From 14 days
02.06.2025 (mandag)
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Vores accelererede Cisco CCIP kursus er den mest effektive måde at blive uddannet og certificeret på.
Firebrand Training er officiel Cisco Specialized Learning Partner. Det betyder, at du bliver uddannet af autoriserede Cisco instruktører, at vi anvender Cisco´s officielle kursusmateriale og at din uddannelse er kvalitetssikret.
Vi har designet vores kursusmateriale så det forbereder dig til 4 eksamener, som du tager i løbet af kurset.
Du vil lære det følgende:
- EIGRP routing protocol: understanding how EIGRP operates; configuring EIGRP for large networks; and verifying and troubleshooting EIGRP
- OSPF routing protocol: understanding how OSPF operates using multiple areas; configuring OSPF in a multi-area environment; and verifying and troubleshooting OSPF
- IS-IS routing protocol: understanding how IS-IS operates; configuring IS-IS; and verifying and troubleshooting IS-IS
- Routing between interior gateway protocols (IGPs): redistributing and filtering routes between IGPs
- BGP routing protocol: understanding how BGP operates for a small network; configuring BGP and controlling path selection; and verifying and troubleshooting BGP (this course only introduces BGP, while the BGP portion of the course fully explores BGP)
- IP Multicasts: understanding the use of multicasts and the IGMP discovery protocol; and configuring and verifying multicast routing using PIM
- IPv6: understanding IPv6 addressing; understanding how IPv6 and IPv4 can interoperate; and configuring and verifying OSPF routing using IPv6
- BGP overview: understanding BGP’s use and limitations, the concept of BGP neighbors and peering relationships, inter-domain routing and how BGP routes are propagated; and understanding how a BGP router selects paths to destinations
- Basic BGP configuration: configuring, verifying, and troubleshooting basic BGP routing between multiple autonomous systems (AS)
- BGP route selection and policy controls: understanding the need for influencing BGP route selection and configuring route selection using AS path filters, prefix list filters, and route maps; using route filtering to reduce the impact of BGP processing on a router; and configuring the route-refresh feature to reduce the impact of speeding up BGP routing updates
- BGP route selection and attributes: understanding the BGP path attributes and their influence on choosing routes and configuring the weight, local preference, multi-exit discriminator (MED), community attributes to influence route selection of BGP paths
- BGP connections between customers and ISPs: understanding the requirements for customer/ISP connections; using static routing for customer/ISP connections, and using BGP to create multiple BGP peering relationships to the same or different ISPs (multi-homing)
- BGP transit routing: understanding external BGP (EBGP) and internal BGP (IBGP) interactions and attributes that affect it; understanding how an IGP is used to forward packets through an AS; and configuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting an AS acting as a transit backbone
- BGP route reflectors: understanding the function and operating of route reflectors; using route reflectors in a hierarchical design; and configuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting a route reflector configuration
- Advanced BGP configuration tasks: limiting the number of prefixes (routes) accepted from a BGP neighbor; pre-pending AS path values to influence path selection through multiple neighboring autonomous systems; creating BGP peer groups to share common parameters; and implementing route flap dampening to minimize the impact of route changes on BGP processing on routers
- BGP scalability for ISPs: understanding concerns for an ISP network; implementing OSPF or IS-IS for IGP connectivity; and understanding scalability issues ISPs will experience when using BGP and common solutions to deal with these issues
- Quality of service (QoS) overview: understanding issues that can create problems for networks with mixed traffic types and understanding available solutions and their implementations
- QoS components: understanding the QoS models available, including DiffServer; understanding DSCP and how it interoperates with IP-precedence-based devices; and understanding common mechanisms used for implementing QoS
- Modular QoS CLI (MQC) and Auto-QoS: implementing QoS policies using MQC and understanding how Auto-QoS is used and its implementation
- Classification and Marking: understanding how data link and network layer packet markings are used to define service classes for different applications; understanding how to classify packets correctly using MQC; understanding how to use class-based marking to assign traffic to a service class; understanding Cisco’s network-based application recognition (NBAR) feature; understanding why pre-classifying traffic in a VPN-based network is important; understanding how QoS trust boundaries can impact the classification and marking of traffic; and defining the different classification and marking options supported by Cisco IOS layer 2 and layer 3 devices
- Congestion management methods: comparing and contrasting the different queuing algorithms; understanding the hardware and software queuing solutions (WFQ, CBWFQ, and LLQ) on Cisco routers and how they can be affected by congestion and tuning; configuring queuing solutions on Cisco routers; and comparing queuing solutions on Cisco routers to the Catalyst 2950 switches
- Congestion avoidance methods: understanding the issues of tail dropping as a congestion control mechanism; understanding the elements of RED traffic profiling and how weighted random early detection (WRED) can be used to prevent congestion; understanding how ECN interacts with WRED on Cisco devices; and configuring and monitoring DSCP-based CB-WRED
- Traffic policing and shaping: understanding how traffic condition uses traffic policing and shaping and their differences; understanding how devices measure traffic rates using single- or dual-rate token bucket models; configuring and monitoring single- and dual-rate CB-policing, understanding how average and peak rate can be used to rate limit traffic; and configuring and monitoring CB-shaping and adaptive CB-shaping in Frame Relay
- Link-efficiency mechanisms: comparing and contrasting link efficiency mechanisms; configuring and monitoring CB header compression; determining proper fragment sizes based on link speed and traffic delay requirements; configuring and monitoring multilink PPP with interleaving and FRF.12 on Cisco routers.
- QoS best practices: understanding the QoS requirements for many different applications; understanding the delay, jitter, bandwidth, and packet loss requirements for various types of traffic; and knowing the best practices for QoS solutions in LAN and WAN environments
- MPLS overview: understanding the technology and concepts of MPLS, including labels and label stacking, as well as identifying MPLS-based applications
- MPLS operation: understanding the concepts and behaviors in MPLS networks of Label Distribution in Frame-mode, LC-ATM interfaces, and VC merge; understanding MPLS label allocation, distribution, and retention modes; and understanding the LDP neighbor discovery process
- Frame-Mode and Cell-Mode MPLS implementations: understanding CEF switching; configuring and monitoring frame-mode MPLS on Cisco devices; configuring and monitoring, label-controlled ATM MPLS; and configuring and monitoring LC-ATM MPLS over ATM virtual paths
- MPLS and VPNs: understanding an overview of VPN technologies; using overlay with peer-to-peer VPNs; understanding the MPLS VPN categorization, architecture, and routing models; being familiar with the MPLS VPN features of Cisco devices; configuring and monitoring MPLS VPNs on Cisco devices using VRF tables, MP-BGP sessions, small scale routing protocols; using the VRF import and export features; understanding overlapping VPNs, central service VPNs, and managed CE router services; and understanding internet access from a VPN, including Internet access topologies and implementation methods
Vi er sikre på, at du vil bestå din certificering første gang. Men hvis du mod forventning ikke skulle gøre det, kan du indenfor et år komme tilbage, deltage på hele kurset, og kun betale for eventuelle overnatninger og dine eksamener. Alt andet er gratis.
I løbet af kurset forbereder vi dig for, og tester dig i, de følgende eksamener:
During this program for Cisco CCIP Certification, the student will take a total of four (4) examinations as outlined below.
- Exam Number: 642-901 BSCI
- Associated Certifications: CCIP
- Duration: 90 minutes (60-70 questions)
The BSCI 642-901 is a qualifying exam for the CCIP certification. It tests a candidate’s knowledge and skills necessary to use advanced IP addressing and routing in implementing scalable layer 3 networks using Cisco routers. The exam covers topics include advanced IP addressing, basic and advanced routing principles, multicast routing, IPv6, manipulating and controlling routing updates, configuring basic BGP, and configuring EIGRP, OSPF, and IS-IS interior gateway protocols.
- Exam Number: 642-661 BGP
- Associated Certifications: CCIP
- Duration: 90 minutes (60-70 questions)
The BGP 642-661 exam is a qualifying exam for the CCIP certification. It tests a candidate's understanding of the theory of BGP, how to configure and manage BGP on Cisco IOS routers, and troubleshooting on BGP. The focus of BGP on this exam is its use in enterprise and ISP environments.
- Exam Number: 642-642 QOS
- Associated Certifications: CCIP
- Duration: 90 minutes (60-70 questions)
The QOS 642-642 exam is a qualifying exam for the CCIP certification. It tests a candidate’s knowledge and skills necessary to configure and troubleshoot Cisco IOS routers running Quality of Service protocols in enterprise and ISP and enterprise organizations. The exam covers topics on IP QoS include classification and marking mechanisms, queuing mechanisms, traffic shaping and policing mechanisms, congestion avoidance mechanisms, link efficiency mechanisms, the modular QoS command line interface, and QoS best recommendations and practices.
- Exam Number: 642-611 MPLS
- Associated Certifications: CCIP
- Duration: 90 minutes (60-70 questions)
The MPLS 642-611 exam is a qualifying exam for the CCIP certification. It tests a candidate’s knowledge and skills necessary to implement and maintain a network using or interface with MPLS, including traffic engineering, fast rerouting, and using MPLS as a transport. The exam covers topics on MPLS concepts, MPLS label assignment and distribution, frame-mode/cell-mode MPLS implementation on Cisco IOS devices, and MPLS VPN technology and implementation.
Hvad er inkluderet?
Firebrand Training tilbyder kvalificerede uddannelses- og certificeringsprogram som inkluderer alt, er enkelt for kunden og udviklet med fokus på de specifikke behov som vores deltagere har. Vi sørger for, at alle detaljer er på plads, så du kun skal fokusere på dine indlærings- og certificeringsmål.
Vores kursus- og certificeringsprogram inkluderer alt med;
- Praktisk orienteret undervisning som anvender vores Præsentation|Øvelse|Diskussion metodik
- Omfattende kursusmaterialer og labmanualer
- Et helt igennem instruktørstyret program med 24 timers adgang til både undervisningslokale, labudstyr og instruktøren
- Eksamens vouchers og testning på kursuscenteret
- Overnatninger, samtlige måltider samt adgang til forfriskninger, snacks, kaffe og the
- Vores certificeringsgaranti som indebærer, at vi giver en uvilkårlig garanti for at du opnår din certificering. Du har ret til at komme tilbage til kurset så mange gange du ønsker, indenfor de første 12 måneder, indtil du har fået din certificering. Det eneste du skal betale er eventuelle nye eksamens- og logiomkostninger
- Transport til og fra nærmeste lufthavn/togstation både før og efter kurset
Deltagere som med succes gennemfører vores Cisco CCIP kursus har følgende forkundskaber:
- God praktisk forståelse af TCP/IP, subnets samt viden om og færdigheder indenfor OSI modellen
- Basal forståelse for routing koncepter
- Gyldig CCNA certificering
Hvad Er Inkluderet
Dit accelererede kursus inkluderer:
- Overnatninger *
- Måltider, ubegrænsede snacks, drikkevarer, te og kaffe *
- On-site eksamener **
- Eksamenskuponer **
- Øvelsestests **
- Certificeringsgaranti ***
- Kursusmaterialer
- Op til 12 timers instruktørledet undervisning hver dag
- 24-timers laboratorieadgang
- Digitale kursusmaterialer **
* Gælder kun for opholdskurser. Overnatninger er inkluderet fra natten før kursusstart. Dette gælder ikke for online kurser.
** Nogle undtagelser gælder. Se venligst eksamenssporet eller tal med vores eksperter.
*** Bestå første gang eller tag kurset om gratis så mange gange som nødvendigt, ubegrænset i 1 år. Betal kun for overnatninger, eksamener og eventuelle omkostninger.
Syv grunde til at tage dit kursus hos Firebrand Training
- To træningsmuligheder. Vælg mellem opholdskurser eller onlinekurser.
- Du bliver certificeret hurtigt. Hos os bliver du trænet på rekordtid.
- Vores kursus er alt inklusive. Én fast pris dækker alle kursusmaterialer, eksamener**, overnatninger* og måltider*. Ingen skjulte omkostninger.
- Bestå første gang eller træn igen gratis. Dette er vores garanti. Vi er sikre på, at du består dit kursus første gang. Hvis ikke, kan du komme tilbage inden for et år og kun betale for overnatninger, eksamener og tilfældige omkostninger.
- Du vil lære mere. En dag hos en traditionel træningsudbyder varer normalt fra kl. 9 til 17, med en lang frokostpause. Med Firebrand Training får du mindst 12 timers kvalitetstid om dagen med din instruktør.
- Du vil lære hurtigere. Chancerne er, at du har en anden læringsstil end dem omkring dig. Vi kombinerer visuelle, auditive og taktile stilarter for at levere materialet på en måde, der sikrer, at du lærer hurtigere og lettere.
- Du vil studere med de bedste. Vi er blevet udnævnt til en af Training Industry's "Top 20 IT Training Companies of the Year" hvert år siden 2010. Ud over at vinde mange flere priser, har vi trænet og certificeret over 135.000 professionelle.
* Kun for opholdskurser. Gælder ikke for onlinekurser.
** Nogle undtagelser gælder. Se venligst eksamenssporet eller tal med vores eksperter.
Forespørgsel om dato
Beklager, der er i øjeblikket ingen tilgængelige datoer for dette kursus, så send venligst en forespørgsel, og et af vores team vil kontakte dig om potentielle fremtidige datoer eller alternative muligheder.
De kontaktoplysninger, du giver, giver os mulighed for at besvare din forespørgsel og kontakte dig om vores produkter og tjenester. Du kan til enhver tid afmelde dig disse meddelelser. For oplysninger om, hvordan du afmelder dig, samt vores privatlivspraksis og forpligtelse til at beskytte dit privatliv, bedes du læse vores fortrolighedserklæring.