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25-02-2025 (tisdag)



Denna kurs avslutas den 30 juni 2023. Den kommer inte att ersättas.

Få färdigheterna och kunskapen för att bli en Microsoft 365 Security Administrator med denna accelererade och officiella 3-dagars kurs.

Genom att bli en Microsoft 365 Certified Security Administrator Associate, kommer du att lära dig att implementera, hantera och övervaka säkerhets- och efterlevnadslösningar för Microsoft 365 och hybridmiljöer. Du kommer att utveckla färdigheter för att genomföra proaktiva lösningar för att säkra M365 miljöer. Detta inkluderar att reagera på hot, implementera identitets- och informationsskydd, genomföra undersökningar och genomdriva datagovernance.

Din expert Microsoft Certified Trainer kommer att fördjupa dig i officiellt kursmaterial och praktiska laborationer. Du kommer att lära och behålla informationen snabbare genom vår Lecture | Lab | Review teknik.

Genom att accelerera din väg mot att bli en certifierad Security Administrator Associate, kommer du att gå igenom följande ämnen:

  • Implementera och hantera identitet och åtkomst - med hjälp av Azure AD Identity Protection och Privileged Identity Management
  • Implementera och hantera hotskydd med hjälp av Office 365 meddelande och hotskydd
  • Implementera och hantera informationskydd med hjälp av Azure information Protection och Microsoft Cloud Security App
  • Hantera regler och efterlevnadsfunktioner i Microsoft 365

Du kommer att förberedas för och ta Prov MS-500 på Firebrand Training Centre under kursen. Detta omfattas av Certifieringsgaranti. Genom att klara denna prov kommer du att bli kvalificerad som en Microsoft 365 Certified Security Administrator Associate. Detta är förutsättningen för att försöka kursen för Microsoft 365 Certified Enterprise Administrator Expert.

Om du vill utveckla och certifiera dina färdigheter som Microsoft 365 Security Administrator - med stöd för Office 365, SharePoint 2019 och Azure Workloads - är denna kurs perfekt för dig.


Course MS-500T01-A: Managing Microsoft 365 Identity and Access

Module 1: User and Group Security

This module explains how to manage user accounts and groups in Microsoft 365. It introduces you to Privileged Identity Management in Azure AD as well as Identity Protection. The module sets the foundation for the remainder of the course.


  • User Accounts in Microsoft 365
  • Administrator Roles and Security Groups in Microsoft 365
  • Password Management in Microsoft 365
  • Azure AD Identity Protection

Lab : Managing your Microsoft 365 Identity environment

  • Setting up your lab environment
  • Managing your Microsoft 365 identity environment using the Microsoft 365 admin center
  • Assign service administrators

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe the user identities in Microsoft 365.
  • Create user accounts from both the Microsoft 365 admin center and in Windows PowerShell.
  • Describe and use Microsoft 365 admin roles.
  • Describe the various types of group available in Microsoft 365.
  • Plan for password policies and authentication.
  • Implement Multi-factor authentication in Office 365.
  • Describe Azure Identity Protection and what kind of identities can be protected.
  • Describe how to enable Azure Identity Protection.
  • Identify vulnerabilities and risk events.

Module 2: Identity Synchronisation

This module explains concepts related to synchronising identities. Specifically, it focuses on Azure AD Connect and managing directory synchronisation to ensure the right people are connecting to your Microsoft 365 system.


  • Introduction to Identity Synchronisation
  • Planning for Azure AD Connect
  • Implementing Azure AD Connect
  • Managing Synchronised Identities

Lab : Implementing Identity Synchronisation

  • Setting up your organisation for identity synchronisation

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe the Microsoft 365 authentication options.
  • Explain directory synchronisation.
  • Plan directory synchronisation.
  • Describe and plan Azure AD Connect.
  • Configure Azure AD Connect Prerequisites.
  • Set up Azure AD Connect.
  • Manage users with directory synchronisation.
  • Manage groups with directory synchronisation.
  • Use Azure AD Connect Sync Security Groups.

Module 3: Federated Identities

This module is all about Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS). Specifically, you will learn how to plan and manage AD FS to achieve the level of access you want to provide users from other directories.


  • Introduction to Federated Identities
  • Planning an AD FS Deployment
  • Implementing AD FS

After completing this module, you will be able to: 

  • Describe claims-based authentication and federation trusts.
  • Describe how AD FS works.
  • Plan an AD FS environment including best practices, high availability, and capacity planning.
  • Plan Active Directory Federation Services in Microsoft Azure.
  • Install and configure a Web Application Proxy for AD FS.
  • Configure AD FS by using Azure AD Connect.

Module 4: Access Management

This module describes Conditional Access for Microsoft 365 and how it can be used to control access to resources in your organisation. The module also explains Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and solutions for external access.


  • Conditional Access
  • Managing Device Access
  • Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Solutions for External Access

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe the concept of conditional access.
  • Describe conditional access policies.
  • Plan for device compliance.
  • Configure conditional users and groups.
  • Configure RBAC.
  • Distinguish between Azure RBAC and Azure AD administrative roles.
  • Manage External Access.
  • Explain Licensing Guidance for Azure AD B2B Collaboration.

Course MS-500T02-A: Implementing Microsoft 365 Threat Protection

Module 1: Security in Microsoft 365This module starts by explaining the various cyber-attack threats that exist. It then introduces you to the Microsoft solutions to thwart those threats. The module finishes with an explanation of Microsoft Secure Score and how it can be used to evaluate and report your organisations security posture.


  • Threat Vectors and Data Breaches
  • Security Solutions for Microsoft 365
  • Microsoft Secure Score

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe several techniques hackers use to compromise user accounts through email.
  • Describe techniques hackers use to gain control over resources.
  • List the types of threats that can be avoided by using Exhange Online Protection and Office 365 ATP.
  • Describe how Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence can be beneficial to your organisation’s security officers and administrators.
  • Describe the benefits of Secure Score and what kind of services can be analysed.
  • Describe how to use the tool to identify gaps between your current state and where you would like to be with regards to security.

Module 2: Advanced Threat Protection

This module explains the various threat protection technologies and services available in Microsoft 365. Specifically, the module covers message protection through Exchange Online Protection, Azure Advanced Threat Protection and Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection.


  • Exchange Online Protection
  • Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection
  • Managing Safe Attachments
  • Managing Safe Links
  • Azure Advanced Threat Protection
  • Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection

Lab : Advanced Threat Protection

  • Setting up your lab environment
  • Editing an ATP Safe Links policy and creating a Safe Attachment policy

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe the anti-malware pipeline as email is analysed by Exchange Online Protection.
  • Describe how Safe Attachments is used to block zero-day malware in email attachments and documents.
  • Describe how Safe Links protect users from malicious URLs embedded in email and documents that point to malicious websites.
  • Configure Azure Advanced Threat Protection.
  • Configure Windows Defender ATP.
  • Integrate Windows Defender ATP with Azure ATP.

Module 3: Threat IntelligenceThis module explains Microsoft Threat Intelligence which provides you with the tools to evaluate and address cyber threats. You will learn how to use the Security Dashboard in the Microsoft 365 Security and Compliance Center. It also explains and configures Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics.


  • Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence
  • Using the Security Dashboard
  • Configuring Advanced Threat Analytics

Lab : Advanced Threat Analytics

  • Enabling and installing the ATA Center

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe how threat intelligence in Microsoft 365 is powered by the Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph.
  • Describe how Threat Explorer can be used to investigate threats and help to protect your tenant.
  • Describe how the Security Dashboard gives C-level executives insight into top risks, global trends, protection quality, and the organisation’s exposure to threats.
  • Describe how the Security dashboard can be used as a launching point to enable security analysts to drill down for more details by using Threat Explorer.
  • Describe what Advanced Thread Analytics (ATA) is and what requirements are needed to deploy it.
  • Configure Advanced Threat Analytics.

Module 4: Mobility

This module is all about securing mobile devices and applications. You will learn about Mobile Device Management and how it works with Intune. You will also learn about how Intune and Azure AD can be used to secure mobile applications.


  • Plan for Mobile Application Management
  • Plan for Mobile Device Management
  • Deploy Mobile Device Management
  • Enrol Devices to Mobile Device Management

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe mobile application considerations.
  • Use Intune to manage mobile applications.
  • Manage devices with MDM.
  • Compare MDM for Office 365 and Intune.
  • Configure Domains for MDM.
  • Manage Device Security Policies.
  • Define Corporate Device Enrolment Policy.
  • Enrol devices to MDM.
  • Configure a Device Enrolment Manager Role.

Course MS-500T03-A: Implementing Microsoft 365 Information Protection

Module 1: Information Protection

This module explains information rights management in Exchange and SharePoint. It also describes encryption technologies used to secure messages. The module introduces how to implement Azure Information Protection and Windows Information Protection.


  • Information Rights Management
  • Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
  • Office 365 Message Encryption
  • Azure Information Protection
  • Advanced Information Protection
  • Windows Information Protection

Lab : Data Loss Prevention

  • Create and license users in your organisation
  • Configure MDM auto-enrollment
  • Configure AIP and WIP

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe the different Microsoft 365 Encryption Options.
  • Describe the use of S/MIME.
  • Describe how Office 365 Message Encryption works.
  • Configure labels and policies for Azure Information Protection.
  • Configure the advance AIP service settings for Rights Management Services (RMS) templates.
  • Plan a deployment of Windows Information Protection policies.

Module 2: Data Loss Prevention

This module is all about data loss prevention in Microsoft 365. You will learn about how to create policies, edit rules, and customise user notifications.


  • Data Loss Prevention Explained
  • Data Loss Prevention Policies
  • Custom DLP Policies
  • Creating a DLP Policy to Protect Documents
  • Policy Tips

Lab : Data Loss Prevention

  • Create and license users in your organisation
  • Create a DLP policy
  • Testing DLP Policies

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe Data Loss Prevention (DLP).
  • Recognise how actions and conditions work together for DLP.
  • Use policy templates to implement DLP policies for commonly used information.
  • Describe the different built-in templates for a DLP policies.
  • Configure the correct rules for protecting content.
  • Describe how to modify existing rules of DLP policies.
  • Configure the user override option to a DLP rule.
  • Describe how to work with managed properties for DLP policies.
  • Explain how SharePoint Online creates crawled properties from documents.
  • Describe the user experience when a user creates an email that contains sensitive information.

Module 3: Cloud Application Security

This module is all about cloud app security for Microsoft 365. The module will explain cloud discovery, app connectors, policies, and alerts.


  • Cloud Application Security Explained
  • Using Cloud Application Security Information
  • Office 365 Cloud App Security

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe Cloud App Security.
  • Explain how to deploy Cloud App Security.
  • Control your Cloud Apps with Policies.
  • Troubleshoot Cloud App Security.
  • Use the Cloud App Catalog.
  • Use the Cloud Discovery Dashboard.
  • Prepare for Office 365 Cloud App Security.
  • Manage cloud app permissions.

Course MS-500T04-A: Administering Microsoft 365 Built-in Compliance

Module 1: Archiving and Retention

This module explains concepts related to retention and archiving of data for Microsoft 365 including Exchange and SharePoint.


  • Archiving in Microsoft 365
  • Retention in Microsoft 365
  • Retention Policies in the Security and Compliance Center
  • Archiving and Retention in Exchange
  • In-place Records Management in SharePoint

Lab : Archiving and Retention

  • Create and license users in your organisation
  • Configure Retention Tags and Policies
  • MRM Retention Policies

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe Data Governance in Microsoft 365.
  • Describe the difference between In-Place Archive and Records Management.
  • Explain how data is archived in Exchange.
  • Recognise the benefits of In Place Records Management in SharePoint.
  • Explain the difference between Message Records Management (MRM) in Exchange and Retention in Security and Compliance center.
  • Explain how a retention policy works.
  • Create a retention policy.
  • Enable and disable In-Place Archiving.
  • Create useful retention tags.

Module 2: Data Governance in Microsoft 365

This module focuses on data governance in Microsoft 365. The module will introduce you to Compliance Manager and discuss GDPR.


  • Planning Security and Compliance Needs
  • Building Ethical Walls in Exchange Online
  • Manage Retention in Email
  • Troubleshooting Data Governance
  • Analytics and Telemetry

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Plan security and compliance roles.
  • Describe what you need to consider for GDPR.
  • Describe what an ethical wall in Exchange is and how it works.
  • Work with retention tags in mailboxes
  • Describe retention policies with email messages and email folders
  • Explain how the retention age of elements is calculated.
  • Repair retention policies that do not run as expected.

Module 3: Managing Search and Investigations

This module is focused on content searching and investigations. Specifically, it covers how to use eDiscovery to conduct advanced investigations of Microsoft 365 data. It also covers audit logs and discusses GDPR data subject requests.


  • Searching for Content in the Security and Compliance Center
  • Audit Log Investigations
  • Advanced eDiscovery

Lab : eDiscovery

  • Create and license users in your organisation
  • Investigate your Microsoft 365 Data

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe how to use content search.
  • Designing your content search.
  • Configuring search permission filtering.
  • Describe what the audit log is and the permissions that are necessary to search the Office 365 audit log.
  • Configure Audit Policies.
  • Enter criteria for searching the audit log.
  • Export search results to a CSV file.
  • Describe what Advanced eDiscovery is and what requirements are needed.
  • Analyse data in Advanced eDiscovery.
  • Viewing the Advanced eDiscovery event log.
  • Use Express Analytics.



Denna kurs kommer att avslutas den 30 juni 2023. Den kommer inte att ersättas.

Som en del av din accelererade kurs kommer du att ta följande prov på Firebrand Training Centre. Detta omfattas av din Certifieringsgaranti:

Prov MS-500: Microsoft 365 Security Administration

Technology: Microsoft 365

Dina färdigheter och kunskapsområden kommer att utvärderas enligt följande:

  • Implement and manage identity and access (30-25%)
  • Implement and manage threat protection (20-25%)
  • Implement and manage information protection (15-20%)
  • Manage governance and compliance features in Microsoft 365 (25-30%)

Detta ingår

Följande officiella kursmaterial, övningspapper och prov ingår:

Microsoft Official Courseware:

  • MS-500T01: Managing Microsoft 365 Identity and Access
  • MS-500T02: Implementing Microsoft 365 Threat Protection
  • MS-500T03: Implementing Microsoft 365 Information Protection
  • MS-500T04: Administering Microsoft 365 Built-in Compliance

Microsoft Practice prov:

  • Microsoft Official Practice Tests kommer snart

Microsoft Official prov:

  • MS- 500: Microsoft 365 Security Administration - Inte längre i betaversion


Innan du deltar i denna kurs bör du ha följande färdigheter och kunskaper:

  • Grundläggande konceptuell förståelse för Microsoft Azure
  • Erfarenhet av Windows 10-enheter
  • Erfarenhet av Office 365
  • Grundläggande förståelse för auktorisering och autentisering
  • Grundläggande förståelse för datornätverk
  • Arbetserfarenhet av att hantera mobila enheter

Vad Ingår

Ditt accelererade kurs inkluderar:

  • Övernattningar *
  • Måltider, obegränsade snacks, drycker, te och kaffe *
  • On-site tentor **
  • Examenskuponger **
  • Övningsprov **
  • Certifieringsgaranti ***
  • Kursmaterial
  • Upp till 12 timmars instruktörledd undervisning varje dag
  • 24-timmars laboratorieåtkomst
  • Digitalt kursmaterial **

* Gäller endast för internatkurser. Övernattningar ingår från natten före kursstart. Detta gäller inte för onlinekurser. 
** Vissa undantag gäller. Se examenspåret eller tala med våra experter.
*** Klara första gången eller gå kursen igen gratis så många gånger som behövs, obegränsat i 1 år. Betala endast för övernattningar, tentor och eventuella kostnader.


Sju skäl till varför du bör gå din kurs med Firebrand Training

  1. Två utbildningsalternativ. Välj mellan internatkurser eller onlinekurser.
  2. Du blir certifierad snabbt. Med oss ​​blir du utbildad på rekordtid.
  3. Vår kurs är allt inkluderat. En engångsavgift täcker allt kursmaterial, tentor**, övernattningar* och måltider*. Inga dolda kostnader.
  4. Klara första gången eller utbilda dig igen gratis. Detta är vår garanti. Vi är säkra på att du klarar din kurs första gången. Om inte, kom tillbaka inom ett år och betala endast för övernattningar, tentor och tillkommande kostnader.
  5. Du kommer att lära dig mer. En dag med en traditionell utbildningsleverantör varar normalt från kl. 9 till 17, med en lång lunchpaus. Med Firebrand Training får du minst 12 timmars kvalitetstid per dag med din instruktör.
  6. Du kommer att lära dig snabbare. Troligtvis har du en annan inlärningsstil än de runt dig. Vi kombinerar visuella, auditiva och taktila stilar för att leverera materialet på ett sätt som säkerställer att du lär dig snabbare och lättare.
  7. Du kommer att studera med de bästa. Vi har blivit namngivna i Training Industrys "Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year" varje år sedan 2010. Förutom att ha vunnit många fler utmärkelser har vi utbildat och certifierat över 135 000 yrkesverksamma.

* Gäller endast för internatkurser. Gäller inte för onlinekurser. 
** Vissa undantag gäller. Se examenspåret eller tala med våra experte

Förfrågan om datum

Tyvärr, det finns för närvarande inga datum tillgängliga för den här kursen. Skicka gärna in en förfrågan så kommer någon i vårt team att kontakta dig angående eventuella framtida datum eller alternativa alternativ.

Den kontaktinformation du tillhandahåller gör det möjligt för oss att svara på din fråga och kontakta dig om våra produkter och tjänster. Du kan när som helst avregistrera dig från dessa meddelanden. För information om hur du avslutar prenumerationen, samt våra sekretessrutiner och vårt åtagande att skydda din integritet, se vårt integritetsmeddelande.