning, and approaches to implementing AI solutions in organisations.

Following this, Katie Miller, Inclusive Service Designer at Lloyds Banking Group, took participants through the types of neurodiversity, understanding its impact on customers and the importance of tailored solutions, and Chandrima Ganguly, also Lloyds, spoke passionately on AI and Finance ethics, emphasising responsible deployment, the technology used to develop AI, and some of the approaches Lloyds uses to improve data used in its AI models.

Attendees then formed groups to generate ideas, supported by experts from Firebrand, Lloyds Bank, and the Henley Business School. Groups had to propose AI solutions that can directly benefit the neurodivergent customer base and present those ideas to the wider group and judging panel. Judges considered the feasibility of the solution, its impact on customers, the alignment to the group’s strategic objectives, and how innovative the approach was.

There were many amazing ideas, but the standout approach was an ingenious concept to expand the LBG banking app around a feature designed to revolutionise money management for all but particularly neurodivergent users utilising AI, allowing a flexible and intelligent approach to money management.

This rich exchange of ideas energised everyone at the event and deepened their understanding of AI, ethics, inclusivity, and financial wellbeing.

“The power of apprentices and Apprenticeships [in tackling such complex issues] was obvious, the energy and ideas generated from the ideation sessions was amazing and humbling to see,” said our colleague Sean Rafter.

Another fantastic session at #NAW2024!



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