Looking for Global training? Go to https://firebrand.training/en or stay on the current site (Norge)
Get the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) to perform foundational tasks related to Cloud computing. You'll learn how to:
Get the knowledge and skills to perform the essentials of Cloud administration and operations. You'll learn how to:
You'll also cover management software applications, including:
You'll sit the following exams at the Firebrand Training Centre, covered by your Certification Guarantee:
Firebrand Training tilbyr kvalifiserte kurs- og sertifiseringsprogram som inkluderer alt, er enkelt for kunden og er utviklet med fokus på de spesifikke behov som våre deltagere har. Vi sikrer at alle detaljer vil bli tatt hånd om slik at du helt kan fokusere på dine kunnskaps- og sertifiseringsmål.
There are no prerequisites for the CCNA Cloud certification. However, Firebrand recommend that you possess a minimum of one years’ experience working in a data centre and/or cloud network environment.
Vi har lært opp 134.561 personer på 12 år. Vi ba dem om å anmelde vår akselererte opplæring. Akkurat nå har 94,91% angitt at Firebrand overgikk forventningene:
"Good training experience in the Netherlands."
Anonymous. (28/10/2018 (Søndag) til 2/11/2018 (Fredag))
"Good training experience in the Netherlands."
Anonymous. (28/10/2018 (Søndag) til 2/11/2018 (Fredag))
"The staff, training facilities and accommodation are all of a high standard, and thus I will be looking to return in the future to undertake further courses."
J.H.. (8/4/2024 (Mandag) til 13/4/2024 (Lørdag))
"Our instructor was extremely knowledgeable in this subject and was helpful when delegates were confused in certain areas."
Anonymous. (8/4/2024 (Mandag) til 13/4/2024 (Lørdag))
"A great instructor with a wealth of knowledge. This is the perfect course for anyone who struggles to find the time for self study and wants to get the training done in a short space of time."
E.W.. (8/4/2024 (Mandag) til 13/4/2024 (Lørdag))
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26/8/2024 (Mandag) |
31/8/2024 (Lørdag) |
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10/2/2025 (Mandag) |
15/2/2025 (Lørdag) |
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24/3/2025 (Mandag) |
29/3/2025 (Lørdag) |
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5/5/2025 (Mandag) |
10/5/2025 (Lørdag) |
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16/6/2025 (Mandag) |
21/6/2025 (Lørdag) |
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