App og Web Development - Blockchain Council Certified Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert™



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30/9/2024 (Mandag)


This accelerated Blockchain Council Certified Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert™ certification is a thoughtfully designed learning program for new enthusiasts in data science and AI fields. It aims to deliver beginner-friendly training to introduce the learners to the core ideas of Artificial Intelligence like Statistics, Data Science with Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, and Reinforcement Learning and the working of regenerative AI like ChatGPT.

As the demand for AI Experts is rising, this certification will help you find your edge in the current job market and bring you up-to-date on the developments in the AI field.

Take advantage of this course, validate your expertise with a recognized exam and earn a globally recognized AI certification. Enrol now and take your LEARNING journey to the next level.

In just 1 day, you’ll gain an overview of AI and its various applications, giving individuals a comprehensive understanding of the field. You’ll also gain:

  • Insights of the AI technologies and tools: The certification program covers a range of AI technologies and tools, including natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning algorithms, enabling individuals to gain insights into these technologies.
  • A deep understanding of the fundamentals of machine learning and deep learning: The certification program provides a deep understanding of the fundamentals of machine learning and deep learning, which are critical skills for AI experts.
  • An opportunity to prove your knowledge and skills in the AI space: The certification program provides individuals with an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the AI space, making them more attractive to employers.

At the end of this course, you’ll sit the Blockchain Council exam, and achieve your Blockchain Council Certified Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert™ certification. Through Firebrand’s Lecture | Lab | Review methodology, you’ll get certified at twice the speed of the traditional training and get access to courseware, learn from certified instructors, and train in a distraction-free environment.


This course is ideal for:

  • AI/ML Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • AI/ML Researcher
  • AI/ML Solutions Architect
  • AI/ML Data Analyst
  • AI Prompt Engineer
  • Individuals who are looking to advance their careers in artificial intelligence or want to validate their knowledge and skills in this field.
  • Professionals such as data scientists, machine learning engineers, software developers, business analysts, and other related fields.
  • Individuals who are interested in pursuing research in AI or want to start an AI-based venture can also benefit from obtaining this certification.

Her er 8 grunner til hvorfor du skal gjennomføre ditt hos Firebrand Training:

  1. Du blir utdannet og sertifisert på bare 1 dager. Hos oss får du din utdanning og sertifisering på rekordtid, en sertifisering du også gjennomfører der og da som en integrert del av den intensive, akselererte utdanningen.
  2. Alt er inkludert. Et engangsbeløp dekker alt kursmaterial, eksamen, kost og losji og tilbyr den mest kostnadseffektive måten å gjennomføre ditt kurs og sertifisering på. Og dette uten noen uannonserte ytterligere kostnader.
  3. Du klarer sertifiseringen første gangen eller kan gå kurset om igjen kostnadsfritt. Det er vår garanti. Vi er sikre på at du vil klare din sertifisering første gangen. Men skulle du mot formodning ikke gjøre det kan du innen et år komme tilbake og kun betale for eventuelle overnattinger og din eksamen. Alt annet er gratis.
  4. Du lærer deg mer.Tradisjonelle utdanningsdager varer fra kl. 09.00 til 16.00 med lange lunsj- og kaffepauser. Hos Firebrand Training får du minst 12 timers effektiv og fokusert kvalitetsutdanning hver dag sammen med din instruktør, uten private eller arbeidsrelaterte, forstyrrende momenter.
  5. Du lærer deg raskere. Vi kombinerer de tre innlæringsmetodene (Presentasjon |Øving| Diskusjon) slik at vi gjennomfører kurset på en måte som sikrer at du lærer deg raskere og lettere.
  6. Du er i sikre hender.Vi har utdannet og sertifisert 134.561 personer, vi er partner med alle de store navn i bransjen og vi har vunnet atskillige utmerkelser, bla. a. "Årets Learning Partner 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 og 2015” fra Microsoft Danmark og med en vekst på 1430 % siden 2009 er vi årets Gazelle prisvinner på Sjælland, Danmark.
  7. Du lærer deg ikke bare teorien. Vi har videreutviklet kursen og tilbyr flere praktiske øvelser og sikrer på den måten, at du kan bruke dine ferdigheter for å løse daglige praktiske problemstillinger.
  8. Du lærer av de beste. Våre instruktører på er de beste i bransjen og tilbyr en helt unik blanding av kunnskap, praktisk erfaring og pasjon for å lære bort.


Module 1: Introduction to AI

  • Definition of AI
  • Brief history and evolution of AI
  • Current state of AI and future trends

Module 2: Foundations of AI

  • Types of AI: Narrow AI, General AI, and Super intelligent AI
  • Major Approaches to AI: Symbolic, Machine Learning, and Hybrid

Module 3: Basics of Machine Learning

  • Definition and Types of Machine Learning: Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi-supervised, and Reinforcement Learning
  • Overview of Deep Learning
  • Understanding Bias-Variance Trade-off

Module 4: AI Technologies and Algorithms

  • Fundamental Algorithms in AI and ML
  • Introduction to Neural Networks
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Computer Vision (CV)

Module 5: Practical Applications of AI

  • AI in Healthcare
  • AI in Business and E-commerce
  • AI in Autonomous Vehicles
  • AI in Entertainment
  • AI in Finance AI in Technology (Ai in Blockchain )
  • AI in Technology (AI in IOT)

Module 6: Ethical Considerations in AI

  • Understanding AI
  • Ethics Potential Pitfalls and Controversies in AI
  • Strategies for Responsible AI Deployment

Module 7: Prompt Engineering

  • What is Prompt Engineering?
  • Importance of Prompt Engineering
  • Applications of Prompt Engineering

Exam Track

At the end of this accelerated course, you’ll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training centre, covered Certification Guarantee:

Blockchain Council Certified Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert™ exam

  • After completing this certification, you will be able to grasp the technicalities, obtain the appropriate skills, and gain insight of the AI tools and current advancements in the industry.
  • Passing score: 60+ marks to clear the exam.

What's Included


There are no prerequisites for taking this course.


Vi har lært opp 134.561 personer på 12 år. Vi ba dem om å anmelde vår akselererte opplæring. Akkurat nå har 95,54% angitt at Firebrand overgikk forventningene:

"Great experience with lots of useful information"
Jack Venables, IBM. (25/3/2024 (Mandag) til 27/3/2024 (Onsdag))

"It was a great and intensive three-day course where I was able to learn a lot and grasp an understanding of the Principles of Software Development"
Anonymous, IBM. (25/3/2024 (Mandag) til 27/3/2024 (Onsdag))

"I really enjoyed the course it was well structured and organised. Our trainer was great and very engaging throughout. The 3 days were laid out early on so we knew what to expect and our trainer was always there to help us learn and answer any questions. The rest of the facilities are also excellent and enable learning. Overall great experience."
Sarah Varley, Lloyds bank. (18/3/2024 (Mandag) til 20/3/2024 (Onsdag))

"A great experience. Being face to face really helped to absorb the course content."
A.G.. (18/3/2024 (Mandag) til 20/3/2024 (Onsdag))

"Great instructor , was engaging and I learned a lot."
Anonymous. (18/3/2024 (Mandag) til 20/3/2024 (Onsdag))






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