FastPass: unlimited Microsoft training for €6,750

In almost all my previous job roles I have found myself always taking part in IT aspects of the job. Working in Journalism I would be interested in how the magazines were using their personalised CMS to edit their magazines online, in my previous business jobs I was always interested in how the business operated online and how they were capable of interacting with other organisations from other locations. IT is everywhere, anything I do in my day to day life involves in someway IT, varying from, simply using social media, communicating with family members or even just using my online banking. I always had an interest in how things worked and found that IT was able to fulfil that "thirst", it showed me deeper into knowing how my daily activities such as using social media or communicating online worked and taught me a new way of thinking and processing things.

My experience so far in IT has been great I’ve gone on to learn through Firebrand and work in my role and gained a wide range of skills, not just IT related, which will benefit me in the future. My experience in Firebrand has been great, the training centre has been a great experience meeting a great variety of skilled people who have gone on to teach me a lot more then I knew even existed.

So far the skills I have learnt in Firebrand have been making a difference in the work environment and have made my job much easier due to knowing the know-how of how things operate and function. The reason for me choosing an apprenticeship was to gain these IT skills to aid me in the future to find an IT role, and is helping me to fulfil my future plans in finding a position in IT were I feel comfortable in, but also to progress as far as possible. After my apprenticeship I want to get more involved with networking in the IT sector or Cloud based services, and the training plays a large part in this journey. I recommend if you want to start learning about IT, Firebrand offers a lot to get you to where you want to be.