Answers to Time Management Questions

1. A is the correct answer and Activity Attributes is an input into Sequence Activities and Estimate Activity Resources.

2. B is the correct answer.

3. D is the correct answer as the Activity List, WBS and WBS Dictionary can be developed either sequentially or concurrently and options A to C describe one or the other and not both.

4. B is the correct answer. During early strategic planning you may not have all the details with which you can break work down into activities, only into milestones.

5. C is the best correct answer. Activities are identified from work packages so A is incorrect. Superficial information on work packages would help to plan procurement's but the detailed activities are best identified by involving team members, therefore suppliers.

6. D is the best correct answer. Although A also uses the leads and lags as a technique, Sequence Activities is the first process to use it as this is where the network diagram is created using the Precedence Diagramming method.

7. D is the correct option and all others are artificially created answers. Options A and B do not exist and option C describes elements of a node in the network diagram.

8. B is the correct answer. Options A, C and D are dependencies for the project and not the schedule. Dependencies are used to define the sequence among the activities and mandatory dependencies are those that are contractually required or inherent in the nature of the work.

9. A is the correct answer.

10. D is the correct answer. Milestones are a significant achievement in the schedule and plan and do not have a duration.

11. C is the correct answer.

12. B is the correct answer and describes the 3 elements you would identify when improving the accuracy of activity duration estimates using the 3 point estimating technique. A is incorrect as their opinions may not enable extra detail to be identified and accuracy improved.

13. D is the correct answer. Please note the question does not ask you for an option where all of the Time Management processes are listed in their correct sequence. It only asks you for the option with the processes listed in their correct sequence.

14. C is the correct answer. It is also called progressive elaboration.

15. D is the correct answer and the other techniques are used to develop the Project Schedule.


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