Looking for Global training? Go to https://firebrand.training/en or stay on the current site (Norge)
Course attending (Change course)
Course date* 29/10/2024 - 1/11/2024 2/12/2024 - 5/12/2024 7/5/2025 - 10/5/2025 7/7/2025 - 10/7/2025
Please select a course date
Split weeks (only relevant for selected courses of more than 7 days duration) NoYes
How did you hear about Firebrand Training?*
Please tell us how you found Firebrand Training.
Who was your contact at Firebrand Training?*
Please indicate your contact at Firebrand Training.
If you were referred by a Firebrand Training student, please enter their name
First name*
Please enter your first name
Please enter your surname
Address 1*
Please enter your address.
Address 2
Please enter your city.
Post Code
Please indicate a country of residence
Is your phone number right? It doesn’t look like there are enough digits
Mobile phone
Are you sure that’s a valid email address? We expect at least an "@" and a "."
If you represent a company or already have given the companys address in the above mentioned section (Student information), you do not need to repeat it here but please provide the company's name.
If your course is self funded you may leave this section blank.
Use student information from above
Company name*
Please put your company’s name or your funding source
Please enter the first name
Please enter the surname
Company address 1*
Please enter a billing address.
Company address 2
Please enter the city of the billing address.
Please indicate the country of the billing address
Company Phone*
Is the phone number right? It doesn’t look like there are enough digits
Company mobile
Company fax
Company email*
Please specify any food allergies or special needs
The following information helps us prepare for your attendance at the course. The more you share with us the better we can prepare, however please try and be concise.
What is your current job title?*
Please enter your job title or function.
Please describe your current role*
Please give us some idea about what is involved with your current role.
Either the URL of your LinkedIn profile or please describe your career background*
Please give us some idea of your career background
Have you taken any preparation courses toward the certification you are pursuing with Firebrand Training?
Please tell us about any qualifications you may have, like a Degree or an IT qualification
Please describe your technical strengths in relation to the course you are pursuing
Please describe your technical weaknesses in relation to the course you are pursuing
Will additional nights of lodging be required? If so please specify dates
We offer transportation to the training center from the nearest airport/train station (more details on this in the confirmation you will receive after you register). Please state whether you want to make use of this option.
Please indicate whether or not you will be making use of our transportservice NoYes
If you would like the company's purchase order number to appear on the invoice, then please state it here
Company purchase order number / contact person*
Please enter the PO number or a contact person's name
By ticking the box below, you confirm that you have read and approved ourTerms & Conditions.
Please click register and wait for a confirmation page.
It may take a moment. Thank you for your patience.
Finally, we would like to thank you for the confidence you have shown in Firebrand Training. We look forward to welcoming you to our course.
I accept the Terms and Conditions*
Please check this box to continue
Please leave blank