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The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers develops, defines, and reviews electronics and computer science standards with a mission "to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity".

Who are IEEE

IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology.

Benefits of IEEE Certification

  • Qualify for jobs within fields that those without a certification are not considered for
  • Lead to a better job performance, performance reviews and salary appraisals
  • Help your organisation grow
  • Ability to work in a variety of roles

IEEE Pathways and Audience

This certification is aimed for those working in engineering, computing and technology information around the globe. It is recommended that IEEE courses are taken by technical professionals or anyone who is interested in adding to their existing skill set.


Check out the courses below and get IEEE certified.


Firebrand's Training for IEEE's Certified Software Development Associate (CSDA)

3 days