Microsoft - Windows Server 2008 Upgrade



Slechts 6 dagen



Klas / Online / Hybride

Volgende datum

Volgende datum:

30/9/2024 (Maandag)


Microsoft Windows Server 2008 will help you to increase the flexibility of your server infrastructure while saving time and reducing costs. Powerful new management tools and security enhancements allow you to have more control over your servers while providing advanced protection so you can spend less time on everyday tasks and more time bringing greater value to your organisation.

This course is intended for those students who are currently MCSE 2003 and wish to upgrade their qualifications to Windows Server 2008. Professionals with a 2003 MCSE need to pass one exam to become MCTS on 2008. This one pass will provide the student with three distinct MCTS qualifications, i.e. Active Directory Configuration, Network Infrastructure Configuration and Application Platform Configuration.

Course Objectives

The primary objective is for students to achieve three Windows 2008 MCTS certifications. Upon completion of this course, the attendee will be able to :

  • Take advantage of new features in Windows Server 2008
  • Describe and configure server roles with ADS in Windows Server 2008
  • Install, manage and configure the server core role as a domain controller
  • Set up and manage read-only domain controllers
  • Describe and manage windows deployment services
  • Describe and use network policies and network access protection
  • Use Windows Server 2008 with new server roles
  • Use new features in IIS 7.0 application server
  • Configure and manage Windows SharePoint services 3.0

Windows Server skills transition for MCSE

Windows Server skills transition for MCSAMaginify the thumbnail imageWindows Server skills transition for MCSE

Become a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist in Active Directory Configuration, Application Platform Configuration and Network Infrastructure Configuration

Windows Server skills transition for MCSA

Windows Server skills transition for MCSAMaginify the thumbnail imageWindows Server skills transition for MCSA

Become a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist in Active Directory Configuration and Network Infrastructure Configuration

Zeven redenen waarom u met uw Windows Server Upgrade cursus voor Firebrand Training moet kiezen

  1. U zult in slechts 6 dagen Windows Server Upgrade gecertificeerd zijn. Met ons bent u in recordtijd Windows Server Upgrade getraind
  2. Onze Windows Server Upgrade cursus is all-inclusive. Een eenmalige contributie bekostigt alle cursusmaterialen, accommodaties en maaltijden.
  3. Slaag de eerste keer voor Windows Server Upgrade of volg de training nogmaals. Dit is onze garantie. Wij zijn er zeker van dat u de eerste keer zult slagen voor uw Windows Server Upgrade cursus. Mocht dit niet het geval zijn, dan kunt u binnen het jaar terugkomen en enkel voor de accommodatie en examens te betalen. De rest is gratis
  4. U zult meer Windows Server Upgrade leren. Een dag met een traditionele training aanbieder duurt over het algemeen van 9 uur 's ochtends tot 17 uur in de middag, met een lange lunchpauze. Met Firebrand Training kunt u rekenen op minstens 12 uur leren per dag met uw instructeur
  5. U zult Windows Server Upgrade snellerde theorie beheersen. De kans bestaat dat u een andere manier van leren heeft dan uw omgeving. Wij combineren visuele, auditieve en tastbare leerstijlen, dit zorgt voor een snellere en eenvoudigere manier van leren
  6. U zult Windows Server Upgrade studeren met de beste. We hebben het Q-For kwaliteit label, dat onze standaarden en professionaliteit in de training markt erkent. Naast het winnen van nog vele andere prijzen, hebben we inmiddels 134561 professionals getraind en gecertificeerd en we zijn partners met alle grote namen in deze tak van het bedrijfsleven
  7. U zult meer doen dan alleen Windows Server Upgrade de cursusstof bestuderen. We maken gebruik van laboratoria, case-studies en oefentests, om ervoor te zorgen dat u uw nieuwe kennis in uw werkomgeving kan toepassen. Onze instructeurs gebruiken demonstraties en hun eigen ervaringen om de dag interessant en boeiend te houden


For HR managers, certification is particularly important because it allows them to more easily identify the skills that an individual possesses. When a company has employees that possess certain skills, it can garner a competitive advantage when seeking to attract customers. Certification can also contribute to increased productivity.


  • Overwhelmingly, individuals with Microsoft certifications have an advanced level of knowledge, expertise and skill, and command more professional credibility
  • Individual students may receive college credits to utilize tuition reimbursement programs for their IT training or to complete college coursework

Human Resources

  • Employer-funded training and certification programs are a key to retaining skilled staff. Career development and advancement opportunities are shown to significantly reduce rates of employee turnover
  • Certification Training Programs provide benchmarks for hiring and promotion decisions by accurately assessing technical skills
  • For-certification training programs maximize educational investments through immediate validation of skills

Microsoft certification affords special membership benefits

  • Technical information, product information and exclusive discounts on products and services through a secured section of the Microsoft website
  • Microsoft logos and certificate for your personal promotion to clients or potential employers
  • Invitations to Microsoft conferences and other educational opportunities


  • Active Directory Improvements
  • Planning for ADDS deployment
  • Upgrade considerations
  • Server Core Domain Controllers
  • What's new in AD DS
  • Manageability and reliability
  • AD Federation services
  • AD Lightweight directory services
  • AD Rights management services
  • Read-only Domain Controllers
  • Auditing Features
  • AD Certificate services
  • Server manager roles
  • Networking with Server 2008
  • DNS improvements
  • Introduction to server core
  • Configuring and managing server core
  • Backup Infrastructure
  • Restore utilities
  • Network policies Access protection
  • Enforcement options
  • Network Access Protection scenarios
  • Windows Deployment services
  • WDS components
  • Windows server virtualization
  • Configuring virtualization
  • Failover clustering
  • Network Load balancing
  • Windows reliability and performance monitor
  • Windows system resource manager
  • Application server roles
  • Application server features
  • IIS 7.0 configuration
  • Improvements in IIS 7.0
  • Managing IIS 7.0
  • Using hierarchical configuration settings
  • Delegating configuration
  • 70-649 Exam

Exam Track

This course prepares you for the Microsoft the 70-648 or the 70-649 exam depending on your background. Upgrading your MCSA or MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Specialist exam.

On the last day of the course students coming from an MCSA background can elect to take the 70-648 exam, whilst students coming from an MCSE background can elect to take the 70-649 exam.

What's Included


To successfully sit and pass this exam students must be experienced MCSA 2003 or MCSE 2003 certified professionals and an understanding of Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Share Point would be advantageous.

Weet je niet zeker of je aan de vereisten voldoet? Maak je geen zorgen. Jouw trainingsadviseur bespreekt jouw achtergrond met je om te begrijpen of deze cursus geschikt is voor je.


Wereldwijd heeft Firebrand in haar 10-jarig bestaan al 134561 studenten opgeleid! We hebben ze allemaal gevraagd onze versnelde opleidingen te evalueren. De laatste keer dat we onze resultaten analyseerden, bleek 95.98% ons te beoordelen als 'boven verwachting'

"Firebrand is an excellent training facility, which delivers well balanced training"
Martyn Veale. (23/11/2009 (Maandag) t/m 28/11/2009 (Zaterdag))

"yet again I passed all my exams - Firebrand is a fantastic experience every time"
RC. (16/3/2009 (Maandag) t/m 21/3/2009 (Zaterdag))

"The quality of the instruction from Firebrand Training instructors is second to none. The course goes well beyond what is required to just pass the exam. The staff are friendly, accommodation is all you need. I''ll be back for yet more at some point in the future."
Anthony Mason. (16/3/2009 (Maandag) t/m 21/3/2009 (Zaterdag))

"A unique environment dedicated to achieving the goal of learning with focus and high volumes of material - then passing the exam(s)!"
Owen Haynes. (8/12/2008 (Maandag) t/m 13/12/2008 (Zaterdag))

"The trainer was a top guy, he really knew his stuff and was able to instruct us in a managed and logical way. The best training I have ever had!"
Philip Luke, Software Box Ltd. (8/12/2008 (Maandag) t/m 13/12/2008 (Zaterdag))


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