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Volgende datum:
24-02-2025 (maandag)


The rapid growth of the mobile sector continues to create exciting new career opportunities for IT professionals. Businesses of all sizes need staff with mobile security knowledge – learn how to protect their mobile systems from external threats on this CAST 612 Advanced Mobile Hacking and Forensics course.

Defend against attacks through Mobile Device Security Hardening and apply forensic industry best practices on this 3 day course.

You’ll get the chance to put your skills to the test – 80% of this course focuses on hands on lab exercises.

You’ll also gain an understanding of the following mobile and forensics topics:

  • Tehnical aspects of Mobile Forensics
  • Forensics methodology
  • Mobile OSX Architecture
  • Evidence acquisition
  • Passcode bypassing
  • IOS, Android & Blackberry platform weaknesses

Firebrand: EC-Council Training Centre of the Year

Accredited Training Centre of the Year

Firebrand Training heeft de EC-Council Accredited Training Centre of the Year Award in 2015 voor de 7e keer op rij gewonnen. Het EC-Council Training Partner netwerk bestaat uit meer dan 450 trainingscentra verspreid over 70 landen.

Jay Bavisi, President van de EC-Council: “De jaarlijkse EC-Council onderstreept de inzet en prestaties van onze wereldwijde partners en trainers die aan de gemeenschap van informatiebeveiliging hebben bijgedragen.


1. Mobile Hacking and Digital Forensic Challenges

This is your introduction to the fundamental principles and methodologies used for legal forensics investigations

  • History of Digital Forensics
  • Global Legal System - Challenges
  • Technical Aspects of Mobile Forensics
  • Trace, Seize and investigate – Cyber Crime Case Scenarios
  • Criminal / Civil Incidents
  • Cyber Fraud
  • Insider / Unknown Threats
  • Recommended reading

Lab 1: Scenario Case Investigation

Lab 2: Evidence Analysis

After completing this module, you'll be familiar with:

  • Creating a new case using FTK and import case evidence
  • Standard Evidence storage acquisition of a hard disk
  • Using FTK and Caine Live CD for case evidence analysis and evidence priority
  • Exploring the difference of Physical vs. Logical Evidence Acquisition

2. Mobile Hardware Design for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and other devices

This module will focus on the hardware design specifications of the popular mobile devices

  • Forensics Methodology
  • Why we need in-depth knowledge of the designs
  • iDevice teardown schematics (Ipad, Iphone and Ipad)
  • Android teardown schematics (HTC and Samsung)
  • Blackberry Bold teardown
  • Standard designs of other mobile devices
  • Mobile Hardware Tool Kits

Lab: Under the hood of an iPhone

After completing this module, you'll be familiar with:

  • Diving deep into the hardware aspects of mobile devices
  • Appreciating the different methods, techniques and tools involved

3. Mobile Software design and the common boot process for Smart Devices

Study how mobiles boot, and use architectural design components. You'll also learn how data is stored and accessed for the IOS system

  • Fundamental Open Source Software
  • Why specialize?
  • Mobile OSX Architecture
  • Core Definitions
  • UI Framework IOS
  • OSX Boot Overview
  • iPhone DFU – Recovery Modes
  • Android Boot Process
  • IOS Kernel Design
  • Jail-breaking / Rooting, REALLY? why, what and how

Lab: Jail-breaking and Rooting

After completing this module, you'll be familiar with:

  • Understanding Apple and Android Architecture
  • Appreciating UI Frameworks and IOS Kernel Design
  • Jail-breaking and rooting IOS and Android

4. Mobile Device Storage and Evidence Acquisition Techniques

This module explains how user data is stored and how to deal with deleted user evidence. It also describes the array of techniques that offer the greatest success for evidence acquisition

  • Analysis Open Source Tool and SDK Software kits for Apple and Android
  • Evidence Acquisition
  • Smart Phone Characteristics
  • Slack Space – Hidden Data
  • MBR – EFI Basic Storage Designs
  • Partitions and device specifics
  • Passcode Protection – Encrypted Backups

Lab 1: Binary Reality

Lab 2: Accessing Evidence

After completing this module, you'll be familiar with:

  • Using manual open-source evidence acquisition methods
  • Bypassing passcode protection
  • The importance of HEX editors
  • Primary unix commands and techniques used

5. Advanced Mobile Attack Analysis

This module explains the genre and advanced Mobile Attacks

  • How Mobile Devices get Hacked
  • Debuggers and Decompiles
  • Reverse Engineering
  • IPA and APK Packages
  • iPhone App Store Specifics

Lab 1: Hacking Tools and Analysis

Lab 2: Building our Environment

After completing this module, you'll be familiar with:

  • Analyzing Real Threats
  • Using open source tools and techniques

6. Mobile Device Hacking Techniques and Tools

This module explains how to analyze evidence and produce detailed evidence reports. It also describes how technical savvy people can obscure evidence to negate or destroy the evidence

  • Hacking can kill you
  • Threat Predictions 2011 / 2012
  • Mobile Hacking Techniques
  • IOS Platform Weaknesses
  • Android Platform Weaknesses
  • Blackberry Platform Weaknesses

Lab 1: Popular Software for Analysis

After completing this module, you'll be familiar with:

  • Understanding Hacking Techniques and Tools.
  • Launching Spear Phishing Attacks.
  • Planting Hidden Payloads

7. Penetration Testing and Exploitation Vectors

This module explains the Penetration Testing training Life Cycle. It also describes the tools and techniques we can use for exploitation Vectors

  • Information Gathering
  • Manual Exploitation
  • Exploit Frameworks
  • Cracking Passwords

Lab 1: Pen Test 101

Lab 2: Pen Test Model - BlueTooth Hacking

Note: This module is designed to be 100% hands-on covering the penetration testing methodology by utilizing BackTrack v5r1

8. Mobile Forensic Hardware and Software Field Kits

This module explains Forensics Hardware Options. It also describes how we can build our portable Forensics field kits

  • DIY Toolkit Options and costs
  • Commercial Comparisons
  • Pros and cons of open source
  • Field Kit Review and best practices

Lab 1: Tag and Bag

Lab 2: Building our Forensic Station and Toolkit

After completing this module, you'll be familiar with:

  • Using open source tools and techniques
  • Using commercial packages
  • Critical aspects related to Chain of Custody, documentation and protection of evidence techniques

9. Forensic Software, Evidence Analysis and Reporting

This module explains how to wrap-up the case by compiling the report and focuses on presenting the technical results in Laymen terms

  • Disclaimer/ Legal
  • Introduction to software packages
  • Forensics Reports
  • Best Evidence Rule
  • Evidence Report Documentation

Lab 1: Creating the Report

After completing this module, you'll be familiar with:

  • Categorizing Evidence
  • Evidence Tampering
  • The various software used


You'll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training Centre, covered by your certification guarantee:

  • CAST 612 - Certified in Advanced Mobile Hacking & Forensics

De cursus omvat

Official EC-Council Courseware

  • CAST 612 - Advanced Mobile Hacking & Forensics


You'll be expected to possess:

  • An understanding of Fundamental principles and process for digital forensics
  • Knowledge includes evidence acquisitions, examination analysis and final reporting
  • A minimum of 6 months Digital Forensics experience is recommended

Before attending this course, it’s also recommended that you have:

De cursus omvat

Je versnelde cursus is inclusief:

  • Accommodatie *
  • Maaltijden, snacks, drankjes, thee en koffie *
  • Examens op locatie **
  • Examenvouchers **
  • Oefenexamens **
  • Certificeringsgarantie ***
  • Cursusmateriaal
  • Tot 12 uur klassikale training per dag
  • 24 uur per dag toegang tot het lab
  • Digitaal cursusmateriaal **

* Alleen voor residentiële training. Accommodatie is inbegrepen vanaf de avond voor aanvang van de cursus. Dit geldt niet voor online cursussen.
** Er gelden enkele uitzonderingen. Raadpleeg het examentraject of spreek met onze experts.
*** Slaag de eerste keer of train opnieuw gratis zo vaak als nodig is, onbeperkt voor 1 jaar. Betaal alleen voor accommodatie, examens en bijkomende kosten.


Zeven redenen waarom je een cursus zou moeten volgen bij Firebrand Training

  1. Twee opties voor training. Kies tussen klassikale of online cursussen
  2. U wordt snel gecertificeerd. Met ons bent u in recordtijd opgeleid.
  3. Onze cursus is all-inclusive. Een eenmalig bedrag dekt alle cursusmaterialen, examens**, accommodatie* en maaltijden*. Geen verborgen extra's.
  4. Slaag de eerste keer of train gratis opnieuw. Dit is onze garantie. We zijn ervan overtuigd dat je de eerste keer slaagt. Zo niet, kom dan binnen een jaar terug en betaal alleen voor accommodatie, examens en bijkomende kosten.
  5. Je leert meer. Een dag bij een traditionele trainingsaanbieder duurt over het algemeen van 9 uur 's ochtends tot 5 uur 's middags, met een lekker lange lunchpauze. Met Firebrand Training krijg je minstens 12 uur per dag leertijd van hoge kwaliteit, met je instructeur.
  6. Je leert sneller. De kans is groot dat je een andere leerstijl hebt dan de mensen om je heen. We combineren visuele, auditieve en tastbare stijlen om de stof op een manier te geven die ervoor zorgt dat je sneller en gemakkelijker leert.
  7. Je studeert met de besten. Sinds 2010 zijn we elk jaar opgenomen in de "Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year" van de Training Industry. Naast het winnen van nog veel meer prijzen, hebben we meer dan 135.000 professionals getraind en gecertificeerd.

*Alleen voor residentiële trainingen. Geldt niet voor online cursussen
** Enkele uitzonderingen zijn van toepassing. Raadpleeg het Examentraject of spreek met onze experts.

Denk je dat je klaar bent voor de cursus? Doe een GRATIS oefentest om je kennis te testen!

Gratis oefentest


24-02-2025 (ma)
26-02-2025 (wo)
27-05-2025 (di)
29-05-2025 (do)
25-08-2025 (ma)
27-08-2025 (wo)
25-11-2025 (di)
27-11-2025 (do)