Microsoft - Trade in Dynamics NAV 2013



Bara 2 dagar



Klassrum / Uppkopplad / Hybrid

Nästa datum

Nästa datum:

24/6/2024 (Måndag)


Learn how to handle the purchase, sale, and return of inventory. You'll be able to manage sales and purchase transactions; including prices and discounts, item charges and order promising. Requisition management will be covered, as well as returns management and customer service features.

Här är 8 skäl varför du ska genomföra din NAV Trade hos Firebrand Training:

  1. Du blir utbildad på bara 2 dagar. Hos oss får du din utbildning på rekordtid.
  2. Allt är inkluderat. Ett engångsbelopp täcker alla kursmaterial, boende och mat och erbjuder det mest kostnadseffektiva sättet att erhålla din NAV Trade kurs på. Och detta utan några oannonserade ytterligare kostnader.
  3. Du lär dig mer.Traditionella utbildningsdagar pågår kl. 09.00-16.00 med långa lunch- och fikapauser. Hos Firebrand Training får du minst 12 timmars effektiv och fokuserad kvalitetsutbildning varje dag tillsammans med din instruktör, utan vare sig privata eller arbetsrelaterade störande moment.
  4. Du lär dig NAV Trade snabbare. Vi kombinerar de tre inlärningsmetoderna (Presentation|Övning|Diskussion) så att vi därigenom genomför kursen på ett sätt som säkerställer att du lär dig snabbare och lättare.
  5. Du är i säkra händer.Vi har utbildat och certifierat 134.561 personer, vi är auktoriserad partner med alla de stora namnen i branschen och har dessutom vunnit åtskilliga utmärkelser med bland annat ”Årets Learning Partner 2010, 2011, 2012 och 2013” från Microsoft Danmark och Gazelle priset 2013 - 1. plats för region Själland i Danmark med en tillväxt om 1.430% sedan 2009.
  6. Du lär dig inte bara teorin. Vi har vidareutvecklat NAV Trade kursen med fler praktiska övningar som ger dig det extra du behöver för att kunna lösa praktiska problemställningar och klara din certifiering.
  7. Du lär dig från de bästa. Våra instruktörer på NAV Trade är de bästa i branschen och erbjuder en helt unik blandning av kunskap, praktisk erfarenhet och passion för att lära ut.

Är du redo för kursen? Ta ett KOSTNADSFRITT test för att mäta och utvärdera din kunskap.


Module 1: Sales Order Management

This module examines the setup of and transactions in Sales Order Management, including blanket sales orders, sales order shipments, drop shipments, and prepayments.

  • Set Up Sales Order Management
  • Manage Sales Transactions
  • Item Reservation
  • Posting Orders
  • Drop Shipments
  • Customer Prepayments
  • Create and Convert a Blanket Sales Order
  • Reserve an Item on a Sales Order
  • Ship and Invoice a Sales Order
  • Review the setup of Sales Order Management. This includes customers, shipping options, reservation rules, customer posting groups, and salespeople.
  • Explain and process sales quotes and blanket sales orders, and review sales order information.
  • Describe how to reserve items on a sales order.
  • Explain how to post a sales order shipment.
  • Describe and show how to combine shipments into one invoice.
  • Explain and demonstrate the drop shipment process.
  • Show how to process prepayments on a sales order.

Module 2: Sales Prices and Discounts

This module explores Microsoft Dynamics NAV pricing and discount features.

  • Sales Prices
  • Maintain Sales Prices
  • Sales Line Discounts
  • Invoice Discounts
  • Manage Sales Prices
  • Update Sales Prices
  • Offer the Best Available Price to a Customer
  • Define sales prices and set up sales prices and customer price groups.
  • Explain how to maintain sales prices by using the sales price worksheet.
  • Describe and set up line discounts.
  • Explain how invoice discounts are used.

Module 3: Customer Service Features

This module explores customer service features in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, which include the substitution of one item with another, item cross reference, and nonstock items. Companies can manage the sale of nonstock items in two ways—create drop shipments and use special orders. Each of these features adds to customer satisfaction by offering more flexibility and by expediting the sales process.

  • Item Substitutions
  • Item Cross References
  • Set Up and Create Nonstock Items
  • Sell Nonstock Items
  • Process a Sales Order with Item Substitutions
  • Process a Sales Order with Item Cross References
  • Describe how to set up and use item substitutions.
  • Review the setup and use of item cross references.
  • Explain how to set up nonstock items and create them manually.
  • Describe how to sell nonstock items by using special orders.

Module 4: Purchase Order Management

This module explains how to set up all aspects of Purchase Order Management. It also describes how to use purchase documents.

  • Purchase Order Management Setup
  • Manage Purchase Transactions
  • Purchase Prices and Discounts
  • Purchase Prices
  • Invoice and Line Discounts
  • Vendor Prepayments
  • Process a Purchase Quote to an Order
  • Manage Alternative Purchase Prices
  • Manage Purchase Line Discounts
  • Review the setup of Purchase Order Management. This includes vendors, vendor posting groups, shipping and, or receiving options, and purchasers.
  • Explain how to use purchase documents. This includes quotes, blanket orders, and purchase orders.
  • Review purchase prices and discounts in relation to item costs.
  • Explain purchase price setup and processing.
  • Explain discount setup and processing.
  • Describe how to process prepayments on a purchase order.

Module 5: Requisition Management

This module explains how to set up requisition management and use the requisition worksheet.

  • Requisition Management Setup
  • Requisition Worksheet
  • Additional Worksheet Features
  • Briefly describe requisition management setup and planning parameters.
  • Explain the core functionality of the requisition worksheet and show how to calculate a plan and process proposed orders.
  • Describe additional worksheet features including support for drop shipments and special orders, planning worksheet lines, and manually created lines.

Module 6: Item Charges

This module explains the item charges and allowances.

  • Purchase Item Charges
  • Sales Item Charges
  • Purchase and Sales Allowances
  • Assign Freight Charges to an Open Purchase Order
  • Create an Item Charge Purchase Credit Memo
  • Describe the setup of item charges.
  • Explain purchase item charges and show how to assign them to a posted purchase receipt.
  • Describe sales item charges and show how to assign them to a posted sales shipment.
  • Explain purchase and sales allowances and show how to record an item charge for a sales allowance on a credit memo.

Module 7: Order Promising

This module explains how to define field definitions and date calculations and estimate dates. It also explains how to use Calendars functionality.

  • Sales Order Promising Definitions and Calculations
  • Date Calculation Setup for Sales Orders
  • Promising Sales Order Delivery
  • Purchase Order Promising Definitions and Calculations
  • Date Calculation Setup for Purchase Orders
  • Estimating Purchase Order Receipts
  • Estimate a Transfer Order Receipt
  • Calendars
  • Promise Sales Order Delivery to a Customer
  • Purchase Order Promising
  • Describe the key concepts, field definitions, and date calculations for sales order promising.
  • Explain the setup of time values and other parameters for sales order promising.
  • Show order promising and date calculation functionality for sales order deliveries.
  • Define the field definitions and date calculations for estimating purchase order receipts.
  • Explain the setup of time value parameters for estimating purchase order receipts.
  • Show how to estimate dates for purchase order receipts and the related calculations.
  • Explain how transfer order receipts are estimated.
  • Describe how to use the Calendars functionality to exclude nonworking days in date calculations.

Module 8: Returns Management

This module explains how to setup Returns Management and process returns from customer or returns to vendors.

  • Returns Management Setup
  • Manage Customer Returns
  • Manage Returns to Vendors
  • Process a Customer Return
  • Process a Vendor Return
  • Describe the returns management setup for sales and purchases.
  • Explain and show how to manage customer returns.
  • Explain and show how to manage returns to vendors.

Module 9: Assembly Management

This module explains how to set up assembly management. It also shows processes for assemble-to-order and inventory items.

  • Assembly Items and Assembly Bill of Materials
  • Assemble to Order
  • Reservations and Item Tracking
  • Selling ATO Items and Inventory Items Together
  • Assemble-to-Order Shipments
  • Create Assemble-to-Order Sales Order and Change Assembly Lines
  • Create Partial Shipments on Sales Lines That Contain Both ATO Items and Inventory Items
  • Review assembly management setup, assembly items, and assembly bill of materials.
  • Describe and show assemble-to-order functionality. This includes a full description of sales interface functionality, underlying links to assembly orders, and assembly quotes and blanket orders.
  • Review component availability warnings and views.
  • Describe the processes involved in selling assemble-to-order items and inventory items together.
  • Explain item reservation in assembly management.
  • Review assemble-to-order shipments and how to undo shipments.

Module 10: Analysis and Reporting

This module explains how to set up and use reports and perform analysis by dimensions.

  • Analysis Views and Reports
  • Analysis by Dimensions
  • Sales and Purchase Budgets
  • Create an Analysis Report
  • Analyze Item Sales by Area
  • Explain how to set up and use sales and purchase analysis reports.
  • Show how to perform analysis by dimensions.
  • Explain how to create and export budgets and use them in analysis reports.

What's Included

Microsoft Official Curriculum

  • MOC 80440 - Trade in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013


Before attending this course, you must have basic knowledge of distribution and logistics. You must also have attended, or have knowledge of, the following courses:

  • Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
  • Finance Essentials in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Är du redo för din Firebrand kurs?

Vi intervjuar alla potentiella deltagare om deras bakgrund, utbildning, certifiering och personliga inställning. Om du kommer igenom denna process så har du riktigt goda möjligheter att klara din certifiering.

Firebrand Training erbjuder en ambitiös utbildningsmiljö som förutsätter att du verkligen dedikerar dig till kursen. Ovanstående förkunskaper är endast vägledande, många deltagare med mindre erfarenhet men med en annan bakgrund eller kunskap har framgångsrikt genomfört sin utbildning hos Firebrand Training.

Om du funderar på huruvida du uppfyller rekommenderade förkunskaper vänligen ring oss på (0)8 44 68 27 85 och prata med en av våra utbildningsrådgivare som kan hjälpa dig.


Här är Firebrand Training recension avsnittet. Sedan 2001 har vi utbildat exakt 134.561 studenter och proffs och bett dem alla att recensera vår Accelerated Learning. För närvarande har, 96,41% sagt att Firebrand överträffade deras förväntningar.

Läs recensioner från avslutade accelereradekurser nedan eller besök Firebrand Stories för skriftliga och videointervjuer med våra tidigare alumni.

"The training for PL-100 is an intense course, jam-packed with references, resources delivered by a super knowledgeable instructor. Would recommend having a sound base knowledge of Microsoft Power Platform before attending. MS Learn provides topics for PL-100 and also a study guide for the exam which is very useful when preparing for exam."
Jessica Brooks, Kenvue. (3/1/2024 (Onsdag) till 4/1/2024 (Torsdag))

"Training facilities were great and the hotel onsite is nice."
Anonymous. (18/12/2023 (Måndag) till 20/12/2023 (Onsdag))

"It''s the best way to learn without any distraction. Training, eat, sleep, shower."
Anonymous. (13/12/2023 (Onsdag) till 15/12/2023 (Fredag))

"When learning with Firebrand, everything is taken care of for you. This allows you to pour everything into absorbing and understanding your course content amongst peers."
ML, Griggster Limited. (3/10/2023 (Tisdag) till 6/10/2023 (Fredag))

"Perfect instructor with much knowledge and the ability to bring it to the people. Thank you. The topic is huge but I would have expected a little bit more working together in the system."
Reinhard Decker, VAT Vakuumventile AG. (10/10/2023 (Tisdag) till 13/10/2023 (Fredag))







19/2/2024 (Måndag)

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24/6/2024 (Måndag)

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5/8/2024 (Måndag)

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