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NotSoSecure provides hacking training for companies and individuals who are looking to strengthen their software and network against hackers. NotSoSecure courses are also for those who would like to learn how to hack and pivot into other private networks.

Who are NotSoSecure

NotSoSecure is a company that specialises in the art of hacking and helps companies identify complex vulnerabilities in their network system.

Benefits of NotSoSecure

  • Become less vulnerable to hacking threats
  • Tackle security issues in a fast-moving DevSecOps environment
  • Target weaknesses in an organisation’s network devices
  • Expand your range of your skills in the security and technology industry

NotSoSecure Pathways and Audience

NotSoSecure offers a variety of courses for those that are seeking CREST CCT (ICE), CHECK (CTL), TIGER SST and other similar industry certifications.

It is recommended that NotSoSecure courses are taken by those that work as System Administrators, SOC Analysts, Penetration Testers, Network Engineers, security enthusiasts or anyone interested in adding to their existing skill set.

Technology is moving at a very rapid pace and with so many devices playing a large role in the industry there are many attacking areas to worry about.


Web Hacking

2 days

Advanced Infrastructure Hacking

5 days

NotSoSecure - Advanced Web Hacking

3 days

AppSec for Developers

2 days


2 days

Hacking and Securing Cloud Infrastructure

2 days

Infrastructure Hacking

3 days

The Art of Hacking

5 days