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Wireshark consists of a rich set of features which allows cybersecurity professionals to see what’s happening in a network in a microscopic level.
What is Wireshark?
Wireshark is a free and open source packet analysing software which is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and education.
Benefits of Wireshark Certification
- Qualify for jobs within fields that those without a certification are not considered for
- Lead to a better job performance, performance reviews and salary appraisals
- Ability to work in a variety of roles
Wireshark Pathways and Audience
This software and certification is primarily aimed for security professionals or system administrators.
It is recommended that Wireshark courses are taken by cybersecurity professionals or anyone who is interested in adding to their existing skill set.
Check out the courses below and get Wireshark certified.
Firebrand's training for WCNA Certification
3 days