ISC2 - CCFP Certified Cyber Forensics Professional course



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Klasseværelse / Online / Hybrid

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30/9/2024 (Mandag)

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The CCFP consists of the following six domains:

Legal and Ethical Principles

This domain addresses ethical behavior and compliance with regulatory frameworks.

  • Nature of Evidence
  • Chain of Custody
  • Rules of Procedure
  • Role of Expert Witness
  • Codes of Ethics


This domain encompasses the investigative measures and techniques required to gather digital evidence.

  • Investigative Process
  • Evidence Management
  • Criminal Investigations
  • Civil Investigations
  • Administrative Investigations
  • Response to Security Incidents
  • e-Discovery
  • Intellectual Property

Forensic Science

This domain entails applying a broad spectrum of sciences and technologies to investigate and establish facts in relation to criminal or civil law.

  • Fundamental Principles
  • Forensic Methods
  • Forensic Planning & Analysis
  • Report Writing & Presentation
  • QA, Control, Management
  • Evidence Analysis Correlation

Digital Forensics

This domain refers to the collection of any digital evidence which can be defined as data stored or transmitted via electronic means.

  • Media & File System Forensics
  • Operating Systems Forensics
  • Network Forensics
  • Mobile Devices
  • Multimedia & Content
  • Virtual System Forensics
  • Forensic Techniques & Tools
  • Anti-Forensic Tech & Tools

Application Forensics

This domain addresses the forensics complexities of the many application types that a CCFP candidate may encounter during a forensic investigation.

  • Software Forensics
  • Web, Email, Messaging
  • Database Forensics
  • Malware Forensics

Hybrid and Emerging Technologies

This domain contains the ever-evolving technologies that a CCFP candidate will be expected to understand.

  • Cloud Forensics
  • Social Networks
  • Big Data Paradigm
  • Control Systems
  • Critical Infrastructure
  • Virtual/Augmented Reality


Official ISC2 Training Provider

You'll prepare for and sit the following exam on site:

  • Certified Cyber Forensics Professional: CCFP - CCFP-EU


In order to get your CCFP certification you must have a four-year Bachelor's degree, or regional equivalent, as well as three years of full-time IT security or digital forensics experience in three out of the six domains of CCFP. If you do not hold a four-year Bachelor's degree, you must have six years of full time experience in three out of six domains.

If you have a different forensics certification approved by (ISC)2®, you may get a one-year professional experience waiver.

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"It was time-consuming and exhausting, but worth every second. The instructor was friendly and open for all questions, during and after hours. Best training experience ever, would definitely return for more training. Also, the food was great."
I.K. (26/10/2015 (Mandag) til 30/10/2015 (Fredag))

"Firebrand's Bootcamps are the only way to train for busy individuals with day jobs and home lives."
Steve Bates, Rolls Royce. (2/3/2015 (Mandag) til 6/3/2015 (Fredag))

"I really like "full immersion" method, and Firebrand executes it well. It is work though to get through, do not think you get through it easily."
Michiel Mulder, Kahuna Network Solutions. (2/3/2015 (Mandag) til 6/3/2015 (Fredag))

"It was time-consuming and exhausting, but worth every second. The instructor was friendly and open for all questions, during and after hours. Best training experience ever, would definitely return for more training. Also, the food was great."
I.K. (26/10/2015 (Mandag) til 30/10/2015 (Fredag))

"Firebrand's Bootcamps are the only way to train for busy individuals with day jobs and home lives."
Steve Bates, Rolls Royce. (2/3/2015 (Mandag) til 6/3/2015 (Fredag))







27/5/2024 (Mandag)

31/5/2024 (Fredag)

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