Microsoft - MCSE: Messaging (Exchange 2016)



Vain 6 päivän



luokkahuone / Online / Hybridi

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Seuraava päivä:

30/9/2024 (Maanantai)


MCSE Messaging (Exchange 2016)

On this accelerated 6 day MCSE: Messaging course, you’ll learn to install, design and deploy Microsoft Exchange Server 2016. This includes providing maintenance and support for Exchange Server 2016 and operating Exchange in an Office 365 environment.

The course will teach you to manage areas like mail recipients, client connectivity and security. These skills will reduce data loss, improve data security and user productivity and flexibility. You’ll learn all of this 45% faster than traditional training.

Taught by your official Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), you’ll use Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC) and practice tests. You’ll also use Firebrand’s unique Lecture | Lab | Review technique, which will immerse you in topics like:

  • Managing recipient objects by using Exchange Management Shell
  • Planning and deploying Exchange Server 2016 Mailbox services
  • Implementing and managing Microsoft Exchange Online deployments
  • Upgrading to Exchange Server 2016

This accelerated course will prepare you for exam 70-345: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016, which you’ll sit at on site at Firebrand’s training centre. This is also covered by your certification guarantee.

This course is best suited to experienced messaging administrators, architects or consultants. Specifically, those who are responsible for deploying and managing Exchange Server 2016 solutions.

8 syytä, miksi kannattaa hankkia MCSE: Messaging Firebrand Trainingiltä:

  1. Koulutuksen ja todistuksen saaminen kestää vain 6 päivän. Meidän kanssamme saat MCSE: Messaging -koulutuksen ja -todistuksen ennätysajassa. Todistuksen ansaitset koulutuskeskuksessamme osana intensiivistä ja nopeutettua koulutusta.
  2. Hintaan sisältyy kaikki.Kertamaksu kattaa kaikki kurssimateriaalit, kokeet, kuljetuksen, majoituksen ja ateriat ja tarjoaa kustannustehokkaimman tavan hankkia MCSE: Messaging koulutus ja todistus. Ilman mitään lisäkustannuksia.
  3. Suorita tutkinto ensimmäisellä kerralla tai kertaa koulutus ilmaiseksi. Tämä on takuumme. Olemme varmoja, että läpäiset MCSE: Messaging -kurssin ensimmäisellä kerralla. Mutta jos näin ei käy, voit tulla takaisin vuoden kuluttua ja maksaa vain majoituksesta ja kokeista. Kaikki muu on ilmaista.
  4. Opit enemmän.Päivä perinteisen koulutuksen tarjoajan kanssa on yleensä klo 9–17, mihin sisältyy pitkä lounastauko. Firebrand Trainingiltä saat vähintään 12 tuntia päivässä keskittynyttä ja häiriötöntä laatukoulutusaikaa opettajasi kanssa.
  5. Opit MCSE: Messaging nopeammin. Yhdistämme 3 eri oppimistyyliä (visuaalisen|kuuloon perustuvan|kosketukseen perustuvan) tarjotaksemme materiaalin tavalla joka varmistaa, että opit nopeammin ja helpommin.
  6. Opiskelet huippujen kanssa.Olemme kouluttaneet ja sertifioineet 134.561 ammattilaista ja olemme kumppaneita kaikkien alan suurien nimien kanssa ja olemme saaneet lukuisia palkintoja, mm. Microsoftin Danmarki Vuoden koulutuspartneri 2010, 2011, 2012 ja 2013, Institue of IT Trainingin ”Training Company of the Year 2006, 2007, 2008” Englannissa, ISC(2):n ”Highest Performing Affiliate of the Year 2009 & 2010 – EMEA” sekä EC-Councilin ”Accredited Training Centre of the Year 2010 og 2011”, ”Newcomer of the Year 2011” ja ”Instructors Circle of Excellence”.
  7. Opit enemmän kuin pelkän teorian. Olemme kehittäneet MCSE: Messaging kurssia edelleen käyttämällä laboratorioita, esimerkkitapauksia ja harjoittelukokeita varmistaaksemme, että osaat soveltaa uutta tietoa työympäristöön.
  8. Opit parhailta. Ohjaajamme MCSE: Messaging kurssilla ovat alan parhaita. He tarjoavat ainutlaatuisen yhdistelmän asiantuntemusta, kokemusta ja intohimoa opetukseen.



20345-1A: Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

Module 1: Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

This module describes the key features and enhancements in Exchange Server 2016. The module also describes the deployment requirements and options for implementing Exchange Server 2016.


  • Overview of Exchange Server 2016
  • Requirements and deployment options for Exchange Server 2016

Lab : Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

  • Evaluating requirements and prerequisites for an Exchange Server 2016 installation
  • Deploying Exchange Server 2016

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe the features and functionality of Exchange Server 2016.
  • Describe the requirements and deployment options for Exchange Server 2016.

Module 2: Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 servers

This module describes the built-in management tools that you can use to manage maintain and maintain Exchange Server 2016. The module also explains the features and functionality of a Mailbox server role and procedures for configuring a Mailbox server.


  • Exchange Server 2016 management
  • Overview of the Exchange 2016 Mailbox server
  • Configuring Mailbox servers

Lab : Configuring Mailbox servers

  • Creating and configuring mailbox databases

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 management.
  • Describe the Exchange Server 2016 Mailbox server role.
  • Configure mailbox servers

Module 3: Managing recipient objects

This module describes the types of recipient objects in Exchange Server 2016, and explains how to manage these objects. The module also describes how to manage address lists and policies on the Mailbox server role.


  • Exchange Server 2016 recipients
  • Managing Exchange Server recipients
  • Configuring address lists and policies

Lab : Managing Exchange Server recipients and public folders

  • Managing recipients
  • Managing public folder mailboxes

Lab : Managing Exchange Server email address lists and policies

  • Managing email-address policies
  • Managing address lists and address book policies

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe the different Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 recipients.
  • Manage Exchange Server 2016 recipients.
  • Configure address lists and policies.

Module 4: Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 and recipient objects by using Exchange Management Shell

This module provides an overview of the Exchange Management Shell, and describes how to use it to manage Exchange Server 2016 configuration and recipient objects.


  • Overview of the Exchange Management Shell
  • Managing Exchange Server 2016 by using Exchange Management Shell
  • Managing Exchange Server 2016 by using Exchange Management Shell scripts

Lab : Managing Exchange Server and recipient objects by using Exchange Management Shell

  • Using Exchange Management Shell to manage recipients
  • Using Exchange Management Shell to manage Exchange Server

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain the Exchange Management Shell cmdlets that you can use to configure and manage Microsoft Exchange Server 2016.
  • Manage Exchange Server and recipient objects by using the Exchange Management Shell.
  • Manage Exchange Server and recipient objects by using the Exchange Management Shell scripts.

Module 5: Implementing client connectivity

This module describes how to configure and manage Client Access Services in Exchange Server 2016. The module also explains the options for configuring client connectivity, Microsoft Outlook on the web, and mobile messaging.


  • Configuring client access services in Exchange Server 2016
  • Managing client services
  • Client connectivity and publishing of Exchange Server 2016 services
  • Configuring Outlook on the web
  • Configuring mobile messaging on Exchange Server 2016

Lab : Deploying and configuring client access services on Exchange Server 2016

  • Configuring certificates for client access
  • Configuring client access options
  • Configuring custom MailTips

Lab : Deploying and configuring client access services on Exchange Server

  • Configuring Exchange Server 2016 for Outlook
  • Configuring Outlook on the web
  • Configuring Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Configure client access services in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016.
  • Manage client services.
  • Describe client connectivity and publishing of Exchanger Server 2016 services.
  • Configure Microsoft Outlook on the web.
  • Configure mobile messaging on Exchange Server 2016.

Module 6: Module 6: Managing high availability in Exchange Server 2016

This module describes the high availability options built into Exchange Server 2016. The module also explains how to configure high availability for Mailbox databases and Client Access services.


  • High availability on Exchange Server 2016
  • Configuring highly available mailbox databases
  • Configuring high availability of Client Access services.

Lab : Implementing DAGs

  • Creating and configuring a database availability group

Lab : Implementing and testing high availability

  • Deploying a high availability solution for client access services
  • Testing the high availability configuration

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe the high availability options in Exchange Server 2016.
  • Configure highly available mailbox databases. 
  • Configure highly available client access services.

Module 7: Implementing disaster recovery for Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

This module describes the backup and recovery options in Exchange Server 2016 and explains the factors you must consider when you use these options.


  • Implementing Exchange Server 2016 backup
  • Implementing Exchange Server 2016 recovery

Lab : Backing up Exchange Server 2016

  • Backing up Exchange Server 2016

Lab : Implementing disaster recovery for Exchange Server 2016

  • Restoring Exchange Server 2016 data
  • Restore an Exchange Server DAG member (optional)

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain how to implement Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 backup.
  • Explain how to implement Exchange Server 2016 recovery.

Module 8: Configuring and managing message transport

This module provides an overview of message transport, and describes how to configure message transport. The module also describes how to configure transport rules and DLP policies to manage message transport.


  • Overview of message transport
  • Configuring message transport
  • Managing transport rules

Lab : Configuring message transport

  • Configuring message transport
  • Troubleshooting message delivery
  • Configuring a disclaimer transport rule
  • Configuring a DLP policy for financial data

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe message transport.
  • Configure message transport.
  • Manage transport rules.

Module 9: Configuring antivirus, antispam, and malware protection

This module describes the key features and functionality of an Edge Transport server role in Exchange Server 2016. The module also explains how to configure message security by implementing an antivirus and antispam solution.


  • Deploying and managing an Edge Transport server for message security
  • Implementing an antivirus solution for Exchange Server 2016
  • Implementing an antispam solution for Exchange Server 2016

Lab : Configuring message security

  • Configuring and testing EdgeSync
  • Configuring antivirus, antispam, and malware protection features on Exchange Server 2016

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Deploy and manage an Edge Transport server role for message security.
  • Implement an antivirus solution for Microsoft Exchange Server 2016.
  • Implement an antispam solution for Exchange Server 2016.

Module 10: Implementing and managing Microsoft Exchange Online deployments

This module describes the key features of Exchange Online and Office 365. The module also describes how to manage and migrate to Exchange Online.


  • Overview of Exchange Online and Office 365
  • Managing Exchange Online
  • Implementing the migration to Exchange Online

Lab : Managing Exchange Online

  • Managing Exchange Online

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Provide an overview of Exchange Online and Office 365.
  • Manage Exchange Online.
  • Implement a migration to Exchange Online.

Module 11: Monitoring and troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

This module describes how to monitor and troubleshoot Exchange Server 2016. The module explains how to collect and analyse performance data for various Exchange Server recipients and objects. The module also describes how to troubleshoot database issues, connectivity issues, and performance issues.


  • Monitoring Exchange Server 2016
  • Troubleshooting Exchange Server 2016

Lab : Monitoring and troubleshooting Exchange Server 2016

  • Monitoring Exchange Server
  • Troubleshooting database availability
  • Troubleshooting client access services

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Monitor Exchange Server 2016.
  • Troubleshoot Exchange Server 2016.

Module 12: Securing and maintaining Exchange Server 2016

This module describes how to maintain and update an Exchange Server organisation. The module explains how to plan and configure administrative security and administrative auditing in Exchange Server 2016.


  • Securing Exchange Server with role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Configuring audit logging on Exchange Server 2016
  • Maintaining Exchange Server 2016

Lab : Securing and maintaining Exchange Server 2016

  • Configuring Exchange Server permissions
  • Configuring audit logging
  • Maintaining updates on Exchange Server 2016.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Configure RBAC on Microsoft Exchange Server 2016.
  • Configure options related to user and administrator audit logging.
  • Maintain and update Exchange Server 2016.

20345-2A: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

Module 1: Planning Exchange Server 2016 deployments

This module explains the requirements and considerations for planning an Exchange Server deployment.


  • New features in Exchange Server 2016
  • Gathering business requirements for an Exchange Server 2016 deployment
  • Planning for an Exchange Server deployment
  • Designing a Unified Messaging (UM) deployment

Lab : Planning Exchange Server 2016 deployments

  • Evaluating an existing messaging infrastructure
  • Identifying requirements
  • Discussion: Deployment design for Exchange Server 2016

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe the new features in Exchange Server 2016.
  • Describe how to gather business requirements for an Exchange Server 2016 deployment.
  • Plan for an Exchange Server 2016 deployment.
  • Design a UM deployment.

Module 2: Planning and deploying Exchange Server 2016 Mailbox services

This module explains how to plan and deploy Exchange Server hardware, virtualisation, mailbox databases, and public folders.


  • Planning Exchange Server hardware requirements
  • Planning Exchange Server for virtualisation and Microsoft Azure integration
  • Planning and implementing public folders

Lab : Planning and implementing Exchange virtualisation, mailbox databases, and public folders

  • Planning for virtualisation
  • Planning for mailbox databases
  • Implementing mailbox databases
  • Planning and implementing public folders

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Plan for the Exchange Server hardware requirements.
  • Plan Exchange Server for virtualisation and Azure integration.
  • Plan and implement public folders.

Module 3: Planning and deploying message transport

This module explains how to plan and implement mail routing internally from and to the Internet, and transport-related tasks in the organisation.


  • Designing message routing
  • Designing transport services
  • Designing the message-routing perimeter
  • Designing and implementing transport compliance

Lab : Planning and deploying message transport

  • Planning for a redundant and secure message transport
  • Planning for transport compliance
  • Implementing transport compliance

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Design message routing.
  • Design transport services.
  • Design message routing in a perimeter network.
  • Design and implement transport compliance.

Module 4: Planning and deploying client access

This module explains how to plan for client connectivity and client access in Exchange Server 2016. This module also describes how to implement Microsoft Office Online Server, and the coexistence of SharePoint 2016 with Exchange.


  • Planning for Exchange Server 2016 clients
  • Planning for client access
  • Planning and implementing Office Online Server
  • Planning and implementing coexistence of SharePoint 2016 with Exchange
  • Designing external client access

Lab : Planning and deploying client access solutions

  • Planning and configuring namespaces
  • Planning and configuring client access services options
  • Planning and deploying Office Online Server
  • Planning and implementing reverse proxy

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Plan for Exchange 2016 Server clients.
  • Plan for client access.
  • Plan and implement Office Online Server.
  • Plan and implement SharePoint 2016 and with Exchange Server 2016 coexistence.
  • Design external client access.

Module 5: Designing and implementing high availability

This module explains how to design and implement a highly available solution for Exchange Server 2016.


  • Planning high availability for Exchange Server 2016
  • Planning for load balancing
  • Planning for site resilience

Lab : Designing and implementing site resiliency

  • Creating a lag database copy
  • Recovering data from a lagged database copy
  • Implementing site resilience
  • Validating site resilience

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Plan high availability for an Exchange Server 2016 deployment.
  • Plan for load balancing in an Exchange Server 2016 deployment.
  • Plan for site resilience in an Exchange Server 2016 deployment.

Module 6: Maintaining Exchange Server 2016This module explains how to maintain Exchange Server 2016 using Managed Availability and Desired State Configuration (DSC).


  • Using Managed Availability to improve high availability
  • Implementing DSC

Lab : Maintaining Exchange Server 2016

  • Using Windows PowerShell to investigate and configure Managed Availability
  • Implementing DSC

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe and configure Managed Availability in Exchange Server 2016.
  • Describe and implement DSC in Exchange Server 2016.

Module 7: Designing messaging security

This module explains how to plan for messaging security and design and implement Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) and Azure RMS in an Exchange Server organisation.


  • Planning messaging security
  • Designing and implementing AD RMS and Azure RMS integration

Lab : Designing messaging security

  • Implementing AD RMS
  • Integrating AD RMS with Exchange Server
  • Creating a message transport rule to protect email
  • Proteccting an email with AD RMS

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Plan messaging security.
  • Design and implement AD RMS and Azure RMS integration.

Module 8: Designing and implementing message retention

This module explains how to plan for archiving and message retention.


  • Overview of messaging records management and archiving
  • Designing In-Place Archiving
  • Designing and implementing message retention

Lab : Designing and implementing message retention

  • Designing message retention and archiving
  • Implementing message retention and archiving

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe messaging records management and archiving.
  • Design In-Place Achiving.
  • Design and implement message retention.

Module 9: Designing messaging compliance

This module explains how to plan for and implement several Exchange features to help minimise data loss and monitor email traffic and content.


  • Designing and implementing data loss prevention
  • Designing and implementing In-Place Hold
  • Designing and implementing In-Place eDiscovery

Lab : Designing and implementing messaging compliance

  • Designing messaging compliance
  • Implementing data los prevention
  • Implementing In-Place eDiscovery
  • Comparing messaging policy and compliance options

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Design and implement data los prevention.
  • Design and implement In-Place Hold.
  • Design and implement In-Place eDiscovery.

Module 10: Designing and implementing messaging coexistence

This module explains how to plan and implement federation, design coexistence between Exchange organisations, and design and move mailboxes between different forests and Exchange organisations.


  • Designing and implementing federation
  • Designing coexistence between Exchange organisations
  • Designing and implementing cross-forest mailbox moves

Lab : Implementing messaging coexistence

  • Implementing message-routing coexistence
  • Migrating user mailboxes

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Design and implement federation.
  • Design the coexistence between Exchange Server organisations.
  • Design and implement cross-forest mailbox moves.

Module 11: Upgrading to Exchange Server 2016

This module explains how to plan and implement an upgrade from previous Exchange Server 2013 or Exchange Server versions to Exchange Server 2016.


  • Planning an upgrade from previous Exchange Server versions
  • Implementing the upgrade from previous Exchange Server versions

Lab : Upgrading from Exchange Server 2013 to Exchange Server 2016

  • Documenting the Exchange Server 2013 organisation
  • Deploying Exchange Server 2016
  • Upgrading from Exchange Server 2013 to Exchange Server 2016
  • Removing Exchange Server 2013

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Plan an upgrade to Exchange Server 2016.
  • Implement the upgrade to Exchange Server 2016.

Module 12: Planning a hybrid Exchange Server deployment

This module explains how to plan and implement a hybrid deployment for Exchange Server 2016.


  • Basics of a hybrid deployment
  • Planning and implementing a hybrid deployment
  • Implementing advanced functionality for hybrid deployments

Lab : Designing the integration with Exchange Online

  • Designing the integration with Exchange Online

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe the basics of a hybrid deployment.
  • Plan and implement a hybrid deployment.
  • Implement advanced functionality for hybrid deployments.

Exam Track

You'll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training Centre, covered by your certification guarantee:

  • Exam 70-345: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016
    • Pass Mark - 700
    • Duration - 150 mins

To achieve the MCSE: Messaging certification, you are required to pass exam 70-345 as well as the exams aligned to the MCSA: Office 365 (70-346 & 70-347) or MCSA: Windows Server 2012 (70-410, 70-411 & 70-412) credentials.

What's Included

Microsoft Official Curriculum

  • MOC 20345-1A: Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016
  • MOC 20345-2A: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016


Before attending this course, you must have attended the following courses or have equivalent knowledge:

  • A+
  • Network+
  • 2028A Basic Administration of Microsoft Windows 2000

In addition, you should already have the following technical knowledge and professional experience:

  • A minimum of two years experience with:
    • Any version of Exchange Server
    • Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
    • Name resolution including Domain Name Systems
    • Administering Windows Server, including Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016.
  • A minimum of six months experience working with:
    • Exchange Server 2013 or Exchange Server 2016
  • An understanding of:
    • TCP/IP and networking concepts
    • Security concepts such as authentication and authorisation
    • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
    • Public key infrastructure (PKI) technologies, including Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS)
    • Windows Powershell
    • Windows Server 2012 R2 or later
    • AD DS; including planning, designing, and deploying


Olemme kouluttaneet kymmenen vuoden aikana yli 134.561 opiskelijaa. Heitä kaikkia on pyydetty arvioimaan pikakurssimme. Tällä hetkellä 95,63% on sitä mieltä, että Firebrand on ylittänyt heidän odotuksensa:

"The trainer had good hands-on experience of the product, which made the course interesting."
Thomas Thomas, Diyar United Co. (2/10/2017 (Maanantai) - 7/10/2017 (Lauantai))

"Excellent trainer. "
J.PK, Diyar United Company. (2/10/2017 (Maanantai) - 7/10/2017 (Lauantai))

"The course was intensive with a lot to take in during a short period but you have every resource you need. Great Staff, great atmosphere and you get well looked after too. I'll be back!"
D.W.. (2/10/2017 (Maanantai) - 7/10/2017 (Lauantai))

"A lot of information to take in in a short time, therefore very intense but a great learning environment and good instructor make it worthwhile. "
Anonyymi (31/10/2016 (Maanantai) - 5/11/2016 (Lauantai))

"The trainer had good hands-on experience of the product, which made the course interesting."
Thomas Thomas, Diyar United Co. (2/10/2017 (Maanantai) - 7/10/2017 (Lauantai))







27/5/2024 (Maanantai)

1/6/2024 (Lauantai)

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