As a Microsoft Gold Training Partner, we are committed to getting you all the Microsoft certifications you need as quickly as possible, anywhere in the world.
To help you upskill and adapt your team to today's unique challenges as quickly as possible, we offer an unprecedented package for unprecedented times.
With our Microsoft FastPass bundle, you can take unlimited Microsoft Online Instructor-led courses for 6 months for just €6,750 ex VAT - including MOCs, Labs and up to six exam vouchers.
The number of fastpasses we sell is based on a first come, first served basis. Some restrictions apply, so please read the terms below carefully.
Once our training centers reopen, you can choose to switch to our traditional classroom training, paying only for the additional accommodation (see full terms and conditions below).
In this way, we hope to help you continue to build our shared digital future. We are in this together and we believe that together we can come out of this situation stronger and more efficiently than ever.
Contact us and our training experts will be happy to provide you with more information.