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06.01.2025 (mandag)
Få Cisco CCNA og CCNA Security certificeringer på blot en enkelt arbejdsuge. Først lærer du at installere, konfigurere, betjene og fejlfinde mellemstore router og switches. Sikkerhedsdelen af kurset introducerer dig til de centrale netsikkerheds- teknologier.
Firebrand Training er officiel Cisco Specialized Learning Partner. Det betyder, at du bliver uddannet af autoriserede Cisco instruktører, at vi anvender Cisco´s officielle kursusmateriale og at din uddannelse er kvalitetssikret. Vi tilbyder alle Cisco kurser fra grundlæggende til professionelt niveau.
Ved afslutningen af dette CCNA & CCNA Security kursus, vil du vide hvordan du kan:
- Forstå OSI og TCP netværksmodeller
- Implementere en IP adressering
- Gennemføre et koblet netværk ved hjælp af VLANs
- Forstå begreber inden for WLAN
- Implementere Cisco netværk ved hjælp af RIPv2, OSPF og eigrp protokoller
- Konfigurere og fejlfinde WAN forbindelser vha. serielle protokoller og Frame Relay
- Konfigurere Cisco router, der bruger IOS sikkerhedsfunktioner
- Konfigurere ”Intrusion” forebyggelse på Cisco-enheder
- Forstå firewall funktionerne på Cisco-enheder
I løbet af dette Cisco CCNA & CCNA Security kursus , vil du få følgende certificeringer:
- Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT)
- Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
- Cisco Certified Network Associate Security
Du vil lære
Du vil lære om følgende indhold:
Operation of IP Data Networks
- Recognize the purpose and functions of various network devices such as Routers, Switches, Bridges and Hubs.
- Select the components required to meet a given network specification.
- Identify common applications and their impact on the network
- Describe the purpose and basic operation of the protocols in the OSI and TCP/IP models.
- Predict the data flow between two hosts across a network.
- Identify the appropriate media, cables, ports, and connectors to connect Cisco network devices to other network devices and hosts in a LAN
LAN Switching Technologies
- Determine the technology and media access control method for Ethernet networks
- Identify basic switching concepts and the operation of Cisco switches.
- Collision Domains
- Broadcast Domains
- Types of switching
- CAM Table
- Configure and verify initial switch configuration including remote access management.
- Cisco IOS commands to perform basic switch setup
- Verify network status and switch operation using basic utilities such as ping, telnet and ssh.
- Describe how VLANs create logically separate networks and the need for routing between them.
- Explain network segmentation and basic traffic management concepts
- Configure and verify VLANs
- Configure and verify trunking on Cisco switches
- Auto negotiation
IP addressing (IPv4 / IPv6)
- Describe the operation and necessity of using private and public IP addresses for IPv4 addressing
- Identify the appropriate IPv6 addressing scheme to satisfy addressing requirements in a LAN/WAN environment.
- Identify the appropriate IPv4 addressing scheme using VLSM and summarization to satisfy addressing requirements in a LAN/WAN environment.
- Describe the technological requirements for running IPv6 in conjunction with IPv4 such as dual stack
- Describe IPv6 addresses
- Global unicast
- Multicast
- Link local
- Unique local
- eui 64
- autoconfiguration
IP Routing Technologies
- Describe basic routing concepts
- Packet forwarding
- Router lookup process
- Configure and verify utilizing the CLI to set basic Router configuration
- Cisco IOS commands to perform basic router setup
- Configure and verify operation status of an ethernet interface
- Verify router configuration and network connectivity
- Cisco IOS commands to review basic router information and network connectivity
- Configure and verify routing configuration for a static or default route given specific routing requirements
- Differentiate methods of routing and routing protocols
- Static vs. Dynamic
- Link state vs. Distance Vector
- next hop
- ip routing table
- Passive interfaces
- Configure and verify OSPF (single area)
- Benefit of single area
- Configure OSPF v2
- Configure OSPF v3
- Router ID
- Passive interface
- Configure and verify interVLAN routing (Router on a stick)
- sub interfaces
- upstream routing
- encapsulation
- Configure SVI interfaces
IP Services
- Configure and verify DHCP (IOS Router)
- configuring router interfaces to use DHCP
- DHCP options
- excluded addresses
- lease time
- Describe the types, features, and applications of ACLs
- Standard
- Sequence numbers
- Editing
- Extended
- Named
- Numbered
- Log option
- Configure and verify ACLs in a network environment
- Named
- Numbered
- Log option
- Identify the basic operation of NAT
- Purpose
- Pool
- Static
- 1 to 1
- Overloading
- Source addressing
- One way NAT
- Configure and verify NAT for given network requirements
- Configure and verify NTP as a client
Network Device Security
- Configure and verify network device security features such as
- Device password security
- Enable secret vs enable
- Transport
- Disable telnet
- VTYs
- Physical security
- Service password
- Describe external authentication methods
- Configure and verify Switch Port Security features such as
- Sticky MAC
- MAC address limitation
- Static / dynamic
- Violation modes
- Err disable
- Shutdown
- Protect restrict
- Shutdown unused ports
- Err disable recovery
- Assign unused ports to an unused VLAN
- Setting native VLAN to other than VLAN 1
- Configure and verify ACLs to filter network traffic
- Configure and verify an ACLs to limit telnet and SSH access to the router
- Troubleshoot and correct common problems associated with IP addressing and host configurations.
- Troubleshootand Resolve VLAN problems
- identify that VLANs are configured
- port membership correct
- IP address configured
- Troubleshoot and Resolve trunking problems on Cisco switches
- correct trunk states
- correct encapsulation configured
- correct vlans allowed
- Troubleshoot and Resolve ACL issues
- Statistics
- Permitted networks
- Direction
- Interface
- Troubleshoot and Resolve Layer 1 problems
- Framing
- Runts
- Giants
- Dropped packets
- Late collision
- Input / Output errors
LAN Switching Technologies
- Identify enhanced switching technologies
- Etherchannels
- Configuring and verifying PVSTP operation
- Describe root bridge election
- Spanning tree mode
IP Routing Technologies
- Describing the boot process of Cisco IOS routers
- Router bootup process
- Configuring and verifying operation status of a Serial interface
- Managing Cisco IOS Files
- Booting preferences
- Cisco IOS image(s)
- Licensing
- Show license
- Change license
- Differentiate methods of routing and routing protocols
- Administrative distance
- Split horizon
- Metric
- Next hop
- Configuring and verifying OSPF (single area)
- Neighbor adjacencies
- OSPF states
- Discussing Multi area
- Configuring OSPF v2
- Configuring OSPF v3
- Router ID
- LSA types
- Configuring and verifying EIGRP (single AS)
- Feasible Distance / Feasible Successors /Administrative distance
- Feasibility condition
- Metric composition
- Router ID
- Auto summary
- Path selection
- Load balancing
- Equal
- Unequal
- Passive interface
IP Services
- Recognizing High availability (FHRP)
- Configuring and verifying Syslog
- Utilizing Syslog Output
- Describing SNMP v2 & v3
- Identify and correct common network problems
- Utilizing netflow data
- Troubleshooting and Resolving Spanning Tree operation issues
- Root switch
- Priority
- Mode is correct
- Port states
- Troubleshooting and Resolving routing issues
- Routing is enabled
- Routing table is correct
- Correct path selection
- Troubleshooting and Resolving OSPF problems
- Neighbor Adjacencies
- Hello and Dead timers
- OSPF area
- Interface MTU
- Network types
- Neighbor states
- OSPF topology database
- Troubleshooting and Resolving EIGRP problems
- neighbor adjancies
- AS number
- Load balancing
- Split horizon
- Troubleshooting and Resolving interVLAN routing problems
- Connectivity
- Encapsulation
- Subnet
- Native VLAN
- Port mode trunk status
- Troubleshooting and Resolving WAN implementation issues
- Serial interfaces
- Frame relay
- Monitor NetFlow statistics
- Troubleshoot etherchannel problems
WAN Technologies
- Identify different WAN Technologies
- Metro Ethernet
- Cellular 3G / 4G
- T1 / E1
- Frame relay
- Cable
- Configuring and verifying a basic WAN serial connection
- Configuring and verifying a PPP connection between Cisco routers
- Configuring and verifying Frame Relay on Cisco routers
- Implementing and troubleshooting PPPoE
Implementing IOS Network Security v2.0
Common Security Threats
- Common security threats
Security and Cisco Routers
- Implementing security on Cisco routers
- Securing the data, control and management plane
- Cisco Security Manager
- Transition from IPv4 to IPv6
AAA on Cisco Devices
- Implementing AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting)
- AAA functionality
- Standard, extended, and named IP IOS access control lists (ACLs) to filter packets
- Considerations when building ACLs
- Implementing IP ACLs to mitigate threats in a network
Securing Network Management and Reporting
- Securing network management
- Implementing secure network management
Common Layer 2 Attacks
- Layer 2 security using Cisco switches
- VLAN security
- Implementing VLANs and trunking
- Implementing spanning tree
Cisco Firewall Technologies
- Operational strengths and weaknesses of the different firewall technologies
- Stateful firewalls
- Types of NAT used in firewall technologies
- Implementing zone-based policy firewall using CCP
- Implementing the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA)
- Implementing Network Address Translation (NAT) and Port Address Translation (PAT)
Cisco IPS
- Considerations when deploying Cisco Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
- IPS technologies
- Configuring Cisco IOS IPS using CCP
VPN Technologies
- Different methods used in cryptography
- VPN technologies
- The building blocks of IPSec
- Implementing an IOS IPSec site-to-site VPN with pre-shared key authentication
- Verify VPN operations
- Implementing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPN using ASA device manager
I løbet af kurset forbereder vi dig for, og tester dig i, følgende eksamen:
- CCNA Exam 100-101 - Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (ICND1 v2.0)
- CCNA Exam 200-101 - Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 (ICND2 v2.0)
- Exam 640-554 - Implementing IOS Network Security v2.0
Vi er sikre på, at du vil bestå din certificering første gang. Men hvis du mod forventning ikke skulle gøre det, kan du indenfor et år komme tilbage, deltage på hele kurset, og kun betale for eventuelle overnatninger og dine eksamener. Alt andet er gratis.
Hvad er inkluderet?
Firebrand Training tilbyder kvalificerede uddannelses- og certificeringsprogram som inkluderer alt, er enkelt for kunden og udviklet med fokus på de specifikke behov som vores deltagere har. Vi sørger for, at alle detaljer er på plads, så du kun skal fokusere på dine indlærings- og certificeringsmål.
Vores kursus- og certificeringsprogram inkluderer alt med;
- Praktisk orienteret undervisning som anvender vores Præsentation|Øvelse|Diskussion metodik.
- Omfattende kursusmaterialer og labmanualer – vi tilpasser traditionelle kursusmaterialer til de specifikke krav for accelereret indlæring.
- Et helt igennem instruktørstyret program hvor du får adgang til behagelige undervisningslokaler, labudstyr og lounge miljøer 24 timer i døgnet.
- Eksamens voucher og testning på kursuscenteret.
- Overnatninger, samtlige måltider samt adgang til forfriskninger, snacks, kaffe og the.
- Vores certificeringsgaranti som indebærer, at vi giver en uvilkårlig garanti for at du opnår din certificering. Du har ret til at komme tilbage til kurset så mange gange du ønsker, indenfor de første 12 måneder, indtil du har fået din certificering. Det eneste du skal betale er eventuelle nye eksamens- og logiomkostninger.
- Transport til og fra nærmeste lufthavn/togstation både før og efter kurset.
- Cisco Official CCNAX v2.0 Courseware and Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security v2.0
Deltagere som med succes gennemfører vores Cisco CCNA & CCNA Security kursus har følgende forkundskaber:
- Erfaring med et desktop operativsystem
- Grundlæggende kendskab til netværk
Hvad Er Inkluderet
Dit accelererede kursus inkluderer:
- Overnatninger *
- Måltider, ubegrænsede snacks, drikkevarer, te og kaffe *
- On-site eksamener **
- Eksamenskuponer **
- Øvelsestests **
- Certificeringsgaranti ***
- Kursusmaterialer
- Op til 12 timers instruktørledet undervisning hver dag
- 24-timers laboratorieadgang
- Digitale kursusmaterialer **
* Gælder kun for opholdskurser. Overnatninger er inkluderet fra natten før kursusstart. Dette gælder ikke for online kurser.
** Nogle undtagelser gælder. Se venligst eksamenssporet eller tal med vores eksperter.
*** Bestå første gang eller tag kurset om gratis så mange gange som nødvendigt, ubegrænset i 1 år. Betal kun for overnatninger, eksamener og eventuelle omkostninger.
Syv grunde til at tage dit kursus hos Firebrand Training
- To træningsmuligheder. Vælg mellem opholdskurser eller onlinekurser.
- Du bliver certificeret hurtigt. Hos os bliver du trænet på rekordtid.
- Vores kursus er alt inklusive. Én fast pris dækker alle kursusmaterialer, eksamener**, overnatninger* og måltider*. Ingen skjulte omkostninger.
- Bestå første gang eller træn igen gratis. Dette er vores garanti. Vi er sikre på, at du består dit kursus første gang. Hvis ikke, kan du komme tilbage inden for et år og kun betale for overnatninger, eksamener og tilfældige omkostninger.
- Du vil lære mere. En dag hos en traditionel træningsudbyder varer normalt fra kl. 9 til 17, med en lang frokostpause. Med Firebrand Training får du mindst 12 timers kvalitetstid om dagen med din instruktør.
- Du vil lære hurtigere. Chancerne er, at du har en anden læringsstil end dem omkring dig. Vi kombinerer visuelle, auditive og taktile stilarter for at levere materialet på en måde, der sikrer, at du lærer hurtigere og lettere.
- Du vil studere med de bedste. Vi er blevet udnævnt til en af Training Industry's "Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year" hvert år siden 2010. Ud over at vinde mange flere priser, har vi trænet og certificeret over 135.000 professionelle.
* Kun for opholdskurser. Gælder ikke for onlinekurser.
** Nogle undtagelser gælder. Se venligst eksamenssporet eller tal med vores eksperter.