Certiport - Computational Thinking



Slechts 2 dagen



Klas / Online / Hybride

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Volgende datum:

24/6/2024 (Maandag)


This accelerated CertiPort Computational Thinking Information Technology Specialist program is a way for students validate entry level IT skills sought after by employers. The IT Specialist program is aimed at candidates who are considering or just beginning a path to a career in information technology.

At the end of this course, you’ll achieve your CertiPort Computational Thinking certification.

Through Firebrand’s Lecture | Lab | Review methodology you’ll certify at twice the speed of traditional training and get access to courseware, learn from certified instructors, and train in a distraction-free environment.


40% faster

Distraction-free environment


Candidates for this exam decompose problems, collect and analyze data, recognize patterns in data, represent data through abstractions, and automate solutions by using algorithmic thinking.

Zeven redenen waarom jij voor jouw cursus voor Firebrand kiest:

  1. Jij zal in slechts 2 dagen gecertificeerd zijn. Doordat onze cursussen residentieel zijn kunnen wij langere lesdagen aanbieden en zal je tijdens je verblijf volledig gefocust zijn op jouw cursus
  2. Onze cursus is all-inclusive. Cursusmaterialen, accommodatie en maaltijden zijn inbegrepen.
  3. Slaag de eerste keer voor of train gratis opnieuw.Op basis van onze certificeringsgarantie kun je voor het geval je de eerste keer niet slaagt binnen een jaar terugkomen en opnieuw trainen. Je betaalt dan alleen voor accommodatie en examens. De andere kosten zijn inbegrepen.
  4. Je zal meer over leren. Waar opleidingen elders doorgaans van 9:00 tot 17:00 duren, kan je bij Firebrand Training rekenen op 12 uur training per dag!
  5. Je zal sneller beheersen. Doordat onze cursussen residentieel zijn word je in korte tijd ondergedompeld in de theorie. Hierdoor zal je volledig gefocust zijn op de cursus en zal je sneller de theorie en praktijk beheersen.
  6. Je zal voor studeren bij de beste training provider. Firebrand heeft het Q-For kwaliteitlabel, waarmee onze standaarden en professionaliteit op het gebied van training erkend worden. We hebben inmiddels 134561 professionals getraind en gecertificeerd!
  7. Je gaat meer doen dan alleen de cursusstof van bestuderen. We maken gebruik van laboratoria, case-studies en oefentests, om ervoor te zorgen dat jij jouw nieuwe kennis direct in jouw werkomgeving kan toepassen.



CertiPort Computational Thinking

  1. Foundational Concepts

1.1 Understand and recognize different types of data (ISTE 3B, 5B)

• Understand and recognize structured and unstructured data

• Understand and recognize different types of data such as text, numeric, data/time, image, and audio • Understand and recognize data encoding (ascii, binary, character mapping)

1.2 Recognize and apply logical reasoning (ISTE 3A, 5B)

• Recognize and apply Boolean and logical operators

• Recognize and apply inductive reasoning

• Recognize ambiguity in a logical reasoning problem

• Recognize and apply deductive reasoning

1.3 Explain algorithmic thinking (ISTE 5A, 5D)

• Explain the purpose of algorithmic thinking

• Understand the purpose of abstraction and model building

• Understand the purpose and capabilities of automation


2. Identify and Collect Data

2.1 Assess data needs and available data (ISTE 3B, 5B, 5C)

• Identify the data needed to solve a problem

• Assess relevance of existing data sets

• Determine the gap between existing data and data needs

2.2 Understand data quality (ISTE 3B, 5B)

• Understand validity

• Understand reliability

• Explain data cleaning in data sets

2.3 Collect the data needed to solve a problem (ISTE 1D, 2B, 3B, 3C, 5B)

• Collect relevant data using existing data sources

• Including selection of appropriate tools to gather, analyze, and process data

• Including retrieval of information from a data source, such as a list, a table, an infographic, etc.

• Choose a method for creating original data sets such as an observation or a survey

• Including input-validation methods

• Explain the legal and ethical dimensions of data collection


3. Apply Abstraction

3.1 Identify patterns in and apply abstraction to data (ISTE 5A, 5B, 5C)

• Identify patterns in data

• Organize data using models such as tables, charts, and graphs

• Sort and filter data by relevant criteria • Identify similarities, differences, and subsets in a data set

• Make predictions by examining patterns

3.2 Recognize, create and interpret abstract models (ISTE 5C, 5D)

• Recognize an abstract representation, such as a model, variable, function, or procedure

• Create an abstract model to understand complex systems or facilitate problem solving

• Interpret a process flow diagram


4. Specify a Solution

4.1 Define and decompose a problem (ISTE 4B, 5A, 5C)

• Identify an appropriate problem statement based on information provided

• Define the scope and limitations of a problem

• Identify decisionmakers, collaborators, and target audience

• Break down a problem into component parts by using decomposition

4.2 Identify requirements (ISTE 4A, 4B, 6A)

• Select a design process, such as iterative or incremental

• Identify prerequisites for a solution • Identify the possible outcomes of a solution

• Choose appropriate tools to develop a solution, such as flow charts, spreadsheets, pseudocode, surveys


5. Automate a Solution

5.1 Use a sequence of steps in algorithms (ISTE 5B, 5D)

• Create a sequence of steps

• Evaluate the outcome of a sequence of steps

• Recognize when to combine steps into re-usable procedures and functions

5.2 Automate repetitive tasks by using iteration (ISTE 5D)

• Recognize when to use iteration

• Including when to use nested loops

• Determine the outcome of an algorithm that uses iteration

• Create an algorithm that uses iteration

5.3 Use selection statements in algorithms (ISTE 5D)

• Recognize when to use selection statements

• Including when to use nesting in selection statements

• Determine the outcome of an algorithm that uses selection statements

• Create an algorithm that uses selection statements

5.4 Use variables in algorithms (ISTE 5D)

• Recognize when to use variables

• Determine the outcome of an algorithm that uses variables

• Create an algorithm that uses variables


6. Present and Improve a Solution

6.1 Produce a computational artifact to present a solution to a target audience (ISTE 6A, 6C, 6D)

• Choose an effective medium for communicating a solution to a target audience

• Including video, flow diagram, pdf, html prototype, chart, infographic, diagram, graph

• Create an original computational artifact to communicate a solution to a target audience

6.2 Collaborate on computational artifacts (ISTE 1C, 7B)

• Interpret a design for a computational artifact

• Critique and provide feedback on a design for a computational artifact

• Incorporate collaborative feedback into a computational artifact

6.3 Perform iterative design on an automated solution (ISTE 1D, 4C, 5C, 5D)

• Create a prototype to evaluate the effectiveness of an automated solution

• Compare the efficiency of multiple possible solutions

• Troubleshoot an automated solution

• Use iterative testing to improve an automated solution

Exam Track

As part of your accelerated course, you’ll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training centre, covered by your Certification Guarantee:

Computational Thinking: 43 - 50 MCQ

Duration - 50 Minutes

What's Included


Candidates have at least 150 hours of instruction and/or practical experience analysing, collaborating on, and solving problems using principles like decomposition, pattern recognition, sequencing, conditional logic, and iteration.

The exam is mapped to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) for alignment with the ISTE Computational Thinker Standard for Students (Standards 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D). After each objective title below, the ISTE standard or standards to which the items for this objective could potentially map is indicated in parentheses.

To be successful on the test, the candidate is also expected to have the following prerequisite knowledge and skills:

  • 8th grade reading skills
  • Digital literacy skills, including the ability to research, create content, and solve problems using technology

Weet je niet zeker of je aan de vereisten voldoet? Maak je geen zorgen. Jouw trainingsadviseur bespreekt jouw achtergrond met je om te begrijpen of deze cursus geschikt is voor je.


Wereldwijd heeft Firebrand in haar 10-jarig bestaan al 134561 studenten opgeleid! We hebben ze allemaal gevraagd onze versnelde opleidingen te evalueren. De laatste keer dat we onze resultaten analyseerden, bleek 96.41% ons te beoordelen als 'boven verwachting'

"Professional Tutors are there to help and guide you whenever you need the help. Consistent tests and exams to ensure improvement in knowledge."
Anonymous. (8/1/2024 (Maandag) t/m 11/1/2024 (Donderdag))

"Firebrand are very efficient with their learning and have great learning mentors who will do their best to provide a great learning experience."
ED. (8/1/2024 (Maandag) t/m 11/1/2024 (Donderdag))

"The training here is excellent and they teach in a very good way that ensures you understand things before moving forward."
Simon Dodd, Pervade Software Ltd. (8/1/2024 (Maandag) t/m 11/1/2024 (Donderdag))

"Really good experience with a great few days of learning"
OR. (18/9/2023 (Maandag) t/m 21/9/2023 (Donderdag))

"An excellent trainer who explained everything in great detail. Very happy to attend other training he delivers!"
Craig Neal, Care Quality Commission. (14/8/2023 (Maandag) t/m 17/8/2023 (Donderdag))


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