1. Commitment

You’ll need to be self-motivated. Preparation is key and you’ll need to work through the modular issued e-learning materials in good time before your training sessions.

2. Access to tech

Access to a laptop or computer with a stable internet connection, webcam, and mic. Be available for the online training and join sessions and webinars when scheduled. All sessions are mandatory. We will provide you with a Microsoft 365 account.

3. Organisation

Make time to catch up with your dedicated Success Coach every week and ensure all your training dates and webinars are added to your diaries and/or calendars. Stay up to date with your emails, as many will contain important updates! Remember, you need to take the exams before your Skills Bootcamp ends.

4. Professionalism

We expect professional behaviour during the technical training and throughout the programme—this is essential to prepare you for the interview stage. Collaborate with our Recruitment Team during the interview booking phase and ensure you're well-prepared for interviews.

Have fun and enjoy your programme!