From 5 days
10.06.2025 (tirsdag)
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Understand the misconceptions and risks of 802.11 wireless networks and how to secure them.
Access Control and Password Management
Build knowledge of the fundamental theory of access control and the role of passwords in controlling access to systems.
Building a Security Awareness Program
Gain an understanding of the critical elements of creating and managing a Security Awareness Program.
Business Situational Awareness
Familiarise yourself with the concept of situational awareness and the fundamental sources of information that lead to business situational awareness.
Change Management and Security
Develop the skills to identify the signs of poor change management, understand the risks to the organisation, and develop a program to improve operations.
Computer and Network Addressing
Get an understanding of how computers have a variety of names and addresses on a network and this must be managed.
Cryptography Algorithms and Concepts
Learn and understand several crypto algorithms and the concepts behind secure ciphers.
Cryptography Applications, VPNs and IPSec
Learn how cryptography can be used to secure a network and how Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) works, and be introduced to VPNs, IPSec and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
Cryptography Fundamentals
Build a basic understanding of the fundamental terminology and concepts of cryptography.
Understand the terminology and concepts of Risk and Defense-in-Depth, including threats and vulnerabilities.
Defensive OPSEC
Learn what OPSEC is and the techniques used in defensive Operational Security.
Disaster Recovery / Contingency Planning
Develop the skills to lead the BCP/DRP team and realistically plan for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery.
Learn how the Domain Name System (DNS) works, common attacks against DNS, and what can be done to defend against those attacks.
Endpoint Security
Understand the issues related to defending Windows desktops and laptops.
Facilities and Physical Security
Develop the ability to articulate the needs of the information technology and security program to the parts of the organisation responsible for facilities and physical security.
General Types of Cryptosystems
Get an understanding of the three general types of cryptosystems.
Honeypots, Honeynets, Honeytokens, Tarpits
Build knowledge of basic honeypot techniques and common tools used to set up honeypots.
Incident Handling and the Legal System
Learn basic legal issues in incident and evidence handling.
Incident Handling Foundations
Understand the concepts of incident handling and the six-step incident handling process.
Information Warfare
Develop familiarity with the theory and techniques of information warfare.
IP Terminology and Concepts
Understand the terminology and concepts of IP protocols and how they support the Internet.
Gain an understanding of how logging works, options for collection and processing and the uses for correlation technology.
Malicious Software
Learn to articulate what malicious code is, the common types of malicious code, how it propagates, and why it is such an expensive problem.
Manager's Guide to Assessing Network Engineer
Assess the ability of a network engineer to understand network traffic.
Managerial Wisdom
Build a working knowledge of the most effective business techniques from the most acclaimed books.
Managing Ethics
Develop a familiarity with ethical issues and guidelines pertaining to IT security.
Managing Intellectual Property
Learn to identify and protect intellectual property and intangible assets.
Managing IT Business and Program Growth in a Globalised Marketplace
Develop knowledge of the key factors affecting globalisation and the fundamental principles to managing an IT business and achieving sustainable growth
Managing Legal Liability
Learn how to use due diligence to manage an organisation's legal liability with emphasis on fraud and IT issues.
Managing Negotiations
Gain familiarity with guidelines for sound negotiation practices.
Managing PDA Infrastructure
Understand the critical issues related to data stored on Personal Digital Assistant devices.
Managing Privacy
Gain an understanding of the privacy concerns that customers typically have and solutions that can be used to maintain privacy of data.
Managing Security Policy
Develop the skills to assess current policy, identify overall security posture of organisation, ensure that existing policy is applicable to organisation's needs and modify policy as required.
Managing Software Security
Learn to build security into the software development process.
Managing Technical People
Practice techniques that can be used to communicate with and manage technical staff.
Managing the Mission
Understand how mission statements and policy keep organisations on track and how security relates to the mission.
Managing the Procurement Process
Gain knowledge of the management responsibility for vendor selection through the primary phrases of the procurement process and learn how to provide oversight into requirements analysis, price paid, and analysis of ROI.
Managing the Total Cost of Ownership
Understand how to apply TCO to analyse proposed solutions over their entire life cycle as well as be able to identify main areas of cost for a given project.
Methods of Attack
Get an introductory understanding of the most common attack methods and the basic strategies used to mitigate those threats.
Offensive OPSEC
Gain an understanding of OPSEC principles and offensive OPSEC techniques.
Project Management For Security Leaders
Familiarise yourself with the terminology, concepts and five phases of project management and the role of a Project Management Office in IT/IT Security.
Learn the basics of continuous product improvement and Deming's 14 points.
Risk Management and Auditing
Learn the skills to evaluate and manage risk.
Develop the ability to articulate the needs of the information technology and security program to the parts of the organisation responsible for safety.
Security and Organisational Structure
Gain an understanding of how security integrates into organisational structure and be familiar with guidelines for recruiting and hiring IT staff.
Security Frameworks
Get to grips with the basic structure and approach to implementation of COBIT and ISO 27002 as well as practical tools to help implement the standards.
Selling Security
Learn how to promote security improvements to other managers within their organisation.
Understand the concepts and techniques behind steganography, steganographic tools and defensive techniques.
The Intelligent Network
Develop an understanding of the differences between a typical traditional network design and the new components that are part of an intelligent network.
The Network Infrastructure
You will develop the ability to communicate the fundamental technologies and concepts that describe LAN and WAN network infrastructure.
Vulnerability Management - Inside View
Learn common approaches used to gather network intelligence from organisations using commonly available tools and methods directly from the system.
Vulnerability Management - Outside View
Understand the common approaches used to gather network intelligence from organisations using commonly available tools and methods across a network.
Vulnerability Management - User View
Learn to factor in the impact the user can have on an organisation's risk posture.
Web Communications and Security
An introduction to web application communications, security issues, and defenses.
Wireless Advantages and Bluetooth
Understand the advantages that make wireless technology ubiquitous and be introduced to Bluetooth wireless technology.
You'll sit the following exam on site as part of the course:
GSLC certification exam
- 1 proctored exam
- 150 questions
- Time limit of 4 hours
- Minimum Passing Score of 68%
Hva inngår?
Firebrand Training tilbyr kvalifiserte kurs- og sertifiseringsprogram som inkluderer alt, er enkelt for kunden og er utviklet med fokus på de spesifikke behov som våre deltagere har. Vi sikrer at alle detaljer vil bli tatt hånd om slik at du helt kan fokusere på dine kunnskaps- og sertifiseringsmål.
Våre kurs- og sertifiseringsprogram inkluderer alt med:
- Praktisk orientert utdanning som bruker vår unike metodikk (Presentasjon |Øving |Diskusjon).
- Omfattande kursmaterial och labbmanualer – vi utvecklar traditionella kursmaterial för att motsvara de specifika krav som accelererad inlärning ställer.
- En resultatorientert, beskrivende og analytisk øvelseshåndbok – øvelsene som demonstreres i kursmaterialet er testet mot de nyeste operativsystemene med alle tillegg og rettingen tatt i bruk.
- Et helt instruktørsstyrt kursprogram med 24 timers tilgang til klasserom, labutstyr og instruktør.
- Eksamensvoucher og sertifiseringstest som gjennomføres på plass under kurset.
- Vår sertifiseringsgaranti som betyr at vi tilbyr en uvilkårlig garanti om at du mottar din sertifisering. Du har rett til å gjenta ditt kurs så mange ganger du trenger innen en 12 måneders periode til sertifiseringen er oppnådd. Alt du tenger å betale er eventuelle nye test- og losjigebyrer.
- Kost og losji, samt tilgang til kaffe, te, frukt og snacks under hele kurset.
- Transport til og fra nærmeste flyplass/ togstasjon før og etter gjennomført kurs.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Hva Er Inkluderet
Ditt akselererte kurs inkluderer:
- Overnattinger *
- Måltider, ubegrensede snacks, drikkevarer, te og kaffe *
- On-site eksamener **
- Eksamensvouchere **
- Øvelsestester **
- Sertifiseringsgaranti ***
- Kursmateriale
- Opptil 12 timers instruktørledet undervisning hver dag
- 24-timers laboratorieadgang
- Digitalt kursmateriale **
* Gjelder kun for internatkurs. Overnattinger er inkludert fra natten før kursstart. Dette gjelder ikke for nettkurs.
** Noen unntak gjelder. Se eksamenssporet eller snakk med våre eksperter.
*** Bestå første gang eller ta kurset på nytt gratis så mange ganger som nødvendig, ubegrenset i 1 år. Betal kun for overnattinger, eksamener og eventuelle kostnader.
Sju grunner til å ta kurset ditt med Firebrand Training
- To treningsalternativer. Velg mellom internatkurs eller nettkurs.
- Du blir sertifisert raskt. Hos oss blir du trent på rekordtid.
- Vårt kurs er alt inkludert. Én fast pris dekker alt kursmateriell, eksamener**, overnattinger* og måltider*. Ingen skjulte kostnader.
- Bestå første gang eller tren igjen gratis. Dette er vår garanti. Vi er sikre på at du består kurset ditt første gang. Hvis ikke, kan du komme tilbake innen ett år og kun betale for overnattinger, eksamener og tilfeldige kostnader.
- Du vil lære mer. En dag hos en tradisjonell treningsleverandør varer vanligvis fra kl. 9 til 17, med en lang lunsjpause. Med Firebrand Training får du minst 12 timer per dag med kvalitetslæring med din instruktør.
- Du vil lære raskere. Sjansene er at du har en annen læringsstil enn de rundt deg. Vi kombinerer visuelle, auditive og taktile stiler for å levere materialet på en måte som sikrer at du lærer raskere og lettere.
- Du vil studere med de beste. Vi har blitt kåret til en av Training Industry's "Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year" hvert år siden 2010. I tillegg til å vinne mange flere priser, har vi trent og sertifisert over 135.000 profesjonelle.
* Gjelder kun for internatkurs. Gjelder ikke for nettkurs.
** Noen unntak gjelder. Se eksamenssporet eller snakk med våre eksperter.