Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Security Governance at Scale



Kun 2 dage



Klasseværelse / Online / Hybrid

Næste dato

Næste dato:

24/6/2024 (Mandag)


Her er Firebrand Training review afsnit. Siden 2001 har vi trænet præcist 134.561 studerende og professionelle og bedt dem alle om at gennemgå vores Accelerated Learning. Lige nu har 96,41% sagt, at Firebrand har overgået deres forventninger.

Læs anmeldelser fra de seneste accelererede kurser nedenfor, eller besøg Firebrand Stories for skriftlige og videointerviews med vores alumner.

"Very impressed with the dedication from the instructor and how well structured the sessions are. The course is very intense since it''s only 3 days long, however, the quality of the training makes it worthwhile. I''d recommend going in person since you will find it much easier to focus and likely get more out of the course overall."
Simon Brown, Softcat. (8/9/2023 (Fredag) til 10/9/2023 (Søndag))

"Enrolling in Firebrand Training''s AWS Solution Architect Associate course online instructor-led program was an outstanding decision for my career. The course was not only comprehensive but also delivered by highly knowledgeable instructors who made complex AWS concepts easy to grasp. The interactive nature of the online sessions and the practical hands-on labs ensured that I gained a deep understanding of AWS solutions and best practices. I can confidently say that Firebrand Training played a pivotal role in helping me achieve AWS Solution Architect Associate certification. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to excel in AWS cloud architecture."
Omar Anwar. (4/9/2023 (Mandag) til 7/9/2023 (Torsdag))

"Course provided all the key knowledge required to prepare me for my organisation currently introducing AWS migrations"
AB, Marketaxess. (31/7/2023 (Mandag) til 1/8/2023 (Tirsdag))

"Trainer was excellent, a lot of information, great experience"
Olawale Abdullahi, BPP University. (31/7/2023 (Mandag) til 1/8/2023 (Tirsdag))

"The trainer provided excellent delivery and commitment to enabling me to understand the AWS platform, services and how they interact with each other. the topics where discussed in great depth with live demos and real world analogies and examples to help embed the knowledge rather than just reading from a slide deck. the course is extremely intense but the way the content delivery was structured with a mix of slides, live demos, labs and open classroom discussions helped enable me to gain a great insight into the AWS platform."
Matthew Bingham, Softcat PLC. (24/7/2023 (Mandag) til 27/7/2023 (Torsdag))







19/2/2024 (Mandag)

20/2/2024 (Tirsdag)

Afsluttet - Giv feedback



24/6/2024 (Mandag)

25/6/2024 (Tirsdag)




5/8/2024 (Mandag)

6/8/2024 (Tirsdag)

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16/9/2024 (Mandag)

17/9/2024 (Tirsdag)

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28/10/2024 (Mandag)

29/10/2024 (Tirsdag)

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9/12/2024 (Mandag)

10/12/2024 (Tirsdag)

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