From 6 days
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30-06-2025 (måndag)
På den här accelererade 6-dagars-kursen i MCSA: SQL Server 2016/2017 Database Administration kommer du att lära dig hur man administrerar, utvecklar och hanterar SQL Server 2016/2017 databases. Det här inkluderar att hantera och auktorisera användartillgång, att tilldela och skapa olika typer av databas-roller samt att lära sig hur man automatiserar SQL Server-hantering.
Den här 6-dagars instruktörsledda kursen förser deltagare som administrera och upprätthåller SQL Server-databaser med kunskapen och färdigheterna infrastrukturen i en SQL Server-databas. Dessutom är kursen till nytta för personer som utvecklar applikationer som tillhandahåller innehåll från SQL Server-databaser.
Få din utbildning och certifiering i MCSA SQL Server 2016/2017 – Database Administration på bara 6 dagar och lär dig mer än du kunnat föeställa dig.
Vi på Firebrand vet att din tid är värdefull. Därför ger vi dig möjligheten att få din utbildning och certifiering för MCSA SQL Server 2016/2017 – Database Administration på bara 6 dagar. Vi ger dig de bästa förutsättningarna för att lära.
Din accelererade kurs leds av Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCT) som använder sig av Microsoft official Curriculum (MOC) och övningsprov. Du kommer också att använda dig av Firebrands unika Lecture | Lab | Review-metodik och lära dig om följande ämnen:
- Autentisera och auktorisersa användare
- Tilldela server- och databasroller
- Auktorisera användare för att ge tillgång till resurser
- Skydda data med hjälp av kryptering och auditing
- Beskriva revovery-modeller och backup-strategier
- Backuppa SQL Server-databaser
- Återställa SQL Server-databaser
- Automatisera databashantering
- Konfigurera säkerhet för SQL Server-agenten
- Hantera varningar och meddelanden
- Hantera SQL Server med hjälp av PowerShell
- Språa tillgång till SQL Server
- Övervaka en SQL Server-infrastruktur
- Felsöka en SQL Server-infrastruktur
- Importera och exportera data
- Tillhandahålla en Database Server
- Uppgradera SQL Server
- Konfigurera SQL Server
- Hantera Databases och Files (delade)
- Tillhandahålla, migrera och hantera databaser i molnet
Med oss vid din sida som uppmuntrar och guidar dig på vägen, kan du ta del av 6 intensiva, fokuserade dagar av kvalitativt lärande i en distraktionsfri miljö. Din erfarna instruktör använder Firebrands unika, accelererade inlärningsmetoder som inkluderar vår exklusiva lecture-/lab-/review-metodik med exempel från verkligheten som ger dig bästa möjliga förutsättningar att lära och bibehålla din kunskap samt att framgångsrikt klara din certifiering.
Att genomföra din utbildning i MCSA: SQL Server 2016/2017 - Database Administration hos Firebrand innebär att:
- Du får fler utbildningstimmar per dag, vilket ger dig möjligheten att bli utbildad och certifierad snabbare och mer kostnadseffektivt än hos någon annan utbildningsleverantör
- Du erhåller utbildning från en av de mest kvalificerade instruktörerna i världen
- Du kan uteslutande fokusera på din inlärning i vår distraktionsfria miljö
- Du får gedigen support på plats och tillgång till klassrum dygnet runt
- Priset du betalar innefattar ett allt-inkluderat-paket och täcker allt kursmaterial, examen, boende, mat, transportservice, m.m.
- Din certifieringsgaranti ger dig möjlighet att genomföra kursen igen utan extra kostnad om du inte klarar din certifiering på första försöket. Du betalar endast för boende och eventuella labbar och examen
Om du önskar läsa din kurs i MCSA: SQL Server 2016/2017 - Database Administration i mindre steg, rekommenderar vi att du läser de här 2 kurserna i stället:
Microsoft Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure (Microsoft MCSA: SQL Server 2016/2017 - Database Administration - Part 1)
Microsoft Upgrading to MCSA: SQL Server 2016/2017 Database Administration (Microsoft MCSA: SQL Server 2016/2017 - Database Administration - Part 2)
Du lär dig
Microsoft MCSA SQL Server 2016/2017 – Database Administration
We have designed our course material in the way that best prepares you to learn and pass your exams.
Course 20764B: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure
Module 1: SQL Server Security
Protection of data within your Microsoft SQL Server databases is essential and requires a working knowledge of the issues and SQL Server security features. This module describes SQL Server security models, logins, users, partially contained databases, and cross-server authorization.
- Authenticating Connections to SQL Server
- Authorizing Logins to Connect to databases
- Authorization Across Servers
- Partially Contained Databases
Lab : Authenticating Users
Module 2: Assigning Server and Database Roles
Using roles simplifies the management of user permissions. With roles, you can control authenticated users’ access to system resources based on each user’s job function—rather than assigning permissions user-by-user, you can grant permissions to a role, then make users members of roles. Microsoft SQL Server includes support for security roles defined at server level and at database level.
- Working with server roles
- Working with Fixed Database Roles
- Assigning User-Defined Database Roles
Lab : Assigning server and database roles
Module 3: Authorizing Users to Access Resources
In the previous modules, you have seen how Microsoft SQL Server security is organized and how sets of permissions can be assigned at the server and database level by using fixed server roles, user-defined server roles, fixed database roles, and application roles. The final step in authorizing users to access SQL Server resources is the authorization of users and roles to access server and database objects. In this module, you will see how these object permissions are managed. In addition to access permissions on database objects, SQL Server provides the ability to determine which users are allowed to execute code, such as stored procedures and functions. In many cases, these permissions and the permissions on the database objects are best configured at the schema level rather than at the level of the individual object. Schema-based permission grants can simplify your security architecture. You will explore the granting of permissions at the schema level in the final lesson of this module.
- Authorizing User Access to Objects
- Authorizing Users to Execute Code
- Configuring Permissions at the Schema Level
Lab : Authorizing users to access resources
Module 4: Protecting Data with Encryption and Auditing
When configuring security for your Microsoft SQL Server systems, you should ensure that you meet any of your organization’s compliance requirements for data protection. Organizations often need to adhere to industry-specific compliance policies, which mandate auditing of all data access. To address this requirement, SQL Server provides a range of options for implementing auditing. Another common compliance requirement is the encryption of data to protect against unauthorized access in the event that access to the database files is compromised. SQL Server supports this requirement by providing transparent data encryption (TDE). To reduce the risk of information leakage by users with administrative access to a database, columns containing sensitive data—such as credit card numbers or national identity numbers—can be encrypted using the Always Encrypted feature. This module describes the available options for auditing in SQL Server, how to use and manage the SQL Server Audit feature, and how to implement encryption.
- Options for auditing data access in SQL Server
- Implementing SQL Server Audit
- Managing SQL Server Audit
- Protecting Data with Encryption
Lab : Using Auditing and Encryption
Module 5: Recovery Models and Backup Strategies
One of the most important aspects of a database administrator's role is ensuring that organizational data is reliably backed up so that, if a failure occurs, you can recover the data. Even though the computing industry has known about the need for reliable backup strategies for decades—and discussed this at great length—unfortunate stories regarding data loss are still commonplace. A further problem is that, even when the strategies in place work as they were designed, the outcomes still regularly fail to meet an organization’s operational requirements. In this module, you will consider how to create a strategy that is aligned with organizational needs, based on the available backup models, and the role of the transaction logs in maintaining database consistency.
- Understanding Backup Strategies
- SQL Server Transaction Logs
- Planning Backup Strategies
Lab : Understanding SQL Server recovery models
Module 6: Backing Up SQL Server Databases
In the previous module, you learned how to plan a backup strategy for a SQL Server system. You can now learn how to perform SQL Server backups, including full and differential database backups, transaction log backups, and partial backups. In this module, you will learn how to apply various backup strategies.
- Backing Up Databases and Transaction Logs
- Managing Database Backups
- Advanced Database Options
Lab : Backing Up Databases
Module 7: Restoring SQL Server 2016 Databases
In the previous module, you learned how to create backups of Microsoft SQL Server 2016 databases. A backup strategy might involve many different types of backup, so it is essential that you can effectively restore them. You will often be restoring a database in an urgent situation. You must, however, ensure that you have a clear plan of how to proceed and successfully recover the database to the required state. A good plan and understanding of the restore process can help avoid making the situation worse. Some database restores are related to system failure. In these cases, you will want to return the system as close as possible to the state it was in before the failure. Some failures, though, are related to human error and you might wish to recover the system to a point before that error. The point-in-time recovery features of SQL Server 2016 can help you to achieve this. Because they are typically much larger, user databases are more likely to be affected by system failures than system databases. However, system databases can be affected by failures, and special care should be taken when recovering them. In particular, you need to understand how to recover each system database because you cannot use the same process for all system databases. In this module, you will see how to restore user and system databases and how to implement point-in-time recovery.
- Understanding the Restore Process
- Restoring Databases
- Advanced Restore Scenarios
- Point-in-Time Recovery
Lab : Restoring SQL Server Databases
Module 8: Automating SQL Server Management
The tools provided by Microsoft SQL Server make administration easy when compared to some other database engines. However, even when tasks are easy to perform, it is common to have to repeat a task many times. Efficient database administrators learn to automate repetitive tasks. This can help to avoid situations where an administrator forgets to execute a task at the required time. Perhaps more importantly, the automation of tasks helps to ensure that they are performed consistently, each time they are executed. This module describes how to use SQL Server Agent to automate jobs, how to configure security contexts for jobs, and how to implement multiserver jobs.
- Automating SQL Server management
- Working with SQL Server Agent
- Managing SQL Server Agent Jobs
- Multi-server Management
Lab : Automating SQL Server Management
Module 9: Configuring Security for SQL Server Agent
Other modules in this course have demonstrated the need to minimize the permissions that are granted to users, following the principle of “least privilege.” This means that users have only the permissions that they need to perform their tasks. The same logic applies to the granting of permissions to SQL Server Agent. Although it is easy to execute all jobs in the context of the SQL Server Agent service account, and to configure that account as an administrative account, a poor security environment would result from doing this. It is important to understand how to create a minimal privilege security environment for jobs that run in SQL Server Agent.
- Understanding SQL Server Agent Security
- Configuring Credentials
- Configuring Proxy Accounts
Lab : Configuring Security for SQL Server Agent
Module 10: Monitoring SQL Server with Alerts and Notifications
One key aspect of managing Microsoft SQL Server in a proactive manner is to make sure you are aware of problems and events that occur in the server, as they happen. SQL Server logs a wealth of information about issues. You can configure it to advise you automatically when these issues occur, by using alerts and notifications. The most common way that SQL Server database administrators receive details of events of interest is by email message. This module covers the configuration of Database Mail, alerts, and notifications for a SQL Server instance, and the configuration of alerts for Microsoft Azure SQL Database.
- Monitoring SQL Server Errors
- Configuring Database Mail
- Operators, Alerts, and Notifications
- Alerts in Azure SQL Database
Lab : Monitoring SQL Server with Alerts and Notifications
Module 11: Introduction to Managing SQL Server by using PowerShell
This module looks at how to use Windows PowerShell with Microsoft SQL Server. Businesses are constantly having to increase the efficiency and reliability of maintaining their IT infrastructure; with PowerShell, you can improve this efficiency and reliability by creating scripts to carry out tasks. PowerShell scripts can be tested and applied multiple times to multiple servers, saving your organization both time and money.
- Getting Started with Windows PowerShell
- Configure SQL Server using PowerShell
- Administer and Maintain SQL Server with PowerShell
- Managing Azure SQL Databases using PowerShell
Lab : Using PowerShell to Manage SQL Server
Module 12: Tracing Access to SQL Server with Extended events
Monitoring performance metrics provides a great way to assess the overall performance of a database solution. However, there are occasions when you need to perform more detailed analysis of the activity occurring within a Microsoft SQL Server instance—to troubleshoot problems and identify ways to optimize workload performance. SQL Server Extended Events is a flexible, lightweight event-handling system built into the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine. This module focuses on the architectural concepts, troubleshooting strategies and usage scenarios of Extended Events.
- Extended Events Core Concepts
- Working with Extended Events
Lab : Extended Events
Module 13: Monitoring SQL Server
The Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine can run for long periods without the need for administrative attention. However, if you regularly monitor the activity that occurs on the database server, you can deal with potential issues before they arise. SQL Server provides a number of tools that you can use to monitor current activity and record details of previous activity. You need to become familiar with what each of the tools does and how to use them. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the volume of output that monitoring tools can provide, so you also need to learn techniques for analyzing their output.
- Monitoring activity
- Capturing and Managing Performance Data
- Analyzing Collected Performance Data
- SQL Server Utility
Lab : Monitoring SQL Server
Module 14: Troubleshooting SQL Server
Database administrators working with Microsoft SQL Server need to adopt the important role of troubleshooter when issues arise—particularly if users of business-critical applications that rely on SQL Server databases are being prevented from working. It is important to have a solid methodology for resolving issues in general, and to be familiar with the most common issues that can arise when working with SQL Server systems.
- A Trouble Shooting Methodology for SQL Server
- Resolving Service Related Issues
- Resolving Connectivity and Log-in issues
Lab : Troubleshooting Common Issues
Module 15: Importing and Exporting Data
While a great deal of data residing in a Microsoft SQL Server system is entered directly by users who are running application programs, there is often a need to move data in other locations, to and from SQL Server. SQL Server provides a set of tools you can use to transfer data in and out. Some of these tools, such as the bcp (Bulk Copy Program) utility and SQL Server Integration Services, are external to the database engine. Other tools, such as the BULK INSERT statement and the OPENROWSET function, are implemented in the database engine. With SQL Server, you can also create data-tier applications that package all the tables, views, and instance objects associated with a user database into a single unit of deployment. In this module, you will explore these tools and techniques so that you can import and export data to and from SQL Server.
- Transferring Data to and from SQL Server
- Importing and Exporting Table Data
- Using bcp and BULK INSERT to Import Data
- Deploying and Upgrading Data-Tier Application
Lab : Importing and Exporting Data
Course 20765B: Provisioning SQL Databases
Module 1: SQL Server 2016 Components
Describe the SQL Server platform, SQL Server services, and SQL Server configuration options.
- Introduction to the SQL Server Platform
- Overview of SQL Server Architecture
- SQL Server Services and Configuration Options
Lab : SQL Server Versions ( Discussion session)
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the SQL Server platform and architecture
- Describe the SQL Server services and configuration.
Module 2: Installing SQL Server 2016
This modules describes the process to install SQL Server 2016.
- Considerations for installing SQL Server
- TempDB Files
- Installing SQL Server 2016
- Automating Installation
Lab : Installing SQL Server
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the considerations when installing SQL Server 2016
- Be able to install SQL Server
- Be able to automate the installation
Module 3: Upgrading SQL Server to SQL Server 2017
This module describes the process for upgrading to SQL Server 2017.
- Upgrade Requirements
- Upgrade SQL Server Services
- Side by Side Upgrade: Migrating SQL Server Data and Applications
Lab : Upgrading SQL Server
- Create the Application Logins
- Restore the backups of the TSQL Database
- Orphaned Users and Database Compatibility Level
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the upgrade requirements for SQL Server.
- Upgrade SQL Server.
- Migrate SQL Server data and applications.
Module 4: Working with Databases
This module describes the preinstalled system databases, the physical structure of databases and the most common configuration options related to them.
- Overview of SQL Server Databases
- Creating Databases
- Database Files and Filegroups
- Moving Database Files
- Buffer Pool Extension
Lab : Managing Database Storage
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe Data Storage with SQL Server.
- Manage Storage for System Databases.
- Manage Storage for User Databases.
- Move and Copy Database Files.
- Describe the Side-by-Side Upgrade: Migrating SQL Server Data and Applications process.
- Describe and use Buffer Pool Extensions.
Module 5: Performing Database Maintenance
This module covers database maintenance.
- Ensuring Database Integrity
- Maintaining Indexes
- Automating Routine Database Maintenance
Lab : Performing Ongoing Database Maintenance
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe how to ensure database integrity
- Be able to maintain indexes
- Be able to automate routine database maintenance
Module 6: Database Storage Options
At the end of this module you will be able to describe the database storage options.
- SQL Server storage Performance
- SMB Fileshare
- SQL Server Storage in Azure
- Stretch Databases
Lab : Implementing Stretch Database
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Explain the elements impacting storage performance
- Describe SMB fileshare
- Describe SQL Server storage in Azure
- Describe Stretch Databases
Module 7: Deploying SQL Server on Microsoft Azure
This module describes the options available to run SQL Server on Azure.
- SQL Server Virtual Machines in Azure
- Azure storage
- Azure SQL Authentication
- Deploying an Azure SQL Database
Lab : Plan and Deploy an Azure SQL Database
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe SQL Server Virtual Machines in Azure.
- Describe Azure Storage.
- Explain Azure SQL Authentication, auditing and compliance.
- Deploy an Azure SQL Database.
Module 8: Migrating Databases to Azure SQL Database
This module describes how to migrate databases to Azure SQL Database.
- Database Migration Testing Tools
- Database Migration Compatibility Issues
- Migrating a SQL Server Database to Azure SQL Database
Lab : Migrating SQL Server Databases to Azure
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe various database migration testing tools.
- Explain database migration compatibility issues.
- Migrate a SQL Server database to Azure SQL database.
Module 9: Deploying SQL Server on a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine
This module describes how to deploy SQL Server on Microsoft Azure VMs.
- Deploying SQL Server on an Azure VM
- The Deploy Database to a Microsoft Azure VM
Lab : Deploying SQL Server on an Azure Virtual Machine
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Deploy SQL Server on an Azure VM.
- Use The Deploy Database to a Microsoft Azure VM Wizard.
Module 10: Managing databases in the Cloud
This module describes how to manage SQL Server on Azure.
- Managing Azure SQL Database Security
- Configure Azure storage
- Azure Automation
Lab : Managing Databases in the Cloud
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Manage Azure SQL Database Security.
- Configure Azure storage.
- Implement Azure Automation.
Som en del av din kurs blir du förberedd för, och kommer även att på plats hos oss genomföra, följande examen som även omfattas av din certifieringsgaranti:
- Exam 70-764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure
- Exam 70-765: Provisioning SQL Databases
Vad ingår?
Microsoft Official Curriculum
- MOC 20764C - Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure
- MOC 20765C - Provisioning SQL Databases
Utöver arbetslivserfarenhet måste du besitta följande tekniska kunskap:
- Grundläggande kunskap om operativsystemet Microsoft Windows och dess nyckelfunktioner
- Praktisk kunskap om Transact-SQL
- Praktisk kunskap om relational databases
- Viss erfarenhet av databas-design
Vad Ingår
Ditt accelererade kurs inkluderar:
- Övernattningar *
- Måltider, obegränsade snacks, drycker, te och kaffe *
- On-site tentor **
- Examenskuponger **
- Övningsprov **
- Certifieringsgaranti ***
- Kursmaterial
- Upp till 12 timmars instruktörledd undervisning varje dag
- 24-timmars laboratorieåtkomst
- Digitalt kursmaterial **
* Gäller endast för internatkurser. Övernattningar ingår från natten före kursstart. Detta gäller inte för onlinekurser.
** Vissa undantag gäller. Se examenspåret eller tala med våra experter.
*** Klara första gången eller gå kursen igen gratis så många gånger som behövs, obegränsat i 1 år. Betala endast för övernattningar, tentor och eventuella kostnader.
Sju skäl till varför du bör gå din kurs med Firebrand Training
- Två utbildningsalternativ. Välj mellan internatkurser eller onlinekurser.
- Du blir certifierad snabbt. Med oss blir du utbildad på rekordtid.
- Vår kurs är allt inkluderat. En engångsavgift täcker allt kursmaterial, tentor**, övernattningar* och måltider*. Inga dolda kostnader.
- Klara första gången eller utbilda dig igen gratis. Detta är vår garanti. Vi är säkra på att du klarar din kurs första gången. Om inte, kom tillbaka inom ett år och betala endast för övernattningar, tentor och tillkommande kostnader.
- Du kommer att lära dig mer. En dag med en traditionell utbildningsleverantör varar normalt från kl. 9 till 17, med en lång lunchpaus. Med Firebrand Training får du minst 12 timmars kvalitetstid per dag med din instruktör.
- Du kommer att lära dig snabbare. Troligtvis har du en annan inlärningsstil än de runt dig. Vi kombinerar visuella, auditiva och taktila stilar för att leverera materialet på ett sätt som säkerställer att du lär dig snabbare och lättare.
- Du kommer att studera med de bästa. Vi har blivit namngivna i Training Industrys "Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year" varje år sedan 2010. Förutom att ha vunnit många fler utmärkelser har vi utbildat och certifierat över 135 000 yrkesverksamma.
* Gäller endast för internatkurser. Gäller inte för onlinekurser.
** Vissa undantag gäller. Se examenspåret eller tala med våra experte
Förfrågan om datum
Tyvärr, det finns för närvarande inga datum tillgängliga för den här kursen. Skicka gärna in en förfrågan så kommer någon i vårt team att kontakta dig angående eventuella framtida datum eller alternativa alternativ.
Den kontaktinformation du tillhandahåller gör det möjligt för oss att svara på din fråga och kontakta dig om våra produkter och tjänster. Du kan när som helst avregistrera dig från dessa meddelanden. För information om hur du avslutar prenumerationen, samt våra sekretessrutiner och vårt åtagande att skydda din integritet, se vårt integritetsmeddelande.