CSCMP - SCPro™ Certification



Kun 5 dage



Klasseværelse / Online / Hybrid

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Næste dato:

24/6/2024 (Mandag)


This accelerated CSCMP SCPro™ Certification course, offers state-of-the-art training and certification programs that provide knowledge, best practices, and credentials to help professionals make impactful changes in their careers and organizations.

CSCMP certifications and training are unique in the supply chain association space in that we are all-inclusive, representing the end-to-end supply chain, which means our training and development includes all verticals from sourcing to customer service, and are applicable to all industries and business types.

Leveraged for career growth, SCPro™ is the only certification that requires knowledge of the eight learning blocks that comprise the end-to-end supply chain, as defined by CSCMP. This process validates an individual’s ability to strategically assess business challenges and effectively implement supply chain improvements through the analysis of real-world case studies and developing a comprehensive project plan to achieve results such as a positive ROI.

In just 5 days, you’ll learn Supply chain management principles. You’ll also learn:

  • Customer service operations
  • Transportation operations
  • Warehousing operations
  • Demand planning
  • Inventory management
  • Manufacturing and service operations
  • Supply management and procurement

At the end of this course, you’ll sit the CSCMP exam, and achieve your SCPro™ certification.

Through Firebrand’s Lecture | Lab | Review methodology, you’ll get certified at twice the speed of the traditional training and get access to courseware, learn from certified instructors, and train in a distraction-free environment.


This course is ideal for:

  • A range of professionals working in the industry.


Module 1: SCPro™ Level One is the only industry certification that covers the comprehensive supply chain, from end-to-end, and requires candidates to demonstrate their knowledge of the eight Cornerstones of Supply Chain Management via a multiple-choice exam.

  • Integrated Supply Chain Management
  • Demand and Supply Integration
  • Supply Management and Procurement
  • Manufacturing and Service Operations
  • Transportation
  • Inventory Management Warehousing
  • Order Fulfilment and Customer Service

Module 2: SCPro™ Level Two certification candidates are presented with a global supply chain business scenario that requires analysis, identification of areas for optimization, and recommendations for how to make the supply chain more efficient. Successful completion of the SCPro™ Level Two case-based certification exam, demonstrates the ability to integrate supply chain management knowledge and problem-solving skills.

  • Risk Assessment and Management
  • Supply Chain Strategy
  • Supply Chain Finance
  • Supply Chain Network Design
  • External Process Integration
  • Internal Process Integration
  • Sustainability

Module 3: SCPro™ Level Three: Initiation of Supply Chain Transformation

The highest SCPro™ designation requires an unprecedented use of practical application, a ground-breaking advance among supply chain certifications. Candidates must perform hands-on analysis of a working organization and create a detailed project plan that generates real results, such as increased ROI or improved cycle times. The SCPro™ Level Three is not limited to an independent project. Candidates are paired with an academic advisor who serves as a mentor throughout this process, then are evaluated by a panel of supply chain experts. Level Three SCPros™ are true leaders who have proven their worth.

Exam Track

At the end of this accelerated course, you’ll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training centre, covered by your Certification Guarantee:

SCPro™ Certification

SCPro™ Level One Exam:

  • This multiple-choice exam assesses your knowledge of the eight elements of supply chain management. 160-multiple choice questions
  • Divided into eight different areas – covering the entire supply chain

SCPro™ Level Two Certification Exam

This case study-based exam assesses your ability to apply supply chain knowledge.

Comprised of a business case that presents the following information:

  • Detailed summary of a fictitious organization’s current strategies and operations including its strengths
  • Industry, environmental, and competitive issues facing the organization
  • Overview of the organization's current supply chain network and logistics processes
  • Response is entered online in an essay format
  • Four hours are allowed to complete the case study analysis
  • Grading is completed independently by two industry experts
  • Results are presented to candidate generally about four to six weeks after the close of the testing window.
  • Eligible candidates who receive a passing score are awarded a certificate of accomplishment generally about three weeks after the score is presented.

SCPro™ Level Three: Initiation of Supply Chain Transformation

The highest SCPro™ designation requires candidates to:

  • Perform a hands-on analysis of a working organization and create a detailed project plan that generates real results, such as increased ROI or improved cycle times.
  • Candidates are paired with an academic advisor who serves as a mentor throughout this process, then are evaluated by a panel of supply chain experts.

What's Included

Det hele er inkluderet! Du får en alt-inklusiv kursuspakke, som er målrettet til dine behov. Vi tager os af enhver detalje, så det eneste du skal fokusere på er dine lærings- og certificeringsmål.

  • Transport til/fra specifikke afhentningssteder
  • Overnatninger, samtlige måltider samt adgang til forfriskninger, snacks, kaffe og the.
  • Intensiv Hands-on uddannelse med vores unikke (Lecture | Lab | Review)TM metode
  • Omfattende kursusmaterialer og labmanualer
  • Et helt igennem instruktørstyret program
  • 24 timers adgang til både undervisningslokale og instruktøren
  • Samtlige måltider samt adgang til forfriskninger, snacks, kaffe og the.
  • Certificeringsgaranti


Before attending this accelerated course, you should have:

  • Bachelor’s degree higher from an accredited university or college
  • Five years of relevant supply chain management experience

Er du klar til dit Firebrand Kursus?

Vi interviewer alle potentielle deltagere angående deres baggrund, uddannelser, certificeringer og personlig indstilling. Hvis du kommer igennem denne screeningsprocedure, betyder det, at du har rigtig gode chancer for at bestå.

Firebrand Training tilbyder et ambitiøst uddannelsesmiljø, som forudsætter at du dedikerer dig til kurset. Ovenstående forkundskaber er vejledende; mange deltagere med mindre erfaring, men med en anden baggrund eller færdigheder, har haft succes med accelereret uddannelse hos Firebrand Training.

Hvis du funderer på hvorvidt du opfylder de anbefalede forkundskaber, er du meget velkommen til at ringe til os på 89 88 66 05 og tale med en af vores uddannelsesrådgivere, som kan hjælpe dig.


Her er Firebrand Training review afsnit. Siden 2001 har vi trænet præcist 134.561 studerende og professionelle og bedt dem alle om at gennemgå vores Accelerated Learning. Lige nu har 96,41% sagt, at Firebrand har overgået deres forventninger.

Læs anmeldelser fra de seneste accelererede kurser nedenfor, eller besøg Firebrand Stories for skriftlige og videointerviews med vores alumner.

"I had a great time. The instructor is very knowledgeable and his training is on point. Two exams in 2 days is a lot. But he makes it doable."
Juan van Gom, Ministry of Defense Netherlands. (19/1/2024 (Fredag) til 21/1/2024 (Søndag))

"Detailed and thorough training in a great environment."
Anonymous, SYP. (8/1/2024 (Mandag) til 12/1/2024 (Fredag))

"I attended the Cyber Crime Foundation course with very little knowledge.. The instructor was fantastic, explained subjects in depth and allowed a good amount of time for questions. I came away with lots of knowledge ready to use what I've learnt in my day-to-day role."
JS. (8/1/2024 (Mandag) til 12/1/2024 (Fredag))

"I very much enjoyed the training! It is a must for police officers new to Cyber Crime Units and is delivered at a good pace. Very good trainer with exceptional knowledge and enthusiasm."
Steve Lloyd, West Mercia Police. (8/1/2024 (Mandag) til 12/1/2024 (Fredag))

"I have really enjoyed the course, although I have been a self-professed nerd for many years, there was still some knowledge I took from this course. The tutorials on practical applications is something I will take away and use."
Joseph Ingram-Gettins, West Midlands Police. (8/1/2024 (Mandag) til 12/1/2024 (Fredag))







19/2/2024 (Mandag)

23/2/2024 (Fredag)

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