ISACA - COBIT Design & Implementation certification



Vain 2 päivän



luokkahuone / Online / Hybridi

Seuraava päivä

Seuraava päivä:

3/10/2024 (Torstai)


Get certified in designing and implementing IT governance systems for your business on this accelerated 2-day COBIT 2019 course. Train fast with Firebrand, an ISACA premier partner, and get access to official courseware and the exam.

You'll be immersed in the curriculum through Firebrand's unique Lecture | Lab | Review technique, meaning you learn and retain information faster.

Learn about a 4-step implementation program to best set up and tailor your IT governance system with your expert instructor and gain the skills necessary to certify in the COBIT 2019 framework.

This COBIT 2019 Design and Implementation course includes:

  • Instructor-led classroom training
  • COBIT 2019 publications
  • The COBIT 2019 Design and Implementation exam

Due to ISACA policy, exams for COBIT certificates are remote-proctored. This means that delegates are required to take the exam in their own time after delivery; however, exam vouchers are included as part of the course. Candidates will also have the opportunity to sit Mocks for the Foundation and the Design and Implementation exams. Feedback from these exams will help you prepare for the final exams.

If you are looking to update and expand on your knowledge and skill on how to develop an IT Governance Solution, this COBIT 2019 course is ideal for you.

Firebrand is a premier ISACA partner for EMEA and the US. No other partner in these regions trains more students.

8 syytä, miksi kannattaa hankkia COBIT Design and Implementation Firebrand Trainingiltä:

  1. Koulutuksen ja todistuksen saaminen kestää vain 2 päivän. Meidän kanssamme saat COBIT Design and Implementation -koulutuksen ja -todistuksen ennätysajassa. Todistuksen ansaitset koulutuskeskuksessamme osana intensiivistä ja nopeutettua koulutusta.
  2. Hintaan sisältyy kaikki.Kertamaksu kattaa kaikki kurssimateriaalit, kokeet, kuljetuksen, majoituksen ja ateriat ja tarjoaa kustannustehokkaimman tavan hankkia COBIT Design and Implementation koulutus ja todistus. Ilman mitään lisäkustannuksia.
  3. Suorita tutkinto ensimmäisellä kerralla tai kertaa koulutus ilmaiseksi. Tämä on takuumme. Olemme varmoja, että läpäiset COBIT Design and Implementation -kurssin ensimmäisellä kerralla. Mutta jos näin ei käy, voit tulla takaisin vuoden kuluttua ja maksaa vain majoituksesta ja kokeista. Kaikki muu on ilmaista.
  4. Opit enemmän.Päivä perinteisen koulutuksen tarjoajan kanssa on yleensä klo 9–17, mihin sisältyy pitkä lounastauko. Firebrand Trainingiltä saat vähintään 12 tuntia päivässä keskittynyttä ja häiriötöntä laatukoulutusaikaa opettajasi kanssa.
  5. Opit COBIT Design and Implementation nopeammin. Yhdistämme 3 eri oppimistyyliä (visuaalisen|kuuloon perustuvan|kosketukseen perustuvan) tarjotaksemme materiaalin tavalla joka varmistaa, että opit nopeammin ja helpommin.
  6. Opiskelet huippujen kanssa.Olemme kouluttaneet ja sertifioineet 134.561 ammattilaista ja olemme kumppaneita kaikkien alan suurien nimien kanssa ja olemme saaneet lukuisia palkintoja, mm. Microsoftin Danmarki Vuoden koulutuspartneri 2010, 2011, 2012 ja 2013, Institue of IT Trainingin ”Training Company of the Year 2006, 2007, 2008” Englannissa, ISC(2):n ”Highest Performing Affiliate of the Year 2009 & 2010 – EMEA” sekä EC-Councilin ”Accredited Training Centre of the Year 2010 og 2011”, ”Newcomer of the Year 2011” ja ”Instructors Circle of Excellence”.
  7. Opit enemmän kuin pelkän teorian. Olemme kehittäneet COBIT Design and Implementation kurssia edelleen käyttämällä laboratorioita, esimerkkitapauksia ja harjoittelukokeita varmistaaksemme, että osaat soveltaa uutta tietoa työympäristöön.
  8. Opit parhailta. Ohjaajamme COBIT Design and Implementation kurssilla ovat alan parhaita. He tarjoavat ainutlaatuisen yhdistelmän asiantuntemusta, kokemusta ja intohimoa opetukseen.



On this accelerated course, you'll learn to:

  • Explore various design factors and their effects on the design of governance solutions
  • Design an enterprise governance solution, taking into account all potential impacting factors
  • Use the included companion toolkit to appropriately prioritise certain design aspects of your customised governance program
  • Effectively implement your governance program

Exam Track

Due to ISACA policy, exams for COBIT certificates are remote-proctored. This means that delegates are required to take the exam in their own time after delivery; however, exam vouchers are included as part of the course. Candidates will also have the opportunity to sit Mocks for the Foundation and the Design and Implementation exams. Feedback from these exams will help you prepare for the final exams.

COBIT 2019 Design and Implementation

  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Exam Format: Multiple choice
  • Number of questions: 60
  • Passing score: 60%
  • Domains: 
    1. COBIT 2019 Basic Concepts (8%)
    2. Design Factors for a Governance System (15%)
    3. Impact of Design Factors (3%)
    4. The Governance System Design Workflow (32%)
    5. Implementing and Optimising I&T Governance Overview (7%)
    6. Governance Implementation Lifecycle (32%)
    7. Key Topics Decision Matrix (3%)

Please note: Individuals holding an ISACA Certification (CISA/ CRISC/CISM/CGEIT) may claim two CPE credits when a passing score is achieved.

What's included

Official ISACA - COBIT 2019 Design and Implementation courseware:

  • COBIT 2019 Design Guide
  • COBIT 2019 Implementation Guide


Before attending this accelerated course you should have achieved the following certification:


Olemme kouluttaneet kymmenen vuoden aikana yli 134.561 opiskelijaa. Heitä kaikkia on pyydetty arvioimaan pikakurssimme. Tällä hetkellä 95,54% on sitä mieltä, että Firebrand on ylittänyt heidän odotuksensa:

"The course has been very informative and engaging. Doing it in person has been much more beneficial. Our Tutor was fantastic and brought the course to life with real examples. A great 3 days!"
Anonymous. (8/5/2024 (Keskiviikko) - 10/5/2024 (Perjantai))

"Very experienced trainer - brought the material to life with meaningful examples."
G.E.. (8/5/2024 (Keskiviikko) - 10/5/2024 (Perjantai))

"A high value course delivered by an outstanding instructor. Thank you very much FIREBRAND."
Anonymous. (8/5/2024 (Keskiviikko) - 10/5/2024 (Perjantai))

"Participating in the four-day CISM boot camp was an exhilarating and enriching experience, and I couldn''t be more grateful for the opportunity. Throughout the course, I was continuously impressed by our instructor''s dedication and expertise. His commitment to delivering comprehensive and engaging sessions truly facilitated my learning journey. One aspect that stood out to me was the support and encouragement the trainer and fellow participants provided. As a result of the bootcamp, I was confident and well-prepared to tackle the challenges of the CISM exam, and was able to achieve the certification. The skills and insights gained over the four days have undoubtedly equipped me with the tools needed to excel in my professional endeavors. Thank you to the entire team for a truly exceptional experience!"
Kata Malya. (18/3/2024 (Maanantai) - 21/3/2024 (Torstai))

"Excellent way of studying the material and being with like-minded professional individuals"
Anonymous. (15/4/2024 (Maanantai) - 18/4/2024 (Torstai))


ISACA - COBIT 2019 Design and Implementation





3/10/2024 (Torstai)

4/10/2024 (Perjantai)

Rajoitettu määrä paikkoja


9/4/2025 (Keskiviikko)

10/4/2025 (Torstai)

Paikkoja saatavilla


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