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15-04-2025 (tisdag)


På den här officiella 6-dagars-kursen i Microsoft MCSA: Windows 10 kommer du att lära dig hur man konfigurerar, hanterar och upprätthåller ett Windows 10 operating systems. Kursen behandlar bland annat ämnen såsom de nya runtime configuration-verktygen och de förbättrade säkerhetsfunktionerna.

Microsoft Windows används av 1,5 miljarder människor i 190 länder runt om i världen. På den här Firebrand-kursen kommer du att bli certifierad och därmed kunna ta med dig fördelarna med operativsystemet Windows 10 till din verksamhet.

Få din utbildning och certifiering i Microsoft MCSA: Windows 10 på bara 6 dagar och lär dig mer än du kunnat föreställa dig.

Du kommer att använda dig av Firebrands unika Lecture | Lab | Review-metodik, vilken kommer att fördjupa dig i ämnen såsom:

  • De nya konfigurerings-verktygen
  • De förbättrade säkerhetsfunktionerna – two-factor authentication och möjligheten att stänga ner kritiska appar
  • Direct-in-place-uppgraderingarna från Windows 7 och Windows 8.1
  • Built-in MDM (mobile device management)

Vi på Firebrand vet att din tid är värdefull. Därför ger vi dig möjligheten att få din Microsoft MCSA: Windows 10-utbildning och certifiering på bara 6 dagar. Vi ger dig de bästa förutsättningarna för att lära.

Med oss vid din sida som uppmuntrar och guidar dig på vägen, kan du ta del av 6 intensiva, fokuserade dagar av kvalitativt lärande i en distraktionsfri miljö. Din erfarna instruktör använder Firebrands unika, accelererade inlärningsmetoder som inkluderar vår exklusiva lecture-/lab-/review-metodik med exempel från verkligheten som ger dig bästa möjliga förutsättningar att lära och bibehålla din kunskap samt att framgångsrikt klara din certifiering.

Att genomföra din Microsoft MCSA: Windows 10-utbildning hos Firebrand innebär att:

  • Du får fler utbildningstimmar per dag, vilket ger dig möjligheten att bli utbildad och certifierad på Microsoft MCSA: Windows 10 snabbare och mer kostnadseffektivt än hos någon annan utbildningsleverantör
  • Du erhåller utbildning från en av de mest kvalificerade instruktörerna i världen
  • Du kan uteslutande fokusera på din inlärning i vår distraktionsfria miljö
  • Du får gedigen support på plats och tillgång till klassrum dygnet runt
  • Priset du betalar innefattar ett allt-inkluderat-paket och täcker allt kursmaterial, examen, boende, mat, transportservice, m.m.
  • Din certifieringsgaranti ger dig möjlighet att genomföra kursen igen utan extra kostnad om du inte klarar din certifiering på första försöket. Du betalar endast för boende och eventuella labbar och examen.

Om du önskar läsa din kurs i MCSA: Windows 10 i mindre steg, rekommenderar vi att du läser de här två kurserna i stället:

  • Microsoft Configuring Windows Devices
  • Microsoft Installing and Configuring Windows 10

Du lär dig

Microsoft MCSA: Windows 10

We have designed our course material in the way that best prepares you to learn and pass your exams.

20697-1 - Installing and Configuring Windows 10 

Module 1: Overview of Windows 10 

This module introduces the Windows 10 operating system. It describes the new features in Windows 10, and the important changes since Windows 8.1. It describes the use, navigation, and customisation of the new, enhanced user interface. This module also mentions the features of Windows 10 that make it beneficial for organisations of different sizes. 


  • Introducing Windows 10 
  • Navigating the User Interface 
  • Lab : Navigating and Customising the User Interface 
  • Navigating Windows 10 
  • Configuring the Start Menu 
  • Configuring the Desktop 

After completing this module, students will be able to: 

  • Describe the important new features of Windows 10. 
  • Navigate and customise the Windows 10 interface. 

Module 2: Installing Windows 10 

This module introduces the different editions of Windows 10, and the differences between them. It describes the requirements and available options for installing Windows 10 on a device. It also provides instructions on installing Windows 10 and upgrading to it. This module discusses points to consider when deciding between an upgrade or migration to Windows 10, and the supported upgrade paths from older versions of the Windows operating system. 


  • Preparing to Install Windows 10 
  • Upgrading to Windows 10 
  • Lab : Installing Windows 10  
  • Upgrading Windows 7 to Windows 10 
  • Migrating User Settings 

After completing this module, students will be able to: 

  • Describe the different editions of Windows 10 and the features of each 
  • Install and upgrade to Windows 10. 

Module 3: Configuring Your Device 

This module explains how to configure Windows 10 by using tools such as the Settings app, Control Panel, Windows PowerShell, Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) and Group Policy Objects (GPOs). It describes the different types of user accounts, and the benefits of using a Microsoft account. This module also describes Microsoft OneDrive, and how it integrates with Windows 10. 


  • Overview of Tools Used to Configure Windows 10  
  • Common Configuration Options  
  • Managing User Accounts  
  • Using OneDrive  
  • Lab : Configuring Windows 10  
  • Using Settings  
  • Using Control Panel  
  • Using Windows PowerShell  
  • Using GPOs  
  • Lab : Synchronising Settings with OneDrive  
  • Connecting a Microsoft Account  
  • Synchronising Settings between Devices 

After completing this module, students will be able to: 

  • Describe the use of various tools to configure Windows 10 
  • Explain common configuration options 
  • Manage user accounts 
  • Use OneDrive with Windows 10. 

Module 4: Configuring Network Connectivity 

This module explains the use of tools such as the Settings app, Network and Sharing Center, and Windows PowerShell to configure network settings. It describes the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 settings, and the benefits of IPv6. It also describes name resolution and provides an overview of the Domain Name System (DNS) service. This module describes the configuration of wireless connectivity in Windows 10, and explains remote access methods available in Windows 10, such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), DirectAccess, and Remote Desktop. 


  • Configuring IP Network Connectivity  
  • Implementing Name Resolution  
  • Implementing Wireless Network Connectivity  
  • Overview of Remote Access  
  • Lab : Configuring Network Connectivity  
  • Configuring IP Settings Manually  
  • Configuring Automatic IP Settings  
  • Configuring DNS Settings 
  • Testing Name Resolution  

After completing this module, students will be able to: 

  • Describe how to configure IP network connectivity.  
  • Implement name resolution.  
  • Implement wireless network connectivity. 
  • Describe options for remote access in Windows 10.  

Module 5: Managing Storage 

This module provides an overview of storage options such as hard disks, server-based storage, and virtual hard disks. It describes network storage options such as Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Storage Area Network (SAN), and cloud-based storage options such as OneDrive and Azure Storage. This module describes the management and maintenance of disks, partitions, and volumes. It also describes the Storage Spaces feature, and the process of configuring it. 


  • Overview of Storage Options  
  • Managing Disks, Partitions, and Volumes  
  • Maintaining Disks and Volumes  
  • Managing Storage Spaces  
  • Lab : Managing Storage  
  • Adding a Disk  
  • Creating a Simple Volume  
  • Compressing a Folder  
  • Enabling Disk Quotas  
  • Creating a Storage Space  

After completing this module, students will be able to:  

  • Explain the different storage options in Windows 10 
  • Manage disks, partitions, and volumes 
  • Maintain disks, partitions, and volume 
  • Manage Storage Spaces 

Module 6: Managing Files and Printers 

This module provides an overview of the file systems supported by Windows 10. It explains how to configure file permissions, the effect of file permissions, how explicit and inherited permissions work, and how to include user and device claims in access permissions. This module also explains how to share folders, the tools to use for sharing a folder, and the effective permissions when a user tries to access data in a shared folder that is protected by file permissions. The last lesson in the module describes how to add and share a printer, and how to manage client and server side printing. 


  • Overview of File Systems  
  • Configuring and Managing File Access  
  • Configuring and Managing Shared Folders  
  • Work Folders  
  • Managing Printers  
  • Lab : Creating, Securing, and Sharing a Folder  
  • Creating and Securing a Data Folder  
  • Sharing the Data Folder  
  • Lab : Enabling Work Folders  
  • Configuring Work Folders  
  • Lab : Installing and Sharing a Printer  
  • Installing and Sharing a Printer  

After completing this module, students will be able to: 

  • Describe and create file systems that are supported by Windows 10.  
  • Configure file permissions and limit access to files and folders.  
  • Configure and manage shared folders.  
  • Create and use Work Folders.  
  • Configure and manage printers. 

Module 7: Managing Apps in Windows 10 

This module describes how to install and configure both desktop apps and Windows Store apps in Windows 10. It explains how to install apps manually and automatically, and how to use Microsoft Systems Center Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune to deploy apps. It describes the Windows Store, and how to manage access to it. This module also describes the Internet Explorer 11 and Edge browsers, and explains how to configure and manage both. 


  • Overview of Methods Used to Provide Apps to Users  
  • The Windows Store  
  • Web Browsers  
  • Lab : Installing and Updating Apps from the Windows Store  
  • Installing Apps from the Windows Store  
  • Updating Windows Store Apps  
  • Controlling Access to the Windows Store  
  • Sideloading an App  
  • Lab : Configuring Windows 10 Web Browsers  
  • Configuring Web Browsers  

After completing this module, students will be able to:  

  • Describe app deployment options in Windows 10.  
  • Install and manage Windows Store apps.  
  • Configure Windows 10 web browsers.  

Module 8: Managing Data Security 

This module explains how the technologies available with Windows 10 work together to protect against data-related security threats. It provides an overview of these threats, and discusses possible mitigations and best practices for dealing with them. It describes defense-in-depth and Encrypting File System (EFS), and their usage in countering security threats. This module also describes how to configure, administer, and monitor BitLocker. 


  • Overview of Data-Related Security Threats  
  • Securing Data with EFS  
  • Implementing and Managing BitLocker  
  • Lab : Managing Data Security  
  • Using EFS  
  • Using BitLocker  

After completing this module, students will be able to: 

  • Explain data-related security threats.  
  • Secure data with EFS.  
  • Implement and manage BitLocker.  

Module 9: Managing Device Security 

This module explains how to mitigate security threats with the use of Security Compliance Manager, Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit, and security settings in GPOs. It also describes User Account Control (UAC), and how to configure it. 


  • Using Security Settings to Mitigate Threats  
  • Configuring User Account Control  
  • Lab : Managing Device Security  
  • Creating Security Policies  
  • Testing Security Policies  
  • Configuring UAC Prompts  

After completing this module, students will be able to:  

  • Use security settings to mitigate threats.  
  • Configure user account control.  

Module 10: Managing Network Security 

This module describes common network-related security threats, and describes options to mitigate them. It describes Windows Firewall, IPsec connection security rules, and Windows Defender, and how to configure these tools to manage network security. 


  • Overview of Network-Related Security Threats  
  • Windows Firewall  
  • Connection Security Rules  
  • Windows Defender  
  • Lab : Managing Network Security  
  • Creating and Testing Inbound Rules  
  • Creating and Testing Outbound Rules  
  • Creating and Testing Connection Security Rules  
  • Configuring Windows Defender  

After completing this module, students will be able to:  

  • Describe network-related security threats and options for mitigating them.  
  • Use Windows Firewall to mitigate security threats.  
  • Configure IPsec connection security rules.  
  • Use Windows Defender to protect devices from network-related threats.  

Module 11: Maintaining Windows 10  

This module describes Windows Update, and Windows Update for Business, and how to configure settings for updates. It describes how to use Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), Configuration Manager, or Intune to distribute updates within organisations. This module also explains how to use the Action Center, Event Viewer, and Performance Monitor in Windows 10.  


  • Updating Windows 10  
  • Monitoring Windows 10  
  • Optimising Performance  
  • Lab : Maintaining Windows 10  
  • Configuring Updates for a Single Device  
  • Configuring Updates with GPOs  
  • Using the Action Center  
  • Monitoring Events  
  • Monitoring Reliability and Performance  

After completing this module, students will be able to:  

  • Explain how to update Windows 10.  
  • Monitor Windows 10.  
  • Optimise Windows 10 performance.  

Module 12: Troubleshooting and Recovery 

This module describes device drivers, and how to use the Device Manager to view, configure, update, and roll back device drivers. It explains file recovery methods in Windows 10, such as Backup and Restore, File History, and Previous Versions. This module also explains features such as System Restore, Startup Recovery, and System Image Recovery, and describes how to use restore points to roll back device configuration. 


  • Managing Devices and Drivers  
  • Recovering Files  
  • Recovering Devices  
  • Lab : Troubleshooting and Recovery  
  • Installing an Updated Device Driver  
  • Rolling Back the Device Driver  
  • Using File History to Recover Files  
  • Using Previous Versions to Recover Files  
  • Recovering a Device with a Restore Point  
  • Using the Advanced Start-up Options to Recover a Device  

After completing this module, students will be able to:  

  • Describe and manage device drivers.  
  • Configure file recovery and revert to previous versions of files.  
  • Use device recovery features in Windows 10.  

20697-2 - Deploying and Managing Windows 10 Using Enterprise Services 

Module 1: Managing Desktops and Devices in an Enterprise Environment  

This module explains the most current trends and information related to desktop and device management in the enterprise. It also provides an overview on how to extend device management to the cloud. 


  • Managing Windows 10 in the Enterprise  
  • Managing a Mobile Workforce  
  • Supporting Devices in the Enterprise  
  • Extending IT Management and Services to the Cloud  
  • Lab : Planning for Windows 10 and Device Management in the Enterprise  
  • Reading the Scenario  
  • Answering the Questions  

After completing this module, students will be able to: 

  • Manage Windows 10 in the enterprise.  
  • Manage a mobile workforce.  
  • Support devices in the enterprise.  
  • Extend IT management and services to the cloud.  

Module 2: Deploying Windows 10 Enterprise Desktops 

This module explains the various deployment scenarios of Windows 10 and the considerations to keep in mind while performing these deployments. This module also explains how to deploy Windows 10 by using the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (WADK) and the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT). This module also explains how to maintain Windows 10 by using DISM and Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD). 


  • Overview of Windows 10 Enterprise Deployment  
  • Customising Enterprise Desktop Deployments  
  • Deploying Windows 10 by Using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit  
  • Maintaining a Windows 10 Installation  
  • Managing Volume License Activation for Windows 10  
  • Lab : Building a Reference Image by Using WADK Tools  
  • Configuring Custom Windows PE Boot Media  
  • Modifying a Custom Answer File by Using Windows SIM  
  • Installing a Reference Computer by Using an Answer File  
  • Preparing a Reference Computer by Using Sysprep  
  • Capturing a Reference Computer  
  • Lab : Using MDT to Deploy Windows 10 Desktops  
  • Creating and Configuring the MDT Deployment Share  
  • Creating a Task Sequence  
  • Deploying a Windows 10 Image by Using MDT  
  • Lab : Maintaining a Windows 10 Installation using Windows ICD  
  • Creating and Configuring a Windows ICD Provisioning Package  

After completing this module, students will be able to: 

  • Describe the deployment options for Windows 10 desktops.  
  • Customise enterprise desktop deployments.  
  • Deploy Windows 10 by using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.  
  • Maintain a Windows 10 installation.  
  • Manage volume license activation for Windows 10.  

Module 3: Managing User Profiles and User State Virtualisation 

This module explains user states and user state virtualisation and explains how to deploy and maintain user experience virtualisation (UE-V). This module also explains how to use tools such as ScanState and LoadState to migrate user states. 


  • Managing User Profile and User State  
  • Implementing User State Virtualisation by Using Group Policy  
  • Configuring User Experience Virtualisation  
  • Managing User State Migration  
  • Lab : Configuring User Profiles and User State Virtualisation  
  • Configuring Roaming User Profiles and Folder Redirection  
  • Implementing and Configuring UE-V  
  • Lab : Migrating User State by Using USMT  
  • Creating and Customising USMT XML Files  
  • Capturing and Restoring User State to a Target Computer  

After completing this module, students will be able to: 

  • Manage user profile and user state.  
  • Implement user state virtualisation by using Group Policy.  
  • Configure UE-V.  
  • Manage user state migration.  

Module 4: Managing Windows 10 Sign-In and Identity 

This module explains the concept of identity and the methods to enhance identity security. This module also explains cloud identities and the use of Azure Active Directory Premium in enterprise organisations. 


  • Overview of Enterprise Identity  
  • Planning for Cloud Identity Integration  
  • Lab : Integrating a Microsoft Account with a Domain Account  
  • Signing up for a Trial Microsoft Account 
  • Connecting a Microsoft Account to a Domain Account  
  • Lab : Joining Windows 10 to Azure Active Directory  
  • Signing Up for an Azure Active Directory Trial Subscription  
  • Joining Windows 10 to Azure Active Directory  

After completing this module, students will be able to: 

  • Describe the concept of enterprise identity.  
  • Plan for cloud identity integration.  

Module 5: Managing Desktop and Application Settings by Using Group Policy 

This module explains how to manage Group Policy inheritance, administrative templates, and common enterprise desktop settings. This module also explains how to apply policies using targeting and filtering. 


  • Managing Group Policy Objects  
  • Configuring Enterprise Desktops Using Group Policy  
  • Overview of Group Policy Preferences  
  • Lab : Configuring Group Policy Objects and Settings 
  • Managing Windows 10 by Using Group Policy  
  • Lab : Using Group Policy Preferences to Manage Desktop Settings  
  • Configuring Group Policy Preferences to Apply Drive and Printer Mapping  

After completing this module, students will be able to: <


Som en del av din kurs blir du förberedd för, och kommer även att på plats hos oss genomföra, följande examen som även omfattas av din certifieringsgaranti:

  • Exam 70-698 - Installing and Configuring Windows 10
  • Exam 70-697 - Configuring Windows Devices

Vad ingår?

Microsoft Official Curriculum

  • MOC 20698: Installing and configuring Windows 10
  • MOC 20697-2: Deploying and Managing Windows 10 in the Enterprise

Vad Ingår

Ditt accelererade kurs inkluderar:

  • Övernattningar *
  • Måltider, obegränsade snacks, drycker, te och kaffe *
  • On-site tentor **
  • Examenskuponger **
  • Övningsprov **
  • Certifieringsgaranti ***
  • Kursmaterial
  • Upp till 12 timmars instruktörledd undervisning varje dag
  • 24-timmars laboratorieåtkomst
  • Digitalt kursmaterial **

* Gäller endast för internatkurser. Övernattningar ingår från natten före kursstart. Detta gäller inte för onlinekurser. 
** Vissa undantag gäller. Se examenspåret eller tala med våra experter.
*** Klara första gången eller gå kursen igen gratis så många gånger som behövs, obegränsat i 1 år. Betala endast för övernattningar, tentor och eventuella kostnader.


Sju skäl till varför du bör gå din kurs med Firebrand Training

  1. Två utbildningsalternativ. Välj mellan internatkurser eller onlinekurser.
  2. Du blir certifierad snabbt. Med oss ​​blir du utbildad på rekordtid.
  3. Vår kurs är allt inkluderat. En engångsavgift täcker allt kursmaterial, tentor**, övernattningar* och måltider*. Inga dolda kostnader.
  4. Klara första gången eller utbilda dig igen gratis. Detta är vår garanti. Vi är säkra på att du klarar din kurs första gången. Om inte, kom tillbaka inom ett år och betala endast för övernattningar, tentor och tillkommande kostnader.
  5. Du kommer att lära dig mer. En dag med en traditionell utbildningsleverantör varar normalt från kl. 9 till 17, med en lång lunchpaus. Med Firebrand Training får du minst 12 timmars kvalitetstid per dag med din instruktör.
  6. Du kommer att lära dig snabbare. Troligtvis har du en annan inlärningsstil än de runt dig. Vi kombinerar visuella, auditiva och taktila stilar för att leverera materialet på ett sätt som säkerställer att du lär dig snabbare och lättare.
  7. Du kommer att studera med de bästa. Vi har blivit namngivna i Training Industrys "Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year" varje år sedan 2010. Förutom att ha vunnit många fler utmärkelser har vi utbildat och certifierat över 135 000 yrkesverksamma.

* Gäller endast för internatkurser. Gäller inte för onlinekurser. 
** Vissa undantag gäller. Se examenspåret eller tala med våra experte

Förfrågan om datum

Tyvärr, det finns för närvarande inga datum tillgängliga för den här kursen. Skicka gärna in en förfrågan så kommer någon i vårt team att kontakta dig angående eventuella framtida datum eller alternativa alternativ.

Den kontaktinformation du tillhandahåller gör det möjligt för oss att svara på din fråga och kontakta dig om våra produkter och tjänster. Du kan när som helst avregistrera dig från dessa meddelanden. För information om hur du avslutar prenumerationen, samt våra sekretessrutiner och vårt åtagande att skydda din integritet, se vårt integritetsmeddelande.