Microsoft - MCPD .NET 2.0 Web Developer Certificering



Slechts 9 dagen



Klas / Online / Hybride

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Volgende datum:

30/9/2024 (Maandag)


If you are creating Web applications that use ASP.NET 2.0, the Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) Web Applications credential highlights your job role, featuring your specific area of expertise. Now you can easily distinguish yourself as an expert in Web application development.

As a Professional Developer in Web Applications you will have the skills necessary to build interactive, data-driven Web applications that use ASP.NET 2.0 for both intranet and Internet uses.

Our nine day (9) Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) Accelerated Course:

  • Allows you to achieve your certifications in a fraction of the time of 'traditional training' while delivering industry-leading exam passing percentages
  • Helps students grasp complex technical concepts more easily by identifying and catering to individual student learning styles through a mixed visual, auditory and kinaesthetic-tactual delivery system
  • Enhances retention by employing accelerated learning techniques focused on committing information to long-term memory

Zeven redenen waarom jij voor jouw .NET 2 Web cursus voor Firebrand kiest:

  1. Jij zal in slechts 9 dagen .NET 2 Web gecertificeerd zijn. Doordat onze cursussen residentieel zijn kunnen wij langere lesdagen aanbieden en zal je tijdens je verblijf volledig gefocust zijn op jouw cursus
  2. Onze .NET 2 Web cursus is all-inclusive. Cursusmaterialen, accommodatie en maaltijden zijn inbegrepen.
  3. Slaag de eerste keer voor .NET 2 Web of train gratis opnieuw.Op basis van onze certificeringsgarantie kun je voor het geval je de eerste keer niet slaagt binnen een jaar terugkomen en opnieuw trainen. Je betaalt dan alleen voor accommodatie en examens. De andere kosten zijn inbegrepen.
  4. Je zal meer over .NET 2 Web leren. Waar opleidingen elders doorgaans van 9:00 tot 17:00 duren, kan je bij Firebrand Training rekenen op 12 uur training per dag!
  5. Je zal .NET 2 Web sneller beheersen. Doordat onze cursussen residentieel zijn word je in korte tijd ondergedompeld in de theorie. Hierdoor zal je volledig gefocust zijn op de cursus en zal je sneller de theorie en praktijk beheersen.
  6. Je zal voor .NET 2 Web studeren bij de beste training provider. Firebrand heeft het Q-For kwaliteitlabel, waarmee onze standaarden en professionaliteit op het gebied van training erkend worden. We hebben inmiddels 134561 professionals getraind en gecertificeerd!
  7. Je gaat meer doen dan alleen de cursusstof van .NET 2 Web bestuderen. We maken gebruik van laboratoria, case-studies en oefentests, om ervoor te zorgen dat jij jouw nieuwe kennis direct in jouw werkomgeving kan toepassen.




  • Framework Fundamentals
  • Input/Output
  • Searching, Modifying, and Encoding Text
  • Collections and Generics
  • Serialization
  • Graphics
  • Threading
  • Application Domains and Services
  • Installing and Configuring Applications
  • Instrumentation
  • Application Security
  • User and Data Security
  • Interoperation
  • Reflection
  • Mail
  • Globalization
  • Study and Foundation Exam


  • Introducing the ASP.NET 2.0 Web Site
  • Adding and Configuring Server Controls
  • Exploring Specialized Server Controls
  • Using ADO.NET and XML with ASP.NET
  • Creating Custom Web Controls
  • Input Validation and Site Navigation
  • ASP.NET State Management
  • Programming the Web Application
  • Customizing and Personalizing a Web Application
  • Implementing Authentication and Authorization
  • Globalization and Accessibility
  • Creating ASP.NET Mobile Web Applications
  • Monitoring, Deploying, and Caching Applications
  • Study and ASP.NET 2.0 Exam
  • End of MCTS Web 2.0
  • Application Requirements and Design
  • Decompose Specifications for Developers
  • Design Evaluation
  • Creating a User Interface
  • Creating and Choosing Controls
  • Data Validation
  • Delivering Multimedia
  • Component Design
  • Component Development
  • Reusable Software Components
  • Application Logic Layer
  • Logging and Monitoring
  • Application Configuration
  • Define and Evaluate a Testing Strategy
  • Creating Development Tests
  • Deploying an Application
  • Supporting an Application
  • Study and MCPD exam
  • End of MCPD Web

Exam Track

During the MCPD Web Applications accelerated course students will take the following exams:

  • Exam 70-536: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Application Development Foundation
  • Exam 70-528: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Web-Based Client Development
  • Exam 70-547: PRO: Designing and Developing Web Applications by Using the Microsoft .NET Framework

Firebrand Training curriculum and testing schedule ensure that you will attain your MCPD certifications during the course.

Some of the information on this page has been drawn from Microsoft's website.

What's Included


Candidates for MCPD work on a team in a medium or large development environment that uses Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Developer or Visual Studio 2005. Candidates should have a working knowledge of Visual Studio 2005 and a sound knowledge of the new features of ASP.NET 2.0. Candidates should have at least two years of experience developing applications by using the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Candidates should have at least three to four years of on-the-job experience dedicated to Web application development. In most cases, candidates will be full-time developers, who develop server-side ASP.NET code that creates the browser-based, client-side interface to an application.

Weet je niet zeker of je aan de vereisten voldoet? Maak je geen zorgen. Jouw trainingsadviseur bespreekt jouw achtergrond met je om te begrijpen of deze cursus geschikt is voor je.


Wereldwijd heeft Firebrand in haar 10-jarig bestaan al 134561 studenten opgeleid! We hebben ze allemaal gevraagd onze versnelde opleidingen te evalueren. De laatste keer dat we onze resultaten analyseerden, bleek 95.63% ons te beoordelen als 'boven verwachting'

"This was my first Microsoft Certification course, which I passed. The Firebrand Training instructor was outstanding."
David Brown, ALD Consultancy. (23/3/2009 (Maandag) t/m 31/3/2009 (Dinsdag))

"Very knowledgeable instructor!"
RL. (27/10/2008 (Maandag) t/m 4/11/2008 (Dinsdag))

"Exam focused training, well prepared and presented, by knowledgeable fully qualified instructors in an environment that encourages learning and self development."
AS. (27/10/2008 (Maandag) t/m 4/11/2008 (Dinsdag))

"It was one of the hardest weeks in my life, but allowed me to achieve qualification in a really short time."
FM. (27/10/2008 (Maandag) t/m 4/11/2008 (Dinsdag))

"Be prepared and you will be rewarded. Nothing but learning here."
Matthew Newitts, Newitt & Co Ltd. (4/8/2008 (Maandag) t/m 12/8/2008 (Dinsdag))


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