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Next Date:
02/09/2024 (Monday)

9 to 5 Training

Firebrand’s 9 to 5 Learning, hosted at BPP's Facilities in London and Manchester, merges the convenience of standard working hours with the excellence of Firebrand's educational offerings, all within state-of-the-art classrooms. This format is ideal for professionals seeking to enhance their skills without disrupting their personal commitments, offering a balanced approach to career advancement. Tailored to provide flexibility without the need for residential stays, our 9 to 5 courses are perfect for those looking to progress professionally on their terms. Explore our comprehensive curriculum, delivered by industry experts, and discover how our training can support your career goals in a practical, accessible manner. Find out more here.


IAPP Training Partner certified information privacy managerCIPP/E certification, CIPP/E training

The CIPP/E programme, developed by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), will grow your understanding of pan-European and national data protection laws. This official CIPP/E training will teach you key data protection terminology and important concepts concerning the protection of personal data and trans-border data flows.

Earning the CIPM demonstrates you have the knowledge to make a privacy programme work for your organisation - you'll be the first point of contact for all things data protection related. Both the CIPP/E and CIPM certifications are ISO/IAS accredited under 17024:2012.

With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in effect as of May 2018, it's imperative you have a knowledgeable Data Protection Officer (DPO) capable of monitoring compliance, managing internal data protection activities, training data staff and more. Achieving the CIPP/E and CIPM validates this knowledge and guarantees a wealth of understanding of GDPR.


The CIPM course is ideal if you are in risk management, privacy operations, accountability, audits and privacy analystics, including those in the following roles:

  • DPO
  • Data Protection Manager
  • Head of Risk
  • Internal Audit
  • Procurement

The CIPP/E course is ideal if you're in legal, compliance, information management, data governance and human resources, including those in the following roles:

  • DPO
  • Data Protection Manager
  • Head of Legal
  • Head of Compliance
  • Head of HR

On this course, you'll be prepared for the IAPP Certified Privacy Professional - Europe (CIPP/E) exam and the IAPP Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) exam

CIPPECIPM certification, CIPPECIPM training

Train fast with official IAPP CIPP/E & CIPM training

You'll learn from certified IAPP instructors and study official courseware on your 9 to 5 CIPP/E & CIPM course. Firebrand is an official IAPP training partner.

Please Note: This IAPP course is now digital. The course material will be made available to your IAPP account when you have confirmed your booking.

Benefits of 9 to 5

  • Flexibility: Timetabled from 9 am to 5 pm, our courses are designed for professionals with commitments beyond work.
  • Accessibility and Convenience: With convenient locations, our training is never far, reducing travel and enhancing the convenience of local learning.
  • Work-Life Balance: Keep up with your daily routine and family life while advancing your career.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Save on accommodation and meals with our non-residential courses.
  • Quality Instruction: Benefit from Firebrand’s expert instructors and comprehensive curriculum.
  • Direct Workplace Application: Acquire skills that you can immediately apply for enhanced performance.
  • Manageable Schedule: The 9 to 5 structure fits seamlessly into your workday, providing an effective learning pace without the intensity of extended sessions.
  • Daytime Focus: Make the most of daytime learning designed for peak concentration and effective knowledge retention.

IAPP-certified instructors

Firebrand instructors are fully IAPP-certified and bring a wealth of real-world experience to enrich the course content with relevant and useful examples.

IAPP membership

Delegates training with Firebrand for the first time receive a 12-month membership with IAPP as part of their course package. Delegates whose membership has expired have to renew it separately for $275 through the IAPP website. Alternatively, delegates can pay a Certification Maintenance fee (24 months) of $250; this preserves the certification but provides no membership privileges.


You'll become an expert across the following modules:

  • CIPP/E - Certified Information Privacy Professional - Europe
    • Module 1: Data Protection Laws
    • Module 2: Personal Data
    • Module 3: Controllers and Processors
    • Module 4: Processing Personal Data
    • Module 5: Information provision
    • Module 6: Data Subjects 'Rights
    • Module 7: Security or Processing
    • Module 8: Accountability
    • Module 9: International Data Transfers
    • Module 10: Super Visions and Enforcement
    • Module 11: Compliance
  • Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)
    • Module 1: Introduction to privacy program management
    • Module 2: Privacy governance
    • Module 3: Applicable laws and regulations
    • Module 4: Data assessments
    • Module 5: Policies
    • Module 6: Data subject rights
    • Module 7: Training and awareness
    • Module 8: Protecting personal information
    • Module 9: Data breach incident plans
    • Module 10: Measuring, monitoring and auditing program performance

Exam Track

At the end of this course you'll be able to arrange your exam using your exam voucher:

  • IAPP Certified Information Privacy Professional - Europe (CIPP/E)
    • Duration: 2.5 hours
    • Format: Online exam
    • No. of Questions: 90
  • IAPP Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)
    • Duration: 2.5 hours
    • Format: Online exam
    • No. of Questions: 90

What's Included 9 to 5

Your 9-5 course includes:

  • Exam vouchers **
  • Practice tests **
  • Certification Guarantee ***
  • Offical and Firebrand Courseware
  • Instructor-led training each day
  • 9 to 5 access
  • Digital courseware **
  • * For residential training only. Accommodation is included from the night before the course starts. This doesn't apply for online courses.
  • ** Some exceptions apply. Please refer to the Exam Track or speak with our experts
  • *** Pass first time or train again free as many times as it takes, unlimited for 1 year. Just pay for exams and incidental costs.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Dates

Study Mode
02/09/2024 (Mon)
05/09/2024 (Thu)
09/12/2024 (Mon)
12/12/2024 (Thu)
14/01/2025 (Tue)
17/01/2025 (Fri)
14/04/2025 (Mon)
17/04/2025 (Thu)