Sarbanes-Oxley - SOX Certification



Bara 4 dagar



Klassrum / Uppkopplad / Hybrid

Nästa datum

Nästa datum:

10/2/2025 (Måndag)


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 introduced significant legislative changes to financial practice and corporate governance regulation intended to "protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to the securities laws".

Our Sarbanes Oxley SOX Certification 4-Day Accelerated Training and Certification Program provides you with a thorough understanding of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and how it applies to your job, your career, your company, and your industry.

This blended-learning program employs our outcome-based (Lecture/Lab/Review) delivery that focuses on preparing you with the practical Sarbanes-Oxley skills you'll need to effectively and efficiently achieve your certification. Students will live, learn, and take the rigorous examination at one of our state-of-the-art education centers.

Our Sarbanes Oxley SOX Certification Program:

  • Allows you to achieve your certification in a fraction of the time of 'traditional training' while delivering industry-leading exam passing percentages
  • Helps you grasp complex technical concepts more easily by identifying and catering to your individual learning style through a mixed visual, auditory and kinaesthetic-tactual delivery system
  • Enhances your retention by employing accelerated learning techniques focused on committing information to long-term memory

Sarbanes Oxley SOX Certification Program is offered in partnership with the prestigious Sarbanes-Oxley Institute - the only global provider of Sarbanes-Oxley professional certifications. This rigorous course is based on actual projects and uses a real-world training methodology. Once you're certified, you'll possess the required skills to protect your company.

Sju anledningar till varför du bör välja din kurs med Firebrand Training

  1. Två utbildningsalternativ. Välj mellan boende på plats med klassrumsundervisning eller onlinekurser
  2. Du blir certifierad snabbt. Hos oss blir du utbildad rekordsnabbt
  3. Vår kurs är heltäckande. En engångsavgift täcker alla kursmaterial, examina**, boende* och måltider*. Inga dolda extra kostnader.
  4. Godkänn första gången eller träna om gratis. Detta är vår garanti. Vi är övertygade om att du kommer klara kursen på första försöket. Men om inte, kom tillbaka inom ett år och betala endast för boende, examina och tillkommande kostnader
  5. Du kommer lära dig mer. En dag med en traditionell utbildningsleverantör brukar generellt pågå från kl. 9 till 17, med en lång paus för lunch. Med Firebrand Training får du minst 12 timmar/dag av kvalitativ inlärningstid med din instruktör
  6. Du kommer lära dig snabbare. Sannolikheten är att du har en annan inlärningsstil än de omkring dig. Vi kombinerar visuella, auditiva och taktila stilar för att leverera materialet på ett sätt som säkerställer att du lär dig snabbare och enklare
  7. Du kommer studera med de bästa. Vi har varit med på Training Industrys lista "Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year" varje år sedan 2010. Förutom många fler utmärkelser har vi utbildat och certifierat över 100 000 yrkesverksamma
  • * Endast för boende på plats. Gäller inte för onlinekurser
  • ** Vissa undantag gäller. Vänligen se Exam Track eller prata med våra experter


Sarbanes Oxley SOX Certification Program is offered in partnership with the prestigious Sarbanes-Oxley Institute - the only global provider of Sarbanes-Oxley professional certifications. This rigorous course is based on actual projects and uses real-world training methodology. Once you're certified, you'll possess the in-depth knowledge and hands-on skills you need to protect your company - and take your career to the next level.


  • Learn practical Sarbanes-Oxley skills you can use on the job.
  • Gain access to a wide range of SOX-related experts and instructors.
  • Increase your effectiveness on the job in days, instead of months.


  • SOX-certified employees will help elevate and secure your company's accounting and business methods.
  • Knowledgeable employees help create a compliant and more ethical organization.
  • Customers see great value in certification - they want the people on their engagement to have the best skills, and certification provides that proof point.

Human Resources:

  • Employer-funded training and certification programs are a key to retaining skilled staff. Career development and advancement opportunities are shown to significantly reduce rates of employee turnover.
  • Certification Training Programs provide benchmarks for hiring and promotion decisions by accurately assessing technical skills.
  • For-certification training programs maximize educational investments through immediate validation of skills.

Firebrand Training provides instruction to meet every learning need, including:

  • Intensive group instruction
  • One-on-one instruction attention
  • Hands-on labs
  • Lab partner and group exercises
  • Question and answer drills
  • Friendly competitions between concurrently running classes
  • Independent study
  • Self-testing


Our award winning four-day Sarbanes Oxley SOX Certification is the most effective, efficient way for professionals to prepare for and pass the CSOX examination. Students who successfully complete the Sarbanes-Oxley Training and Certification Program will possess the knowledge and skills required to ensure SOX compliance within specific functions of an organization.

Course Materials:

While attending this blended-learning program, you will receive a robust set of course materials that caters to each of the three primary individual learning-intake styles (auditory, visual, and kinaesthetic-tactual) - critical for a successful accelerated learning experience.

In addition to daily lectures, labs and review sessions, the course will cover the following materials, in depth. You will receive a complimentary copy of each:

  • The Sarbanes-Oxley Guide for Finance and Information Technology Professionals by Sanjay Anand (a $50 value) This edited collection by Sanjay Anand, the Chairperson of SOX Institute, is widely regarded to be the most comprehensive SOX compliance guide for IT and finance professionals. Within its pages, you'll find:
    • Key aspects and components of the SOX Act
    • Valuable information on how to assess a company's SOX compliancy
    • A 'roadmap' to compliance, including checklists, worksheets and project plans
    • Business and technology implications and resource requirements for compliance
  • ISACA/ITGI: Information Technology Control Objectives (COBIT) for Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX). This document by ISACA sets out the IT control objectives that might be considered for assessing internal controls, as required by the SOX Act. This is a practical guide for IT rollout in organizations.
  • The Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 Implementation Toolkit: Practice Aids for Managers and Auditors by Michael Ramos (a $75 value - includes CD ROM). This is the first book to provide detailed implementation practice aids for Sarbanes-Oxley 404 compliance. It's filled with work programs, audit checklists and examples that you can tailor to meet your own needs. A useful CD ROM is included, and contains all of the tools from the book.

Firebrand Training has an aggressive educational schedule that thoroughly covers all essential elements critical to an effective Project Management Professional:

  • Lesson Objectives
  • History and Impact of SOX
  • Events leading up to the Act
  • Key Components of the Act
  • The role of the SEC and PCAOB
  • Consequences for business
  • SOX and Other Regulations
  • Critical Sections of SOX Act including 302, 404, 409, 806, 301
  • CEO/CFO Disclosure, Certification
  • Internal Controls, Assertions, Risk
  • Frameworks and Methodologies
  • COSO, COBIT, ISO 17799, ITIL
  • SOX for Foreign Issuers, SAS 70
  • Entire SOX Compliance Roadmap
  • Review of Day One
  • Revisit SOX Compliance Roadmap
  • Entity- and Process-level Controls
  • Application & IT General Controls
  • Designing, Documenting Controls
  • Primary and Secondary Controls
  • Preventive and Detective Controls
  • Deficiencies and Weaknesses
  • Identify, isolate and remediate
  • Develop and Execute Test Plans
  • Case-Study Discussion
  • Breakout into Workshop Groups
  • Conduct Case-Study Exercise
  • Present Case-Study Exercise
  • Revisit SOX Compliance Roadmap
  • Understanding Project Management and SOX Implementation
  • Understanding the SOXA Methodology
  • Breakout into Workshop Groups
  • Conduct Case-Study Exercise
  • Present Case-Study Exercise
  • Interactive CSOX Exam-Objective Reinforcement
  • CSOX Exam Delivery

Exam Track

The CSOX credential is the only globally recognized professional examination certification in Sarbanes-Oxley. The SOX Program provides two levels of Sarbanes-Oxley professional examination certifications:

SOXBase (CSOX) is an entry-level examination certification that requires you to pass a qualifying test to determine your factual proficiency in the fundamental tenets of SOX, as covered in the program.

We will prepare you for your choice of the the following exam tracks:

  • Finance, Accounting, IS, IT (CSOX-FIT)
  • Auditing and Accounting (CSOX-IA)
  • IT and Information Security (CSOX-IT)
  • Enterprise Risk Management (CSOX-RM)

One of these exams coupled with attending our authorized course certifies you at the SOX Base-level, which is a prerequisite to obtaining the industry recognized SOX Pro-level (SOX Professional).

SOXPro (CSOXP) is a more advanced level that requires you to demonstrate substantial experience in SOX, and certifies you at the Pro-level (SOX Professional)

For each exam, Subsequent Annual Maintenance requires a minimum of 12 hours of Sarbanes-Oxley related CPEs or PDUs.

What's Included


To obtain the SOXPro (CSOXP) certification, a candidate must have the following prerequisites:

  • SOXBase-level certification. There is no additional exam
  • 1200 hours of Sarbanes-Oxley experience in the prior year

When you register for CSOXP, you're asked to complete a questionnaire about your SOX-related work history. Please have locations, dates, and number of hours ready.

Är du redo för din Firebrand kurs?

Vi intervjuar alla potentiella deltagare om deras bakgrund, utbildning, certifiering och personliga inställning. Om du kommer igenom denna process så har du riktigt goda möjligheter att klara din certifiering.

Firebrand Training erbjuder en ambitiös utbildningsmiljö som förutsätter att du verkligen dedikerar dig till kursen. Ovanstående förkunskaper är endast vägledande, många deltagare med mindre erfarenhet men med en annan bakgrund eller kunskap har framgångsrikt genomfört sin utbildning hos Firebrand Training.

Om du funderar på huruvida du uppfyller rekommenderade förkunskaper vänligen ring oss på (0)8 44 68 27 85 och prata med en av våra utbildningsrådgivare som kan hjälpa dig.


Här är Firebrand Training recension avsnittet. Sedan 2001 har vi utbildat exakt 134.561 studenter och proffs och bett dem alla att recensera vår Accelerated Learning. För närvarande har, 95,32% sagt att Firebrand överträffade deras förväntningar.

Läs recensioner från avslutade accelereradekurser nedan eller besök Firebrand Stories för skriftliga och videointervjuer med våra tidigare alumni.

"That was a great experience to get high quality knowledge on the specific area, thank you."
Ozan Yasar, Turkcell. (17/11/2014 (Måndag) till 21/11/2014 (Fredag))

"The experience has been quite insightful, eye opening and interesting. One of the best training I have had and Firebrand is obviously one of the best places I have learned."
Oludare Atoki, Nigeria LNG Limited. (7/11/2011 (Måndag) till 11/11/2011 (Fredag))

"I have really enjoyed this weeks training. The instructor was great, very informative and knowledgeable and the training material assisted learning."
Kimberly Lewis, Barclays. (7/11/2011 (Måndag) till 11/11/2011 (Fredag))

"Generally satisfied with the facility (although the daily distance from Robinson to the training centre a bit inconvenient). "
Pavla Bowes. (7/11/2011 (Måndag) till 11/11/2011 (Fredag))

"The course was extremely informative and targeted my specific requirements. The course trainer was extremely knowledgeable."
Anon.. (7/11/2011 (Måndag) till 11/11/2011 (Fredag))







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