Microsoft - Azure Academy: Data Platform



Nur 4 Tage



Klassenraum / Online / Hybrid

nächster Termin

nächster Termin:

30.9.2024 (Montag)


Erweitern Sie in diesem Azure Academy Programm Ihre Kenntnisse im Bereich Azure Data Platform, Analytics und Internet of Things (IoT). Gemeinsam mit Microsoft und Partnern hat Firebrand drei tiefergehende Azure Kurse entwickelt, die zu mehr als 80% detaillierte technische Inhalte behandeln, welche nicht im Microsoft Official Curriculum enthalten sind.

Innerhalb von vier Tagen werden alle aktuellen Data und Analytics Komponenten abgedeckt und ein detaillierter Einblick in Redis Cache und Azure Search geliefert. Der Kurs konzentriert sich auf eine Kernauswahl an Azure Features, sodass Sie genug Zeit haben, sich damit im Detail zu befassen:

  • Implementierung einer Azure SQL Datenbank
  • Implementierung eines Azure SQL Data Warehouse
  • DocumentDB
  • Azure Redis Cache
  • Azure Search
  • Azure Data Factory Service
  • Azure Data Lake Store
  • Azure Data Catalog
  • Azure HDInsight
  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Azure BizTalk Service

Im Lehrplan erfahren Sie mehr über die enthaltenen Module. Die beiden anderen Azure Academy Programme sind Azure Infrastructure and Networking und Azure Cloud Application Development.


In einem Firebrand Intensiv-Training profitieren Sie von folgenden Vorteilen:

  • Zwei Optionen - Präsenz- oder Onlinetraining
  • Ablenkungsfreie Lernumgebung
  • Eigene Trainings- und Prüfungszentren (Pearson VUE Select Partner)
  • Effektives Training mit praktischen Übungseinheiten und intensiver Betreuung durch unsere Trainer
  • Umfassendes Leistungspaket mit allem, was Sie benötigen, um Ihre Zertifizierung zu erhalten, inklusive unserer Firebrand Leistungsgarantie.


In diesem Azure Data Platform Kurs werden folgende Inhalte behandelt:

Module 1 Implementing Azure SQL Database

  • Introduction to Relational Data in the Windows Azure Platform: In this topic you will learn the options for Relational Data in Windows Azure and learn the strengths about each model, looking at the differences between the benefits of VMs that host databases in Azure and Azure SQL Databases.
  • Deploying an Azure SQL Database: In this topic you will learn the performance tiers available for Azure SQL Databases and Provision and Connect to an Azure SQL Database.
  • Managing an Azure SQL Database: In this topic you will learn about the security model in Azure SQL Database, how to manage firewall rules, logins, users, roles and permissions. You will also learn about the tools you can use to manage and restore a database to a previous point in time.
  • Migrating an On-Premises Database to Azure SQL Database: In this topic you will learn the Azure SQL Database compatibility options and evaluate the migration options for moving an on-premises database to Azure SQL Database.

Module 2 Implementing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

  • Advantages of Azure SQL Data Warehouse: In this topic you will learn the features of an Azure SQL Data Warehouse, understand the resource types and how they scale and their associated costs, the security and availability features, how to query unstructured data with PolyBase and find out what is possible in the hybrid cloud environment.
  • Implementing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse Database: In this topic you will learn how to implement an Azure SQL Data Warehouse database. As part of the process, you must also create a logical server for the database. To be able to connect to the database, you must configure the firewall settings of the server to allow the IP address of your computer
  • Developing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse: In this topic you will learn how to manage concurrency and memory allocation, types of data distribution, understand how to apply temporary tables and apply user defined schemas to organize your data.
  • Migrating to an Azure SQL Data Warehouse: In this topic, you will learn how to use the Microsoft Data Warehouse Migration Utility to migrate data. You will also see the table features and data types that are not supported in Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and learn how to check if a database contains any of these features.
  • Copying Data with the Azure Data Factory: In this topic you will be introduced to the Azure Data Factory and how you can use it to set up a scheduled activity to copy data from one table to another. You will see that the activities can reference data that is on-premises or in the cloud.

Module 3 DocumentDB

  • Introduction to DocumentDB: In this topic you will learn what DocumentDB is and what value it provides to modern applications. You will also see how data is managed and how you can access it.
  • Creating a DocumentDB Database: In this topic you will learn how to create a DocumentDB database using the Azure Portal, Azure Resource Manager templates or Azure command-line interface (CLI). You will also learn how to import, model, query, sort, and partition your data, customize indexes, choose a consistency level, and secure access to data.
  • Advanced DocumentDB: In this topic you will learn how to manage and monitor an account, manage performance levels, capacity and resource limits and requests.
  • DocumentDB and Other Services: In this topic you will learn how about common use cases for DocumentDB, deploying a website with DocumentDB, analysing data with Hadoop, integrating with Azure Search, and supporting multi-tenancy.

Module 4 Azure Redis Cache

  • Introduction to Azure Redis Cache: In this topic you will learn what Azure Redis Cache is and its key features and target scenarios.
  • Planning and Choosing a Cache Tier: In this topic you will learn the Redis Cache Tiers, performance benefits, Redis persistence using the RDB model, security and network isolation
  • Configure and Manage the Cache: In this topic you will learn how to automate creating and managing of Azure Redis Cache using PowerShell, Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI), monitoring and troubleshooting in the portal
  • How to use Azure Redis Cache: In this topic you will learn how to use Azure Redis Cache using .NET. ASP.NET, Node.js, Java and Python

Module 5 Azure Search

  • Introduction to Azure Search: In this topic you will learn what Azure Search is and its key features and target scenarios.
  • Managing and Scaling your Search Service: In this topic you will learn how to use the Azure Portal to manage and scale Azure Search and manage and configure API access.
  • Implementing Search Features, Such As Suggestions, Faceting, Hit Highlighting and Filtering: In this topic you will learn how to extend your data by enabling Full-Text Search, use the search features of Azure Search to improve user experience and navigation, and use the .NET SDK to leverage search features.
  • Tuning and Scoring your Search Index to Improve the User Search Experience: In this topic you will learn what is search index tuning and why it is important, different type of scoring function and integrating scoring into an Azure Search index.
  • Adding Geospatial Search to your Search Application: In this topic you will learn what is Geospatial Search, the types of spatial queries and how to add Geospatial search to your applications.

Module 6 Azure Data Factory Service

  • Introduction to Data Factory Concepts: In this topic you will learn what Azure Data Factory is and its key concepts.
  • Data Factory Operations: In this topic you will learn how to create datasets, understand data pipelines and activities to construct end-to-end data driven workflows, use the scheduling and execution aspects of Azure Data Factory application model, move data between stores.
  • Transform and Analyze Azure Data Factory: In this topic you will learn about data transformation activities in Azure Data Factory and how ADF transforms and processes raw data into predictions and insights using Hadoop, Azure Machine Learning, Stored Procedures, and Azure Data Lake Analytics.

Module 7 Azure Data Lake Store

  • Introduction to Data Lake Store: In this topic you will learn what Azure Data Lake Store is and its key concepts and capabilities making it easy for developers, data scientists and analysts to store data of any size, shape and speed, and do all types of processing and analytics across platforms and languages.
  • Create an Azure Data Lake Store: In this topic you will learn how to create an Azure Data Lake Store using the Azure Portal, PowerShell, .NET SDK, Java SDK, Visual Studio, and the Command-Line Interface (CLI), and how to enable diagnostic logs.
  • Data Lake Store Security: In this topic you will learn how Azure Data Lake Store provides industry-standard availability and reliability, redundant copies of data to guard against unexpected failures, Azure Active Directory for authentication and access control lists to manage access to data.
  • Data Lake Store and Other Services: In this topic you will learn how about common use cases for Azure Data Lake Store such as Hadoop clusters, Data Lake Analytics, Stream Analytics, Data Catalog and Power BI.

Module 8 Azure Data Catalog

  • Introduction to Azure Data Catalog: In this topic you will learn what Azure Data Catalog is and how users can discover the data sources they need enabling Analysts, Data Scientists and Developers to discover, understand and consume data sources.
  • How to create an Azure Data Catalog: In this topic you will learn the how to provision and setup an Azure Data Catalog, Register Data Assets, Manage Data Assets configuring security, Annotating Data Assets and Removing Data Assets.
  • Discover and Manage Data Sources: In this topic you will learn how to use the Azure Data Catalog portal to discover data assets and connect to data assets using client tools such as Excel, SQL Server Data Tools and SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Azure Data Catalog and Big Data: In this topic you will learn how Azure Data Catalog supports the registration of Azure Blob Storage blobs and directories, and Hadoop HDFS files and directories.

Module 9 Azure HDInsight

  • Introduction to Big Data: In this topic you will be introduced to Big Data and some of the most common technologies that are used to build Big Data Solutions
  • Microsoft Azure HDInsight: In this topic you will learn how to use Microsoft Azure HDInsight to process Big Data and consume the results in Microsoft Excel.
  • Managing HDInsight by using Microsoft Azure PowerShell: In this topic you will learn how to install and configure Microsoft Azure PowerShell, Manage files in HDFS and use PowerShell to run MapReduce jobs
  • Processing Big Data by using Pig: In this topic you will learn how to process data by using Pig and run Pig jobs in Windows PowerShell
  • Processing Big Data by using Hive: In this topic you will learn how to create Hive tables, load data into Hive tables, Query Hive tables, run Hive jobs in PowerShell, and use the Hive Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Driver to query Hive table from Microsoft Excel
  • Automating Big Data Processing Tasks: In this topic you will learn techniques for creating and automating robust Big Data processing solutions by using Microsoft Azure HDInsight.
  • Integrating Microsoft Azure HDInsight with Enterprise Data: In this topic you will learn various options for integrating Microsoft Azure HDInsight into an enterprise BI infrastructure for reporting and analysis

Module 10 Azure Machine Learning

  • Introduction to Machine Learning and Azure ML Studio: In this topic you will learn about Azure Machine Learning and its strengths, an exploring the Azure Machine Learning Studio.
  • Create an Azure Machine Learning Workspace: In this topic you will learn how to use Storage Accounts and create an Azure Machine Learning Workspace
  • Designing a Predictive Analytics Solution with Azure ML: In this topic you will learn how to define the problem you want to solve, create an experiment adding transformation and filters, save and run the model, publish and use the model.

Module 11 Azure BizTalk Service

  • Introduction to Azure BizTalk Services: In this topic you will learn about Azure BizTalk Services and the supporting tools to build solutions to connect services and systems with disparate data formats and protocols
  • Create an Azure BizTalk Service: In this topic you will learn how to create a BizTalk service in the Azure Portal and register the deployment
  • Connect to an Azure BizTalk Service: In this topic you will learn how to connect to an on-premises Line-of-Business system
  • Manage and Monitor an Azure BizTalk Service: In this topic you will learn how to monitor health of a BizTalk Service, including performance metrics, manage artefacts and track messages, and create a backup plan


Unser Kurspaket umfasst:

  • Umfassende Schulungsmaterialien
  • Praxiserfahrene Trainer, die das bewährte Lecture | Lab | ReviewTM-Konzept anwenden
  • Moderne Trainingseinrichtungen
  • 24 Stunden Zugang zur IT-Lernumgebung
  • Prüfungsgebühren*
  • Prüfungen werden während des Kurses abgelegt**
  • Bei Präsenzkursen: Unterkunft, Frühstück, Mittagessen, Abendessen, Snacks und Getränke
  • Firebrand Leistungsgarantie gemäß unseren AGB***
  • * Ausnahme: Prüfungsgutscheine sind bei folgenden Kursen nicht einbegriffen: Kurse von CREST, BSI Grundschutz Berater und GIAC. Bei diesen Kursen muss die Prüfungsgebühr direkt an den entsprechenden Partner entrichtet werden.
  • ** Ausnahme: Die Prüfungen der COBIT, Cybersecurity Audit, CCAK, IT Risk Fundamentals, IT Audit Fundamentals, CSX-P, ITCA, CET, GIAC, CCSK, CREST Kurse , MSP , BSI Grundschutz Berater sowie EC-Council CPENT werden nicht während des Kurses abgelegt.
  • *** Wenn ein Kursteilnehmer die Prüfung nicht erfolgreich bestehen sollte, kann der Trainingskurs innerhalb eines Jahres wiederholt werden. Dabei fallen nur die Kosten für die Unterkunft und Verpflegung sowie ggf. die Prüfungsgebühren an. Ausnahme: Bei Kursen von Cisco und VMware entstehen außerdem zusätzliche Kosten für die Nutzung der (digitalen) Kursunterlagen und der Lab-/Übungsumgebung.


Sie sollten bereits über eine Microsoft MCSD: Azure Solutions Architect Zertifizierung oder gleichwertige Kenntnisse verfügen.

Sind Sie sich unsicher, ob Sie die Voraussetzungen erfüllen? Wir besprechen gerne mit Ihnen Ihren technischen Hintergrund, Erfahrung und Qualifikation, um herauszufinden, ob dieser Intensivkurs der richtige für Sie ist.


Bereits 134561 Kursteilnehmer haben seit 2001 erfolgreich einen Firebrand-Kurs absolviert. Unsere aktuellen Kundenbefragungen ergeben: Bei 96.14% unserer Teilnehmer wurde die Erwartungshaltung durch Firebrand übertroffen!

"Statt Folien wurde sehr viel live in der Azure Umgebung präsentiert und erklärt. Es wurde ingesesamt deutlich mehr angesprochen, als in offizielen Folien von Microsoft angegeben war."
N.N.. (25.3.2024 (Montag) bis 28.3.2024 (Donnerstag))

"Theorie wird so erklärt, dass man sie versteht und absolut nicht trocken ist. Viel input, viel know how, defintiv nicht ohne, aber macht auch Spaß."
P. B. , Pexon. (24.1.2024 (Mittwoch) bis 26.1.2024 (Freitag))

"Sehr intensives Training mit viel Praxis. Unser Trainer war sehr gut und konnte alle Themen interessant und mit Beispielen vermitteln."
F.M.. (11.12.2023 (Montag) bis 14.12.2023 (Donnerstag))

"Sehr Kompetenter, freundlicher und menschlicher Instructor. Viel Wissen in wenig Zeit vermittelt."
n.n.. (30.10.2023 (Montag) bis 2.11.2023 (Donnerstag))

"Meine Erfahrung mit Firebrand war durchweg positiv. Von der Anmeldung bis zur Durchführung des Kurses war alles reibungslos und professionell. Die Kursmaterialien waren gut organisiert und aktuell, was das Lernen erleichtert hat."
n.n.. (30.10.2023 (Montag) bis 2.11.2023 (Donnerstag))







27.5.2024 (Montag)

30.5.2024 (Donnerstag)

Kurs gelaufen - Hinterlasse Kommentar



30.9.2024 (Montag)

3.10.2024 (Donnerstag)




11.11.2024 (Montag)

14.11.2024 (Donnerstag)

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3.2.2025 (Montag)

6.2.2025 (Donnerstag)

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17.3.2025 (Montag)

20.3.2025 (Donnerstag)

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