Microsoft 365 - Updating Your SQL Server Skills to Microsoft SQL Server 2014



Kun 3 dage



Klasseværelse / Online / Hybrid

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Næste dato:

24/6/2024 (Mandag)


Learn how to use the enhancements and new features that have been added to SQL Server and the Microsoft data platform since the release of SQL Server 2008. The course focuses on teaching you how to use SQL Server 2014 product features and other Microsoft data platform components.

As a database or business intelligence professional, you'll learn the skills needed to make the most of the the new features of SQL Server 2014. Plus, become familiar with related Microsoft data technologies such as: Windows Azure, Excel 2013 and PowerBI for Office365.

Her er 4 gode grunde til at du skal tage SQL Server 2014 hos Firebrand Training:

  1. Du bliver SQL Server 2014 uddannet hurtigere. Du lærer mere på vores 3 dages accelererede kursus og får mindst 12 timers daglig uddannelse i et distraktionsfrit miljø.
  2. Dit SQL Server 2014 kursus er alt-inklusiv. Du får en gennemskuelig pris, der dækker alle kursusmaterialer, overnatning og forplejning. Du skal ikke tænke på andet end at lære.
  3. Få masser af hands-on SQL Server 2014 erfaring. Din instruktør er ekspert, og træner dig ud fra accelererede metoder, så du lærer hurtigere og har de bedste muligheder for at tage hjem med de nye færdigheder du har brug for.
  4. Tag SQL Server 2014 hos en prisvindende uddannelsesleverandør. Vi har vundet adskillige udmærkelser heriblandt Microsofts "Årets Learning Partner" hele fire gange i træk og to Børsen Gazelle priser. Firebrand er din hurtigste vej til uddannelse, og vi har sparet 134.561 deltagere for mere end en million spildte timer siden 2001.

Er du klar til kurset? Tag en GRATIS test som hjælper dig med at bedømme din nuværende viden.


This course gives database and business intelligence (BI) professionals the skills to utilise the new features of SQL Server 2014, and become familiar with related Microsoft data technologies such Windows Azure, Excel 2013 and PowerBI for Office365.


Introduction to SQL Server 2014

Learn key features of SQL Server 2014.

  • Overview of SQL Server 2014
  • SQL Server 2014 Editions and Components
  • Installing SQL Server 2014
  • Enhancements to SQL Server Management Studio

What’s New in SQL Server Database Development

Find out more about enhancements to Transact-SQL and other database development features since SQL Server 2008.

  • Transact-SQL Enhancements
  • New and Enhanced Transact-SQL Functions
  • Enhancements to Spatial Data Support
  • Storing and Querying Documents with SQL Server 2014

In-Memory Database Capabilities

Learn how SQL server 2014 enables you to leverage in-memory technologies to enhance database performance.

  • The Buffer pool Extension
  • Columnstore Indexes
  • Memory-Optimized Tables

Scripting SQL Server 2014

How to use dynamic management views and PowerShell to script administrative tasks in SQL server 2014.

  • New and Enhanced Dynamic Management Views
  • Using PowerShell to Manage SQL Server

Implementing Security in Microsoft SQL Server 2014

Learn about the enhancements to security features since SQL Server 2008.

  • Security Management Enhancements
  • Contained Databases

High Availability and Data Recovery Enhancements

Learn about the enhancements to SQL Server availability and data recovery features since SQL Server 2008.

  • Always On High Availability
  • Enhancements to Data Recovery

New and Enhanced Features in SQL Server Integration Services

Learn about enhancements to SQL Server Integration Services since SQL Server 2008.

  • Using the CDC Control Task for Incremental Data Loads
  • Deploying and Operating SSIS Packages

Data Quality Services

How to use the SQL Server 2014 Data Quality Services (DQS) to provide a computer assisted process for cleansing data values and identifying and removing duplicate data entities.

  • Introduction to Data Quality
  • Using Data Quality Services to Cleanse Data
  • Using Data Quality Services to Match Data

Master Data Services

Learn about Master Data Services, its key configuration options and how to import and export data.

  • Introduction to Master Data Services
  • Implementing a Master Data Services Model
  • Using the Master Data Services Add-in for Excel

SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services

Learn about the new and enhanced features in SQL Server Reporting Services.

  • Reporting Services Overview
  • Reporting Services and Microsoft SharePoint Server
  • Introduction to Data Alerts

Implementing an Analysis Services Tabular Data Model

Learn about Analysis Services tabular data models and explains how to develop a tabular data model by using the SQL Server Data Tools for BI add-in for Visual Studio.

  • Introduction to Analysis Services Tabular Data Model Projects
  • Creating a Tabular Model
  • Using an Analysis Services Tabular Data Model in the Enterprise

Self-Service BI with Microsoft Excel

Learn about the self-service BI capabilities that can be delivered through Microsoft Excel 2013 and related technologies.

  • PowerPivot for Excel
  • PowerPivot for SharePoint Server
  • Power Query
  • Power View
  • Power Map
  • Power BI for Office 365

Introduction to Cloud Data Solutions

Some of the key Microsoft technologies that you can use to implement a cloud solution for data.

  • Overview of Cloud Computing
  • Windows Azure Services for Data

Windows Azure SQL Database

An introduction to Windows Azure SQL Database, a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution for cloud-based relational database storage.

  • Introduction to Windows Azure SQL Database
  • Windows Azure SQL Database Security
  • Implementing and Managing Databases

SQL Server in Windows Azure Virtual Machines

How you can use Windows Azure virtual machines in which SQL Server is installed to create a cloud-based solution for data.

  • Introduction to Windows Azure Virtual Machines
  • Windows Azure Virtual Machine Connectivity and Security
  • Creating Databases in a Windows Azure Virtual Machine

Implementing Big Data Solutions

Learn the main features of big data, and the Microsoft technologies that you can use to build big data analytical solutions. In particular, the module focuses on Windows Azure HDInsight and the Windows Azure Marketplace as core elements of the Microsoft solution for big data.

  • Introduction to Big Data
  • Windows Azure HDInsight
  • Consuming HDInsight Results in Excel
  • Obtaining Data from the Windows Azure Marketplace

What's Included

Microsoft Official Curriculum

  • MOC 10977B: Updating your SQL Server Skills to Microsoft SQL Server 2014.

Det hele er inkluderet! Du får en alt-inklusiv kursuspakke, som er målrettet til dine behov. Vi tager os af enhver detalje, så det eneste du skal fokusere på er dine lærings- og certificeringsmål.

  • Transport til/fra specifikke afhentningssteder
  • Overnatninger, samtlige måltider samt adgang til forfriskninger, snacks, kaffe og the.
  • Intensiv Hands-on uddannelse med vores unikke (Lecture | Lab | Review)TM metode
  • Omfattende kursusmaterialer og labmanualer
  • Et helt igennem instruktørstyret program
  • 24 timers adgang til både undervisningslokale og instruktøren
  • Samtlige måltider samt adgang til forfriskninger, snacks, kaffe og the.
  • Certificeringsgaranti


Before attending this course, you must have:

  • Experience of building and managing database, data warehouse, and business intelligence (BI) solutions with SQL Server 2008
  • Familiarity with the Windows Server 2012 operating system and networking
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Excel, Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 and financial accounting is recommended.

Er du klar til dit Firebrand Kursus?

Vi interviewer alle potentielle deltagere angående deres baggrund, uddannelser, certificeringer og personlig indstilling. Hvis du kommer igennem denne screeningsprocedure, betyder det, at du har rigtig gode chancer for at bestå.

Firebrand Training tilbyder et ambitiøst uddannelsesmiljø, som forudsætter at du dedikerer dig til kurset. Ovenstående forkundskaber er vejledende; mange deltagere med mindre erfaring, men med en anden baggrund eller færdigheder, har haft succes med accelereret uddannelse hos Firebrand Training.

Hvis du funderer på hvorvidt du opfylder de anbefalede forkundskaber, er du meget velkommen til at ringe til os på 89 88 66 05 og tale med en af vores uddannelsesrådgivere, som kan hjælpe dig.


Her er Firebrand Training review afsnit. Siden 2001 har vi trænet præcist 134.561 studerende og professionelle og bedt dem alle om at gennemgå vores Accelerated Learning. Lige nu har 96,41% sagt, at Firebrand har overgået deres forventninger.

Læs anmeldelser fra de seneste accelererede kurser nedenfor, eller besøg Firebrand Stories for skriftlige og videointerviews med vores alumner.

"The training for PL-100 is an intense course, jam-packed with references, resources delivered by a super knowledgeable instructor. Would recommend having a sound base knowledge of Microsoft Power Platform before attending. MS Learn provides topics for PL-100 and also a study guide for the exam which is very useful when preparing for exam."
Jessica Brooks, Kenvue. (3/1/2024 (Onsdag) til 4/1/2024 (Torsdag))

"Training facilities were great and the hotel onsite is nice."
Anonymous. (18/12/2023 (Mandag) til 20/12/2023 (Onsdag))

"It's the best way to learn without any distraction. Training, eat, sleep, shower."
Anonymous. (13/12/2023 (Onsdag) til 15/12/2023 (Fredag))

"When learning with Firebrand, everything is taken care of for you. This allows you to pour everything into absorbing and understanding your course content amongst peers."
ML, Griggster Limited. (3/10/2023 (Tirsdag) til 6/10/2023 (Fredag))

"Perfect instructor with much knowledge and the ability to bring it to the people. Thank you. The topic is huge but I would have expected a little bit more working together in the system."
Reinhard Decker, VAT Vakuumventile AG. (10/10/2023 (Tirsdag) til 13/10/2023 (Fredag))







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