Microsoft - MCTS .NET 2.0 - Web and Windows Applications



Vain 9 päivän



luokkahuone / Online / Hybridi

Seuraava päivä

Seuraava päivä:

24/6/2024 (Maanantai)


If you are developing .NET Framework 2.0 applications that use Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or creating Web applications that use ASP.NET 2.0, the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) credentials highlights your job role, featuring your specific area of expertise. Now you can easily distinguish yourself as an expert in both web and Windows applications development.

Our 9 day Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) Web and Windows Applications certification course will prepare you for the following:

Technology Specialist: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications

  • You will have the skills necessary to build interactive, data-driven Web applications that use ASP.NET 2.0 for both intranet and Internet uses

Technology Specialist: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications

  • You will have the skills necessary to build rich client applications that target the Windows Forms platform using the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

This is an accelerated, residential, fully-immersed course, designed for IT professionals that require effective, real-world skill-building and timely certification. You will live, learn, and test on-site.

8 syytä, miksi kannattaa hankkia MCTS .NET 2 Firebrand Trainingiltä:

  1. Koulutuksen ja todistuksen saaminen kestää vain 9 päivän. Meidän kanssamme saat MCTS .NET 2 -koulutuksen ja -todistuksen ennätysajassa. Todistuksen ansaitset koulutuskeskuksessamme osana intensiivistä ja nopeutettua koulutusta.
  2. Hintaan sisältyy kaikki.Kertamaksu kattaa kaikki kurssimateriaalit, kokeet, kuljetuksen, majoituksen ja ateriat ja tarjoaa kustannustehokkaimman tavan hankkia MCTS .NET 2 koulutus ja todistus. Ilman mitään lisäkustannuksia.
  3. Suorita tutkinto ensimmäisellä kerralla tai kertaa koulutus ilmaiseksi. Tämä on takuumme. Olemme varmoja, että läpäiset MCTS .NET 2 -kurssin ensimmäisellä kerralla. Mutta jos näin ei käy, voit tulla takaisin vuoden kuluttua ja maksaa vain majoituksesta ja kokeista. Kaikki muu on ilmaista.
  4. Opit enemmän.Päivä perinteisen koulutuksen tarjoajan kanssa on yleensä klo 9–17, mihin sisältyy pitkä lounastauko. Firebrand Trainingiltä saat vähintään 12 tuntia päivässä keskittynyttä ja häiriötöntä laatukoulutusaikaa opettajasi kanssa.
  5. Opit MCTS .NET 2 nopeammin. Yhdistämme 3 eri oppimistyyliä (visuaalisen|kuuloon perustuvan|kosketukseen perustuvan) tarjotaksemme materiaalin tavalla joka varmistaa, että opit nopeammin ja helpommin.
  6. Opiskelet huippujen kanssa.Olemme kouluttaneet ja sertifioineet 134.561 ammattilaista ja olemme kumppaneita kaikkien alan suurien nimien kanssa ja olemme saaneet lukuisia palkintoja, mm. Microsoftin Danmarki Vuoden koulutuspartneri 2010, 2011, 2012 ja 2013, Institue of IT Trainingin ”Training Company of the Year 2006, 2007, 2008” Englannissa, ISC(2):n ”Highest Performing Affiliate of the Year 2009 & 2010 – EMEA” sekä EC-Councilin ”Accredited Training Centre of the Year 2010 og 2011”, ”Newcomer of the Year 2011” ja ”Instructors Circle of Excellence”.
  7. Opit enemmän kuin pelkän teorian. Olemme kehittäneet MCTS .NET 2 kurssia edelleen käyttämällä laboratorioita, esimerkkitapauksia ja harjoittelukokeita varmistaaksemme, että osaat soveltaa uutta tietoa työympäristöön.
  8. Opit parhailta. Ohjaajamme MCTS .NET 2 kurssilla ovat alan parhaita. He tarjoavat ainutlaatuisen yhdistelmän asiantuntemusta, kokemusta ja intohimoa opetukseen.


The MCTS applications program is a highly interactive 9-day developer class designed to teach Web, and Windows Developers how to build interactive, data-driven client applications, targeting the Windows Forms platform using the .NET Framework 2.0, and produce intranet and Internet Web applications that use ASP.NET 2.0.


Course Materials

While attending this blended-learning program, you will receive a robust set of course materials that caters to each of the three primary individual learning-intake styles (auditory, visual, and kinaesthetic-tactual) - critical for a successful accelerated learning experience.

Daily lectures, labs, and review sessions are supplemented by a combination of:

  • Proprietary Lab Manual & Microsoft Courseware - developed in conjunction with Microsoft, adapting the Microsoft Offical Curriculum extended by Microsoft Press Books
  • Self Test - Testing Software

Our MCTS program contains customized Microsoft courseware which covers the following materials:

  • Developing applications that use system types and collections
  • Embedding configuration, diagnostic, management, and installation features into a .NET Framework application
  • Implementing serialization and input/output functionality in a .NET Framework application
  • Improving the security of .NET Framework applications by using the .NET Framework 2.0 security features
  • Implementing interoperability, reflection, and mailing functionality in a .NET Framework application
  • Implementing globalization, drawing, and text manipulation functionality in a .NET Framework application
  • Creating and Programming a Web Application
  • Integrating Data in a Web Application by Using ADO.NET, XML, and Data-Bound Controls
  • Creating Custom Web Controls
  • Tracing, Configuring, and Deploying Applications
  • Customizing and Personalizing a Web Application
  • Implementing Authentication and Authorization
  • Creating ASP.NET Mobile Web Applications
  • Envisioning and Designing an Application
  • Designing and Developing a User Interface
  • Designing and Developing a Component
  • Designing and Developing an Application Framework
  • Testing and Stabilizing an Application
  • Deploying and Supporting an Application
  • Creating a UI for a Windows Forms Application by Using Standard Controls
  • Integrating Data in a Windows Forms Application
  • Enhancing Usability
  • Implementing Asynchronous Programming Techniques to Improve the User Experience
  • Configuring and Deploying Applications

Exam Track

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) enables professionals to target specific technologies and distinguish themselves by demonstrating in-depth knowledge and expertise in their specialised technologies. This combined certification allows you to pursue a career as a web or windows developers. At Firebrand Training we offer an efficient approach to achieve both certifications in one combined class. The exams provide a valid and reliable measure of technical proficiency and expertise. During the MCTS .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 Firebrand Training, students will take the following exams:

  • MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Application Development Foundation Exam 70-536*-TS: .NET Framework 2.0 Application Development Foundation, Prerequisite Exam for all 3 MCTS Certifications
  • MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications Exam 70-528*-TS: .NET Framework 2.0 Web-Based Client Development
  • MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications Exam 70-526*-TS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows-Based Client Development

What's Included


Candidates for any of the MCTS certifications are expected to have:

  • Basic knowledge working with SQL (Structured Query Language) in retrieving and populating data from and to a database
  • 1-2 years of software development experience in an object oriented (OO) type language (i.e. VB.NET, C#.NET, VB, C++, Java, Delphi, etc.)


  • 2+ years experience in structured language programming (e.g. C, Cobol, Main Frame Languages, Pearl, 4-GL language, Jscript, VBScript, etc.) plus some, but not necessarily extensive, exposure to OO programming concepts


  • A basic navigational knowledge of the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (this experience could be in earlier versions of Visual Studio)

Candidates are also encouraged, but not required, to have the following additional experience for the individual MCTS certifications:

  • Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Web Developer - A basic understanding of web protocols and HTML.
  • Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Developer - A basic understanding of desktop applications development.
  • Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Distributed Applications Developer - A basic understanding of multi-tier software development


Olemme kouluttaneet kymmenen vuoden aikana yli 134.561 opiskelijaa. Heitä kaikkia on pyydetty arvioimaan pikakurssimme. Tällä hetkellä 96,41% on sitä mieltä, että Firebrand on ylittänyt heidän odotuksensa:

"Course was great, learned a lot in my nine days but it is hard work."
Stephen Thomson, Unifrax Ltd. (14/7/2008 (Maanantai) - 22/7/2008 (Tiistai))

"A test of endurance at times, but well worth the effort."
Andrew Bewley. (14/7/2008 (Maanantai) - 22/7/2008 (Tiistai))

"Learning via Firebrand trainging is indeed very immersive and certainly accelerated. If you need to know a topic and you need to know it now then Firebrand is definately the training provider you should choose. It is not for the faint of heart... you have to sit an learn for the entire time you attend the camp... but that is an excellent way to get to know something quickly."
SD, Dolphin Music. (14/7/2008 (Maanantai) - 22/7/2008 (Tiistai))

"If you''re pushed for time Firebrand will do their upmost to enable you to pass the Microsoft exams."
Antony Wiffen. (26/5/2008 (Maanantai) - 3/6/2008 (Tiistai))

"A poet could probably describe the experience better, but I''d start by saying the course was a relentless and torrential learning experience. From the day you arrive to the moment you leave, you are in a concentrated learning environment and you mind is assualted with education. I feel the use of aggressive adjectives is apt as you will learn, you will learn quickly and you don''t have a choice in the matter, which is exceptional. Most people who require a course like this lead busy lives and don''t have time away from work to learn new skills. It is ideal for the subject. I also wish that University was presented in a way like this. It would have been much more productive to complete a semester in 9 days than 6 months..."
Dustan Jones. (14/4/2008 (Maanantai) - 22/4/2008 (Tiistai))







19/2/2024 (Maanantai)

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