From 2 days
04.03.2025 (tirsdag)
Du vil lære
1 Introduction and History of Cryptography
- What is Cryptography?
- History
- Mono-Alphabet Substitution
- Caesar Cipher
- Atbash Cipher
- ROT 13
- Scytale
- Single Substitution Weaknesses
- Multi-Alphabet Substitution
- Cipher Disk
- Vigenère Cipher
- Vigenère Cipher: Example
- Breaking the Vigenère Cipher
- Playfair
- The ADFGVX cipher
- The Enigma Machine
- CrypTool
2 Symmetric Cryptography & Hashes
- Symmetric Cryptography
- Information Theory
- Information Theory Cryptography Concepts
- Kerckhoffs's Principle
- Substitution
- Transposition
- Substitution and Transposition
- Binary M
- ath
- Binary AND
- Binary OR
- Binary XOR
- Block Cipher vs. Stream Cipher
- Symmetric Block Cipher Algorithms
- Basic Facts of the Feistel Function
- The Feistel Function
- A Simple View of a Single Round
- Unbalanced Feistel Cipher
- 3DES
- DESx
- Whitening
- AES General Overview
- AES Specifics
- Blowfish
- Serpent
- Twofish
- Skipjack
- Symmetric Algorithm Methods
- Electronic Codebook (ECB)
- Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC)
- Propagating Cipher-Block Chaining (PCBC)
- Cipher Feedback (CFB)
- Output Feedback (OFB)
- Counter (CTR)
- Initialisation Vector (IV)
- Symmetric Stream Ciphers
- Example of Symmetric Stream Ciphers: RC4
- Example of Symmetric Stream Ciphers: FISH
- Example of Symmetric Stream Ciphers: PIKE
- Hash
- Hash – Salt
- MD5
- The MD5 Algorithm
- MD6
- Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)
- Fork 256
- RIPEMD – 160
- Tiger
- CryptoBench
3 Number Theory and Asymmetric Cryptography
- Asymmetric Encryption
- Basic Number Facts
- Prime Numbers
- Co-Prime
- Eulers Totient
- Modulus Operator
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Birthday Problem
- Birthday Theorem
- Birthday Attack
- Random Number Generators
- Classification of Random Number Generators
- Naor-Reingold and Mersenne Twister Pseudorandom Function
- Linear Congruential Generator
- Lehmer Random Number Generator
- Lagged Fibonacci Generator
- Diffie-Hellman
- Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA)
- RSA – How it Works
- RSA Example
- Menezes–Qu–Vanstone
- Digital Signature Algorithm
- Signing with DSA
- Elliptic Curve
- Elliptic Curve Variations
- Elgamal
- CrypTool
4 Applications of Cryptography
- Digital Signatures
- What is a Digital Certificate?
- Digital Certificates
- X.509
- X.509 Certificates
- X.509 Certificate Content
- X.509 Certificate File Extensions
- Certificate Authority (CA)
- Registration Authority (RA)
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
- Digital Certificate Terminology
- Server-based Certificate Validation Protocol
- Digital Certificate Management
- Trust Models
- Certificates and Web Servers
- Microsoft Certificate Services
- Windows Certificates: certmgr.msc
- Authentication
- Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
- Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (S-PAP)
- Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
- Kerberos
- Components of Kerberos System
- Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
- PGP Certificates
- Wifi Encryption
- Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
- WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access
- WPA2
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
- Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol VPN
- Internet Protocol Security VPN
- Encrypting Files
- Backing up the EFS key
- Restoring the EFS Key
- Bitlocker
- Bitlocker: Screenshot
- Disk Encryption Software: Truecrypt
- Steganography
- Steganography Terms
- Historical Steganography
- Steganography Details
- Other Forms of Steganography
- Steganography Implementations
- Demonstration
- Steganalysis
- Steganalysis – Raw Quick Pair
- Steganalysis - Chi-Square Analysis
- Steganalysis - Audio Steganalysis
- Steganography Detection Tools
- National Security Agency and Cryptography
- NSA Suite A Encryption Algorithms
- NSA Suite B Encryption Algorithms
- National Security Agency: Type 1 Algorithms
- National Security Agency: Type 2 Algorithms
- National Security Agency: Type 3 Algorithms
- National Security Agency: Type 4 Algorithms
- Unbreakable Encryption
5 Applications of Cryptography
- Breaking Ciphers
- Cryptanalysis
- Frequency Analysis
- Kasiski
- Cracking Modern Cryptography
- Cracking Modern Cryptography: Chosen Plaintext Attack
- Linear Cryptanalysis
- Differential Cryptanalysis
- Integral Cryptanalysis
- Cryptanalysis Resources
- Cryptanalysis Success
- Rainbow Tables
- Password Cracking
- Tools
You'll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training Centre, covered by your Certification Guarantee:
ECES exam code 212-81
Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: 50
- Passing Score: 70%
- Test Duration: 2 Hours
- Test Format: Multiple Choice
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You do not need to possess any prerequisites for this certification.
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- Overnatninger *
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- 24-timers laboratorieadgang
- Digitale kursusmaterialer **
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- Du vil lære mere. En dag hos en traditionel træningsudbyder varer normalt fra kl. 9 til 17, med en lang frokostpause. Med Firebrand Training får du mindst 12 timers kvalitetstid om dagen med din instruktør.
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