APMG - Managing Benefits™ Foundation & Practitioner



Slechts 4 dagen



Klas / Online / Hybride

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Volgende datum:

24/6/2024 (Maandag)


This accelerated APMG International Managing Benefits™ Foundation & Practitioner course is provided in conjunction with Creative Consulting and Training Ltd, an APMG accredited training organisation and consolidates existing guidance on benefits management into one place, while expanding on the specific practices and techniques aimed at optimizing benefits realization.

In just 4 days, you’ll learn to implement methods, including knowledge of management accountancy, behavioural finance, psychology, neuro-science and systems thinking.. You’ll also learn how to:

  • Forecast realistic benefits to produce business cases which address business issues and objectives and provide a route to measure success.
  • Outline costs and benefits to drive business objectives. Facilitate an organization-wide understanding of the benefits a project or programme will produce and be able to measure when they are realized.
  • Enable organizations to demonstrate more efficient and effective practices through better use of available resources.
  • This enhances an organization's ability to retain motivated and skilled change management staff and to attract investors.

At the end of this course, you’ll sit the APMG exam, and achieve your Managing Benefits™ Foundation & Practitioner certification. Through Firebrand’s Lecture | Lab | Review methodology, you’ll get certified at twice the speed of the traditional training and get access to courseware, learn from certified instructors, and train in a distraction-free environment.

Successful candidates will be entitled to a free Professional Assessment at Business Agility Professional Level 1 – Explorer.

This APMG International Better Business Cases™ Foundation & Practitioner course is provided in conjunction with Creative Consulting and Training Ltd, an APMG accredited training organisation”.

The APMG International APMG International and Swirl Device logo is a trademark of The APM Group Limited, used under permission of The APM Group Limited. All rights reserved.”


This course is ideal for:

  • Senior executives, including Change and Transformation Directors, responsible for delivering value for money from the organization’s investments in change and achieving the organization’s strategic objectives.
  • Senior Responsible Owners (SRO’s)/Sponsors/Project Board Executives and project and programme management (PPM) and change management professionals responsible for delivering the change initiatives from which benefits are realized.
  • Portfolio managers and Portfolio Office staff responsible for managing the organization’s portfolio of change initiatives – including optimizing the contribution to strategic objectives.
  • Business Case writers responsible for delivering reliable cases on which to base investment decisions.
  • Finance professionals and economists responsible for undertaking, or participating in, investment appraisal and portfolio prioritization reviews.
  • Business managers responsible for managing the operational functions by which, or within which, change initiatives are delivered and benefits are realized.
  • Change Managers and Benefits Managers responsible for managing business change and benefits realization.
  • Others with an interest in the successful delivery of change, including strategic planners, operational performance managers, internal and external auditors, procurement and commercial professionals etc.
  • Change leaders e.g. Senior Responsible Owners, members of Management Boards and Directors of Change.
  • Change initiators e.g. strategic planners and policy leads.
  • Change appraisers and evaluators e.g. finance professionals and economists, business case writers, auditors and project appraisers.
  • Change implementers/enablers e.g. Portfolio, Programme and Project Managers.
  • Change support e.g. Portfolio, Programme.

Zeven redenen waarom u met uw cursus voor Firebrand Training moet kiezen

  1. U zult in slechts 4 dagen gecertificeerd zijn. Met ons bent u in recordtijd getraind
  2. Onze cursus is all-inclusive. Een eenmalige contributie bekostigt alle cursusmaterialen, accommodaties en maaltijden.
  3. Slaag de eerste keer voor of volg de training nogmaals. Dit is onze garantie. Wij zijn er zeker van dat u de eerste keer zult slagen voor uw cursus. Mocht dit niet het geval zijn, dan kunt u binnen het jaar terugkomen en enkel voor de accommodatie en examens te betalen. De rest is gratis
  4. U zult meer leren. Een dag met een traditionele training aanbieder duurt over het algemeen van 9 uur 's ochtends tot 17 uur in de middag, met een lange lunchpauze. Met Firebrand Training kunt u rekenen op minstens 12 uur leren per dag met uw instructeur
  5. U zult snellerde theorie beheersen. De kans bestaat dat u een andere manier van leren heeft dan uw omgeving. Wij combineren visuele, auditieve en tastbare leerstijlen, dit zorgt voor een snellere en eenvoudigere manier van leren
  6. U zult studeren met de beste. We hebben het Q-For kwaliteit label, dat onze standaarden en professionaliteit in de training markt erkent. Naast het winnen van nog vele andere prijzen, hebben we inmiddels 134561 professionals getraind en gecertificeerd en we zijn partners met alle grote namen in deze tak van het bedrijfsleven
  7. U zult meer doen dan alleen de cursusstof bestuderen. We maken gebruik van laboratoria, case-studies en oefentests, om ervoor te zorgen dat u uw nieuwe kennis in uw werkomgeving kan toepassen. Onze instructeurs gebruiken demonstraties en hun eigen ervaringen om de dag interessant en boeiend te houden




  • Module 1: Definitions, scope and objectives of benefits management, barriers to its effective practice, and the key success characteristics.
  • Module 2: Principles upon which successful approaches to benefits management are based.
  • Module 3: Five practices contained within the Benefits Management Cycle and relevant techniques applicable to each practice.
  • Module 4: Scope of key roles and responsibilities for benefits management and the typical contents of the main benefits management documentation.
  • Module 5: Approaches to implementation and the factors to consider in sustaining progress.
  • Module 6: Planning the implementation of benefits management, select appropriate strategies to sustain and measure progress.
  • Module 7: Selecting and adapt principles, practices and techniques to suit different organizational environments.
  • Module 8: Identifying activities that should be undertaken during each of the practices of the Benefits Management Cycle together with the accountabilities and responsibilities of each of the defined roles.
  • Module 9: Evaluating examples of benefits management information (documents).
  • Module 10: Analysing the solutions adopted in relation to a given scenario.


Exam Track


  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Format: Multiple choice, Closed-book
  • Number of questions: 50 questions per paper
  • Passing score: 25 marks or more required to pass (out of 50 available) - 50%



  • Duration: 2 ½ hours
  • Format: Objective testing, Open book exam (Managing Benefits guide only)
  • Number of questions: 8 questions per paper with 10 marks available per question
  • Passing score: 40 marks or more required to pass (out of 80 available) - 50%

What's Included


There are no prerequisites for this accelerated course.

Weet je niet zeker of je aan de vereisten voldoet? Maak je geen zorgen. Jouw trainingsadviseur bespreekt jouw achtergrond met je om te begrijpen of deze cursus geschikt is voor je.


Wereldwijd heeft Firebrand in haar 10-jarig bestaan al 134561 studenten opgeleid! We hebben ze allemaal gevraagd onze versnelde opleidingen te evalueren. De laatste keer dat we onze resultaten analyseerden, bleek 96.41% ons te beoordelen als 'boven verwachting'

"The instructor is very professional and give you right instructions during the lesson. The Handbook is clear and well done. Please consider you must study any concept in order to properly understand the logical process. It is not a light reading."
giovanni rinaudo, JFC Brunssum. (22/1/2024 (Maandag) t/m 24/1/2024 (Woensdag))

"A comprehensive course on Agile, taught in a methodical and very clear way. The instructor is very open and ready to clarify all doubts."
ML, NATO. (22/1/2024 (Maandag) t/m 24/1/2024 (Woensdag))

"The instructor was brilliant, kept everything interactive and made the information easy to digest and ensured I am well-prepared for my exams"
Chris Jordan, Electricity North West. (19/12/2023 (Dinsdag) t/m 21/12/2023 (Donderdag))

"I have really enjoyed this training course as it was both informative and interactive. The instructor ensured we were kept engaged throughout the session by providing a plethora of engaging slide materials. Fantastic and knowledgeable instructor."
Ukachi Nwosu-Whenu, Open Banking Limited. (19/12/2023 (Dinsdag) t/m 21/12/2023 (Donderdag))

"Fully recommended"
Anonymous. (11/9/2023 (Maandag) t/m 13/9/2023 (Woensdag))


Start datum

Eind datum



Nu boeken

19/2/2024 (Maandag)

22/2/2024 (Donderdag)

Beëindigde cursus - Geef feedback



24/6/2024 (Maandag)

27/6/2024 (Donderdag)




5/8/2024 (Maandag)

8/8/2024 (Donderdag)

Beperkte beschikbaarheid



16/9/2024 (Maandag)

19/9/2024 (Donderdag)




28/10/2024 (Maandag)

31/10/2024 (Donderdag)




9/12/2024 (Maandag)

12/12/2024 (Donderdag)




Nieuwste beoordelingen van onze studenten