APMG - Business Relationship Management Professional (BRMP®)



Vain 2 päivän



luokkahuone / Online / Hybridi

Seuraava päivä

Seuraava päivä:

10/2/2025 (Maanantai)


On this accelerated APMG International Business Relationship Management Professional (BRMP®) course is provided in conjunction with Creative Consulting and Training Ltd, an APMG accredited training organisation, and is world-class professional development program designed to provide a solid baseline level knowledge of Business Relationship Management. It embodies a set of competencies to foster an effective business value-producing relationship between a service provider and its business partners.

Business Relationship Management (BRM) is a philosophy, capability, discipline, and role to evolve culture, build partnerships, drive value, and satisfy purpose. The business relationship manager (BRM) role is the set of competencies required to advance the business relationship management capability. An individual fulfilling the business relationship manager role and has the competencies required to advance the BRM capability is a business relationship manager.

A BRM Institute Business Relationship Professional (BRMP®) will be able to demonstrate an understanding of: What BRM is and the value it provides to an organization. Why an organization should move beyond profit and products to encompass people, purpose, and planet Why BRM should be completely integrated into every element of your organization. The contribution of the BRM role to your organization’s purpose The basic knowledge, skills, and mindsets of the BRM role. The core BRM approaches, tools, and templates used to achieve results. How a BRM team can advance the BRM capability to evolve culture, build partnerships, drive value, and satisfy purpose within your organization.

In just 2 days, you’ll be able to demonstrate their ability to effectively communicate the purpose and objectives of the Strategic BRM role and how to optimally position that role for maximum effectiveness within the enterprise:

  • Understand how to use their personal power and influence to build business relationships and foster a culture that excels at business value results
  • Apply the Strategic Relationship Management processes and techniques to build and sustain trust relationships spanning Business Partner and Provider networks
  • Assess Business Demand Maturity and Business Relationship Maturity and how these might evolve over time

At the end of this course, you’ll sit the APMG exam, and achieve your Business Relationship Management Professional (BRMP®) certification. Through Firebrand’s Lecture | Lab | Review methodology, you’ll get certified at twice the speed of the traditional training and get access to courseware, learn from certified instructors, and train in a distraction-free environment.

Successful candidates will be entitled to a free Professional Assessment at Business Agility Professional Level 1 – Explorer.

 The APMG International Business Relationship Management Professional (BRMP®) and Swirl Device logo is a trademark of The APM Group Limited, used under permission of The APM Group Limited. All rights reserved.


This course is ideal for:

  • Business Managers.
  • IT Managers.
  • HR.
  • Finance.
  • Customer Relationship Manager.
  • Marketing professionals.
  • External Partners.
  • Provider Managers.
  • Function Owners.
  • Those with a Business Relationship Management role or position.
  • Consultants looking to gain an insight into Business Relationship Management and looking to gain certification as a Business Relationship Manager.

8 syytä, miksi kannattaa hankkia Firebrand Trainingiltä:

  1. Koulutuksen ja todistuksen saaminen kestää vain 2 päivän. Meidän kanssamme saat -koulutuksen ja -todistuksen ennätysajassa. Todistuksen ansaitset koulutuskeskuksessamme osana intensiivistä ja nopeutettua koulutusta.
  2. Hintaan sisältyy kaikki.Kertamaksu kattaa kaikki kurssimateriaalit, kokeet, kuljetuksen, majoituksen ja ateriat ja tarjoaa kustannustehokkaimman tavan hankkia koulutus ja todistus. Ilman mitään lisäkustannuksia.
  3. Suorita tutkinto ensimmäisellä kerralla tai kertaa koulutus ilmaiseksi. Tämä on takuumme. Olemme varmoja, että läpäiset -kurssin ensimmäisellä kerralla. Mutta jos näin ei käy, voit tulla takaisin vuoden kuluttua ja maksaa vain majoituksesta ja kokeista. Kaikki muu on ilmaista.
  4. Opit enemmän.Päivä perinteisen koulutuksen tarjoajan kanssa on yleensä klo 9–17, mihin sisältyy pitkä lounastauko. Firebrand Trainingiltä saat vähintään 12 tuntia päivässä keskittynyttä ja häiriötöntä laatukoulutusaikaa opettajasi kanssa.
  5. Opit nopeammin. Yhdistämme 3 eri oppimistyyliä (visuaalisen|kuuloon perustuvan|kosketukseen perustuvan) tarjotaksemme materiaalin tavalla joka varmistaa, että opit nopeammin ja helpommin.
  6. Opiskelet huippujen kanssa.Olemme kouluttaneet ja sertifioineet 134.561 ammattilaista ja olemme kumppaneita kaikkien alan suurien nimien kanssa ja olemme saaneet lukuisia palkintoja, mm. Microsoftin Danmarki Vuoden koulutuspartneri 2010, 2011, 2012 ja 2013, Institue of IT Trainingin ”Training Company of the Year 2006, 2007, 2008” Englannissa, ISC(2):n ”Highest Performing Affiliate of the Year 2009 & 2010 – EMEA” sekä EC-Councilin ”Accredited Training Centre of the Year 2010 og 2011”, ”Newcomer of the Year 2011” ja ”Instructors Circle of Excellence”.
  7. Opit enemmän kuin pelkän teorian. Olemme kehittäneet kurssia edelleen käyttämällä laboratorioita, esimerkkitapauksia ja harjoittelukokeita varmistaaksemme, että osaat soveltaa uutta tietoa työympäristöön.
  8. Opit parhailta. Ohjaajamme kurssilla ovat alan parhaita. He tarjoavat ainutlaatuisen yhdistelmän asiantuntemusta, kokemusta ja intohimoa opetukseen.



  • Module 1: What BRM is and the value it provides to an organization.
  • Module 2: Why an organization should move beyond profit and products to encompass people, purpose, and planet
  • Module 3: Why BRM should be completely integrated into every element of your organization.
  • Module 4: The contribution of the BRM role to your organization’s purpose
  • Module 5: The basic knowledge, skills, and mindsets of the BRM role.
  • Module 6: The core BRM approaches, tools, and templates used to achieve results.
  • Module 7: How a BRM team can advance the BRM capability to evolve culture, build partnerships, drive value, and satisfy purpose within your organization.

Exam Track

At the end of this accelerated course, you’ll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training centre, covered Certification Guarantee:

Business Relationship Management Professional (BRMP®) exam

  • Duration: 50 minutes
  • Format: Multiple Choice, Closed book (no additional materials permitted in the exam)
  • Number of questions: 50 questions
  • Passing score: 30 marks or more required to pass (out of 50 available)

What's Included


There are no prerequisites for this accelerated course.


Olemme kouluttaneet kymmenen vuoden aikana yli 134.561 opiskelijaa. Heitä kaikkia on pyydetty arvioimaan pikakurssimme. Tällä hetkellä 95,26% on sitä mieltä, että Firebrand on ylittänyt heidän odotuksensa:

"The trainer did a great job explaining all the topics."
Michael Amerhauser, iTaurus IT Dienstleistungs GmbH. (25/3/2024 (Maanantai) - 27/3/2024 (Keskiviikko))

"Fantastic instructor, his examples were relevant and relatable, the pace was excellent and the content was delivered really well."
Amanda Schiller, Vaccination UK Ltd. (25/3/2024 (Maanantai) - 26/3/2024 (Tiistai))

"Great way of learning a lot in a short period of time. Loved the trainer and facilities too!"
A.B.. (25/3/2024 (Maanantai) - 26/3/2024 (Tiistai))

"Very intense couple of days, be prepared for a couple of long days however the trainer covered the entire content covered in the exam and the delivery methodology allowed for the learning experience to be a really positive one."
Crawford Burns, N/A. (25/3/2024 (Maanantai) - 26/3/2024 (Tiistai))

"The instructor was brilliant, kept everything interactive and made the information easy to digest and ensured I am well-prepared for my exams"
Chris Jordan, Electricity North West. (19/12/2023 (Tiistai) - 21/12/2023 (Torstai))







26/8/2024 (Maanantai)

27/8/2024 (Tiistai)

Päättynyt - Jätä palautetta




10/2/2025 (Maanantai)

11/2/2025 (Tiistai)

Rajoitettu määrä paikkoja



24/3/2025 (Maanantai)

25/3/2025 (Tiistai)

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5/5/2025 (Maanantai)

6/5/2025 (Tiistai)

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16/6/2025 (Maanantai)

17/6/2025 (Tiistai)

Paikkoja saatavilla



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