From 6 days
21.04.2025 (mandag)
På dette intense 6-dages MCSA: Database Development kursus lærer du at bruge Transact-SQL language, som er relevant for alle SQL Server discipliner. Dette er vigtigt i forbindelse med databaseadministration, business intelligence og databaseudvikling.
Du får kompetencer inden for databaseudvikling såsom advanced table designs, columnstore indexes og brug af in-memory tables. Disse kompetencer er eminente til at udvide dine SQL evner. Få din MCSA SQL Server 2016 – Database Development uddannelse og certificering på kun 6 dage og lær mere end du kan forestille dig.
Hos Firebrand ved vi, at din tid er værdifuld. Det er derfor, vi giver dig mulighed for at tage din MCSA-uddannelse og certificering på kun 6 dage. Vi giver dig de bedste muligheder for at lære.
Dette intense kursus ledes af Microsofts Certified Trainers (MCT) og er baseret på Microsofts Official Curriculum (MOC) og øvelsessæt. Du vil også benytte Firebrands unikke Lecture | Lab | Review teknik og vil komme til at dække emner såsom:
- Forespørge i flere tabeller
- At arbejde med SQL Server 2016 datatyper
- Designe og implementere tabeller
- Designe og implementere brugerdefinerede funktioner
Med os på din side, mens vi opmuntrer og guider dig på rette vej, kan du glæde dig til 6 intense, fokuserede dage med kvalitets træning i et distraktionsfrit miljø. Din ekspert instruktør vil arbejde med Firebrands unikke accelererede indlæringsmetoder, som stiller dig bedst muligt i forhold til at lære, fastholde viden og bestå eksamen.
Når du tager MCSA: SQL Server 2016 Database Development uddannelses- og certificeringsprogram, betyder det, at:
- Du får flere timers uddannelse pr dag. Derfor bliver du uddannet og certificeret hurtigere og mere omkostningseffektivt end du kan blive nogle andre steder.
- Du bliver uddannet af een af verdens førende eksperter.
- Du kan fokusere fuldstændig på din læring i vores distraktionsfrie miljø.
- Du får dedikeret on-site support og adgang til undervisningslokalet døgnet rundt.
- Du får Certificeringsgaranti, som betyder at du kan komme tilbage indenfor et år og tage hele kurset Gratis. Du betaler kun for eventuel eksamen, labs og overnatninger.
- Prisen er alt-inklusive og dækker alle uddannelsesmaterialer, eksamen, transport service, overnatninger og forplejning.
Du vil lære
Microsoft MCSA SQL Server 2016 – Database Development
We have designed our course material in the way that best prepares you to learn and pass your exams.
Course 20761A: Querying Data with Transact-SQL
Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 2016
This module introduces SQL Server, the versions of SQL Server, including cloud versions, and how to connect to SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio.
- The Basic Architecture of SQL Server
- SQL Server Editions and Versions
- Getting Started with SQL Server Management Studio
Lab : Working with SQL Server 2016 Tools
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the architecture and editions of SQL Server 2012.
- Work with SQL Server Management Studio.
Module 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying
This module introduces the elements of T-SQL and their role in writing queries, describes the use of sets in SQL Server, describes the use of predicate logic in SQL Server, and describes the logical order of operations in SELECT statements.
- Introducing T-SQL
- Understanding Sets
- Understanding Predicate Logic
- Understanding the Logical Order of Operations in SELECT statements
Lab : Introduction to Transact-SQL Querying
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the elements of T-SQL and their role in writing queries
- Describe the use of sets in SQL Server
- Describe the use of predicate logic in SQL Server
- Describe the logical order of operations in SELECT statements
Module 3: Writing SELECT Queries
This module introduces the fundamentals of the SELECT statement, focusing on queries against a single table.
- Writing Simple SELECT Statements
- Eliminating Duplicates with DISTINCT
- Using Column and Table Aliases
- Writing Simple CASE Expressions
Lab : Writing Basic SELECT Statements
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Write simple SELECT statements.
- Eliminate duplicates using the DISTINCT clause.
- Use column and table aliases.
- Write simple CASE expressions.
Module 4: Querying Multiple Tables
This module explains how to write queries which combine data from multiple sources in SQL Server. The module introduces the use of JOINs in T-SQL queries as a mechanism for retrieving data from multiple tables.
- Understanding Joins
- Querying with Inner Joins
- Querying with Outer Joins
- Querying with Cross Joins and Self Joins
Lab : Querying Multiple Tables
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe how multiple tables may be queried in a SELECT statement using joins.
- Write queries that use inner joins.
- Write queries that use outer joins.
- Write queries that use self-joins and cross joins.
Module 5: Sorting and Filtering Data
This module explains how to enhance queries to limit the rows they return, and to control the order in which the rows are displayed. The module also discusses how to resolve missing and unknown results.
- Sorting Data
- Filtering Data with Predicates
- Filtering with the TOP and OFFSET-FETCH Options
- Working with Unknown Values
Lab : Sorting and Filtering Data
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Filter data with predicates in the WHERE clause.
- Sort data using ORDER BY.
- Filter data in the SELECT clause with TOP.
- Filter data with OFFSET and FETCH.
Module 6: Working with SQL Server 2016 Data Types
This module explains the data types SQL Server uses to store data. It introduces the many types of numeric and special-use data types. It also explains conversions between data types, and the importance of type precedence.
- Introducing SQL Server 2016 Data Types
- Working with Character Data
- Working with Date and Time Data
Lab : Working with SQL Server 2016 Data Types
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe numeric data types, type precedence and type conversions.
- Write queries using character data types.
- Write queries using date and time data types.
Module 7: Using DML to Modify DataThis module describes the use of Transact-SQL Data Manipulation Language to perform inserts, updates, and deletes to your data.
- Inserting Data
- Modifying and Deleting Data
Lab : Using DML to Modify Data
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Insert new data into your tables.
- Update and delete existing records in your tables.
Module 8: Using Built-In Functions
This module introduces the use of functions that are built in to SQL Server Denali, and will discuss some common usages including data type conversion, testing for logical results and nullability.
- Writing Queries with Built-In Functions
- Using Conversion Functions
- Using Logical Functions
- Using Functions to Work with NULL
Lab : Using Built-In Functions
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Write queries with built-in scalar functions.
- Use conversion functions.
- Use logical functions.
- Use functions that work with NULL.
Module 9: Grouping and Aggregating Data
This module introduces methods for grouping data within a query, aggregating the grouped data and filtering groups with HAVING. The module is designed to help the student grasp why a SELECT clause has restrictions placed upon column naming in the GROUP BY clause as well as which columns may be listed in the SELECT clause.
- Using Aggregate Functions
- Using the GROUP BY Clause
- Filtering Groups with HAVING
Lab : Grouping and Aggregating Data
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Write queries which summarise data using built-in aggregate functions.
- Use the GROUP BY clause to arrange rows into groups.
- Use the HAVING clause to filter out groups based on a search condition.
Module 10: Using Subqueries
This module will introduce the use of subqueries in various parts of a SELECT statement. It will include the use of scalar and multi-result subqueries, and the use of the IN and EXISTS operators.
- Writing Self-Contained Subqueries
- Writing Correlated Subqueries
- Using the EXISTS Predicate with Subqueries
Lab : Using Subqueries
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the uses of queries which are nested within other queries.
- Write self-contained subqueries which return scalar or multi-valued results.
- Write correlated subqueries which return scalar or multi-valued results.
- Use the EXISTS predicate to efficiently check for the existence of rows in a subquery.
Module 11: Using Set Operators
This module introduces the set operators UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT to compare rows between two input sets.
- Writing Queries with the UNION Operator
- Using APPLY
Lab : Using SET Operators
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Write queries using UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT operators.
- Use the APPLY operator.
Course 20762A: Developing SQL Databases
Module 1: Introduction to Database Development
This module is used to introduce the entire SQL Server platform and its major tools. It will cover editions, versions, basics of network listeners, and concepts of services and service accounts.
- Introduction to the SQL Server Platform
- SQL Server Database Development Tasks
Lab : SQL Server Database Development Tasks
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the SQL Server platform.
- Use SQL Server administration tools.
Module 2: Designing and Implementing Tables
This modules describes the design and implementation of tables. (Note: partitioned tables are not covered).
- Designing Tables
- Data Types
- Working with Schemas
- Creating and Altering Tables
Lab : Designing and Implementing Tables
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Design Tables
- Describe the various types of data
- Be able to work with schemas
- Be able to create and amend tables
Module 3: Advanced Table Designs
This module describes more advanced table designs.
- Partitioning data
- Compressing Data
- Temporal Tables
Lab : Using Advanced Table Designs
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe how data can be partitioned
- Describe how data can be compressed.
- Describe Temporal tables
Module 4: Ensuring Data Integrity through Constraints
This module describes the design and implementation of constraints.
- Enforcing data Integrity
- Implementing Domain Integrity
- Implementing Entity and Referential Integrity
Lab : Ensuring Data Integrity through Constraints
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe how to enforce data integrity
- Describe how to implement domain integrity
- Describe how to implement entity and referential integrity
Module 5: Introduction to Indexes
This module describes the concept of an index and discusses selectivity, density and statistics. It covers appropriate data type choices and choices around composite index structures.
- Core Indexing Concepts
- Data Types and Indexes
- Single Column and Composite Indexes
Lab : Implementing Indexes
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Explain the need for indexes and describe the core concepts of index design
- Choose appropriate data types for indexes
- Design single column and composite indexes
Module 6: Designing Optimised Index Strategies
This module includes covering indexes and the INCLUDE clause, hints, padding / fillfactor, statistics. It also execution plans and the DTE Lessons.
- Covering Indexes
- Managing Indexes
- Execution Plans
- Using the DTE
Lab : Designing Optimised Index Strategies
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Choose an appropriate table structure
- Implement clustered indexes and heaps
Module 7: Columnstore Indexes
This module introduces Columnstore indexes.
- Introduction to Columnstore indexes
- Creating Columnstore indexes
- Working Columnstore indexes
Lab : Using Columnstore indexes
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe suitable scenarios for Columnstore indexes
- Create clustered and non-clustered Columnstore indexes
- Describe considerations for updating non-clustered Columnstore indexed tables
Module 8: Designing and Implementing Views
This module describes the design and implementation of views.
- Introduction to views
- Creating and managing views
- Performance considerations for views
Lab : Designing and Implementing Views
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Explain the concept of views
- Design, Create and Alter Views
- Create Partitioned Views
Module 9: Designing and Implementing Stored Procedures
This module describes the design and implementation of stored procedures.
- Introduction to Stored Procedures
- Working with Stored Procedures
- Implementing Parameterised Stored Procedures
- Controlling Execution Context
Lab : Designing and Implementing Stored Procedures
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Design, Create and Alter Stored Procedures
- Control the Execution Context of Stored Procedures
- Implement Stored Procedures that use Parameters
Module 10: Designing and Implementing User-Defined Functions
This module describes the design and implementation of functions, both scalar and table-valued. (Also discusses where they can lead to performance issues).
- Overview of Functions
- Designing and Implementing Scalar Functions
- Designing and Implementing Table-Valued Functions
- Implementation Considerations for Functions
- Alternatives to Functions
Lab : Designing and Implementing User-defined Functions
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Design, create and alter scalar functions
- Design, create and alter table-valued functions
- Describe the performance impacts of functions
Module 11: Responding to Data Manipulation via Triggers
This module describes the design and implementation of triggers.
- Designing DML Triggers
- Implementing DML Triggers
- Advanced Trigger Concepts
Lab : Responding to Data Manipulation via Triggers
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Design DML triggers
- Implement DML triggers
- Work with Nested and Recursive Triggers
Module 12: Using In-Memory Tables
This module covers the creation of in-memory tables and native stored procedures. Furthermore, advantages of in-memory tables are discussed, for example the removal of transaction blocking.
- In-Memory tables
- Native Stored Procedures
Lab : In Memory OLTP
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Implement in-memory tables
- Implement native stored procedures
Module 13: Implementing Managed Code in SQL Server
This module describes the implementation of and target use-cases for SQL CLR integration.
- Introduction to SQL CLR Integration
- Importing and Configuring Assemblies
- Implementing SQL CLR Integration
Lab : Implementing Managed Code in SQL Server
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe SQL CLR Integration
- Detail appropriate use cases for SQL CLR Integration
- Implement SQL CLR code
Module 14: Storing and Querying XML Data in SQL Server
This module covers the XML data type, schema collections, typed and un-typed columns and appropriate use cases for XML in SQL Server.
- Introduction to XML and XML Schemas
- Storing XML Data and Schemas in SQL Server
- Implementing the XML Data Type
- Using the T-SQL FOR XML Statement
- Getting Started with xQuery
Lab : Storing and Querying XML Data in SQL Server
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Explain the purpose and structure of XML and XML schemas
- Describe how XML data and schemas can be stored in SQL Server
- Implement the XML data type
Module 15: Working with SQL Server Spatial Data
This module describes spatial data and how this data can be implemented within SQL Server.
- Introduction to Spatial Data
- Working with SQL Server Spatial Data Types
- Using Spatial Data in Applications
Lab : Working with SQL Server Spatial Data
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe how spatial data can be stored in SQL Server
- Use basic methods of the GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY data types
- Query databases containing spatial data
Module 16: Storing and Querying Blobs and Text Documents in SQL Server
This module covers full text indexes and queries.
- Considerations for BLOB Data
- Working with FileStream
- Using Full-Text Search
Lab : Storing and Querying Blobs and Text Documents in SQL Server
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the need for full-text indexing in SQL Server
- Implement a full-text index
- Perform basic full-text queries
Som en del af dit kursus vil du blive forberedt på, og eksamineret i, følgende eksamen, som er dækket af din certificeringsgaranti:
>- Exam 70-761: Querying Data with Transact-SQL
- Exam 70-762: Developing SQL Databases
Hvad er inkluderet?
Microsoft Official Curriculum
- MOC 20761C - Querying Data with Transact-SQL
- MOC 20762C - Developing SQL Databases
Ud over professionel erfaring, skal du have teknisk viden inden for følgende:
- Praktisk kendskab til relationelle databaser
- Grundlæggende viden om Microsoft Windows operativsystem og dens kernefunktionalitet.
- Praktisk kendskab til Transact-SQL.
Hvad Er Inkluderet
Dit accelererede kursus inkluderer:
- Overnatninger *
- Måltider, ubegrænsede snacks, drikkevarer, te og kaffe *
- On-site eksamener **
- Eksamenskuponer **
- Øvelsestests **
- Certificeringsgaranti ***
- Kursusmaterialer
- Op til 12 timers instruktørledet undervisning hver dag
- 24-timers laboratorieadgang
- Digitale kursusmaterialer **
* Gælder kun for opholdskurser. Overnatninger er inkluderet fra natten før kursusstart. Dette gælder ikke for online kurser.
** Nogle undtagelser gælder. Se venligst eksamenssporet eller tal med vores eksperter.
*** Bestå første gang eller tag kurset om gratis så mange gange som nødvendigt, ubegrænset i 1 år. Betal kun for overnatninger, eksamener og eventuelle omkostninger.
Syv grunde til at tage dit kursus hos Firebrand Training
- To træningsmuligheder. Vælg mellem opholdskurser eller onlinekurser.
- Du bliver certificeret hurtigt. Hos os bliver du trænet på rekordtid.
- Vores kursus er alt inklusive. Én fast pris dækker alle kursusmaterialer, eksamener**, overnatninger* og måltider*. Ingen skjulte omkostninger.
- Bestå første gang eller træn igen gratis. Dette er vores garanti. Vi er sikre på, at du består dit kursus første gang. Hvis ikke, kan du komme tilbage inden for et år og kun betale for overnatninger, eksamener og tilfældige omkostninger.
- Du vil lære mere. En dag hos en traditionel træningsudbyder varer normalt fra kl. 9 til 17, med en lang frokostpause. Med Firebrand Training får du mindst 12 timers kvalitetstid om dagen med din instruktør.
- Du vil lære hurtigere. Chancerne er, at du har en anden læringsstil end dem omkring dig. Vi kombinerer visuelle, auditive og taktile stilarter for at levere materialet på en måde, der sikrer, at du lærer hurtigere og lettere.
- Du vil studere med de bedste. Vi er blevet udnævnt til en af Training Industry's "Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year" hvert år siden 2010. Ud over at vinde mange flere priser, har vi trænet og certificeret over 135.000 professionelle.
* Kun for opholdskurser. Gælder ikke for onlinekurser.
** Nogle undtagelser gælder. Se venligst eksamenssporet eller tal med vores eksperter.
Forespørgsel om dato
Beklager, der er i øjeblikket ingen tilgængelige datoer for dette kursus, så send venligst en forespørgsel, og et af vores team vil kontakte dig om potentielle fremtidige datoer eller alternative muligheder.
De kontaktoplysninger, du giver, giver os mulighed for at besvare din forespørgsel og kontakte dig om vores produkter og tjenester. Du kan til enhver tid afmelde dig disse meddelelser. For oplysninger om, hvordan du afmelder dig, samt vores privatlivspraksis og forpligtelse til at beskytte dit privatliv, bedes du læse vores fortrolighedserklæring.