CREST - Certified Web Application Tester (CCTT APP)



Kun 4 dage



Klasseværelse / Online / Hybrid

Næste dato

Næste dato:

30/9/2024 (Mandag)


The accelerated CREST Certified Web Application Tester (CCTT APP) certification is an assessment of the candidate’s ability to find vulnerabilities in bespoke web applications.  The examination uses specially designed applications running on a variety of web application platforms and now covers a wider scope than purely traditional web applications to include more recent advances in the field of web application technology and security. The candidate will be expected to demonstrate that they are able to find a range of security flaws and vulnerabilities, including proving the ability to exploit and leverage the flaws to ascertain the impact of the issues found.

In addition to traditional web application security, it is advised that candidates familiarise themselves with the following topics which are included in the practical examination and also may be included in the written components:

  • Flash Application Testing
  • .Net Thick Clients
  • Java Applets
  • Identification of functionality within client-side code that is accessible only to privileged users
  • Vulnerabilities in increasingly prevalent application frameworks – e.g. Rails
  • Identification of more recent SSL vulnerabilities – e.g. BEAST
  • HTTP Header Fields relating to security features – e.g. HSTS
  • Decompilation of client-side code – e.g. Flash, Java, .Net
  • Web Server security misconfigurations – e.g. WebDAV

At the end of this course, you’ll achieve your CREST Certified Web Application Tester (CCTT APP) certification. Through Firebrand’s Lecture | Lab | Review methodology, you’ll get certified at twice the speed of the traditional training and get access to courseware, learn from certified instructors, and train in a distraction-free environment.



  • The CREST Practitioner level examinations are the entry level professional exams and are aimed at individuals with around 2,500 hours (two years) of relevant and frequent experience.
  • The CREST Registered level examinations are the next step and by passing this you are demonstrating your commitment as an information security tester.  Typically, candidates wishing to sit a Registered examination should have at least 6,000 hours (three years or more) of relevant and frequent experience.
  • The CREST Certified level examinations are designed to set the benchmark for senior professionals. These are the certifications to which most aspire and the examinations are aimed at individuals with approximately 10,000 hours (five to six years) of relevant and frequent experience.The above timescales are recommended, not mandatory.


  • Module 1: Flash Application Testing
  • Module 2: .Net Thick Clients
  • Module 3: Java Applets
  • Module 4: Identification of functionality within client-side code that is accessible only to privileged users
  • Module 5: Vulnerabilities in increasingly prevalent application frameworks – e.g. Rails
  • Module 6: Identification of more recent SSL vulnerabilities – e.g. BEAST
  • Module 7: HTTP Header Fields relating to security features – e.g. HSTS
  • Module 8: Decompilation of client-side code – e.g. Flash, Java, .Net
  • Module 9: Web Server security misconfigurations – e.g. WebDAV


Exam Track

  • At the end of this accelerated course, you’ll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training centre, covered Certification Guarantee:

    CREST Certified Web Application Tester (CCTT APP) Exam

    • Duration: 3 hours
    • Format: 150 multiple choice questions
    • Number of questions: 150
    • Passing score: 60%

What's Included

Det hele er inkluderet! Du får en alt-inklusiv kursuspakke, som er målrettet til dine behov. Vi tager os af enhver detalje, så det eneste du skal fokusere på er dine lærings- og certificeringsmål.

  • Transport til/fra specifikke afhentningssteder
  • Overnatninger, samtlige måltider samt adgang til forfriskninger, snacks, kaffe og the.
  • Intensiv Hands-on uddannelse med vores unikke (Lecture | Lab | Review)TM metode
  • Omfattende kursusmaterialer og labmanualer
  • Et helt igennem instruktørstyret program
  • 24 timers adgang til både undervisningslokale og instruktøren
  • Samtlige måltider samt adgang til forfriskninger, snacks, kaffe og the.
  • Certificeringsgaranti


    • The CREST Practitioner level examinations are the entry level professional exams and are aimed at individuals with around 2,500 hours (two years) of relevant and frequent experience.
    • The CREST Registered level examinations are the next step and by passing this you are demonstrating your commitment as an information security tester.  Typically, candidates wishing to sit a Registered examination should have at least 6,000 hours (three years or more) of relevant and frequent experience.
    • The CREST Certified level examinations are designed to set the benchmark for senior professionals. These are the certifications to which most aspire and the examinations are aimed at individuals with approximately 10,000 hours (five to six years) of relevant and frequent experience.The above timescales are recommended, not mandatory.

Er du klar til dit Firebrand Kursus?

Vi interviewer alle potentielle deltagere angående deres baggrund, uddannelser, certificeringer og personlig indstilling. Hvis du kommer igennem denne screeningsprocedure, betyder det, at du har rigtig gode chancer for at bestå.

Firebrand Training tilbyder et ambitiøst uddannelsesmiljø, som forudsætter at du dedikerer dig til kurset. Ovenstående forkundskaber er vejledende; mange deltagere med mindre erfaring, men med en anden baggrund eller færdigheder, har haft succes med accelereret uddannelse hos Firebrand Training.

Hvis du funderer på hvorvidt du opfylder de anbefalede forkundskaber, er du meget velkommen til at ringe til os på 89 88 66 05 og tale med en af vores uddannelsesrådgivere, som kan hjælpe dig.


Her er Firebrand Training review afsnit. Siden 2001 har vi trænet præcist 134.561 studerende og professionelle og bedt dem alle om at gennemgå vores Accelerated Learning. Lige nu har 96,24% sagt, at Firebrand har overgået deres forventninger.

Læs anmeldelser fra de seneste accelererede kurser nedenfor, eller besøg Firebrand Stories for skriftlige og videointerviews med vores alumner.

"Great to learn with a motivated and fun instructor who genuinely wants you to succeed. The training environment and those you are learning with was motivating and promoted positive engagement and interaction. In summary, an excellent course and teach method."
JC. (18/9/2023 (Mandag) til 21/9/2023 (Torsdag))

"Firebrand had good communication before the course began, the instructor was knowledgeable and credible, and covered many aspects of both CTI and management, in good detail."
Anonymous. (18/9/2023 (Mandag) til 21/9/2023 (Torsdag))

"Thanks to our instructor, I really enjoyed the course, materials was explained and taught well. He has a deep knowledge of Cyber Security and I’m looking forward to sitting my exam!"
Toju Nanna, Proact IT. (8/8/2023 (Tirsdag) til 11/8/2023 (Fredag))

"Instructor was patient, explained well, interactive"
RW. (1/8/2023 (Tirsdag) til 4/8/2023 (Fredag))

"The instructor was very knowledgeable and able to answer questions proficiently. In regards to practical application of threat intelligence, the instructor provided useful recommendations"
Anonym (1/8/2023 (Tirsdag) til 4/8/2023 (Fredag))







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